Man that`s one good and hilarious theory. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
MASTER-SEPHIROTH said:Okay you guys are all pathetic little children. If some guy is coming at you with a scyth you wouldnt laugh saying " aduuruuur its pink and thats gay duuuur" like a moron you would run youre ass of or youre head would be choped off. also look at who else has a scyth.
I mean come on the freakin grim reaper, & you little woman think just because the metal is pink that it's gay. Well i got news for ya i'm more of aman then any of you & i wear pink you litlle gays. Also its a weapon who cares if its pink deal with it also axels power is kinda unoriginal, cool, but unoriginal. I mean come on maluxia has power over agriculter you know Nature if youre not retarted.........ohh yeah i forgot you are. Well anyway i think they were trying to make a grim reaper with him & i think hes awsome. Also why do you think hes gay, because he has a weapon thats pink...........because thats the only reason somone might call him nothing to back it up, Thats sad.