Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Well of course is kinda better that 2006. You know, is only like 5 or 6 more months of waitin, if we have been waitin years, 6 months is nothing. So im glad that we gonna get the game this year!
All you have to do is get your parents to buy it for Christmas. Not all parents will just buy a game out of the blue for you....but they will if it's Christmas or your B-Day.
i was kinda expecting this... i was hoping it would be out in october cuz then i can buy it and not have to wait a few days/weeks before my rents finaly gave it to me. ive been waiting for a few years with no choice but even that long with another option will totaly stink
Hmm...I'm totally disregarding Christmas...I'm getting it the day it hits the stores. I'm paying the $50 dollars myself O.< I don't want to wait any longer.
It would be awesome if it came out on my birthday, it's Dec. 11, do you think it's likely?
yeah its going to be a world wide release date so everyone will be able to buy it at the same time. december 11th is ur b-day well its stil in the Fall but who knows its possible
i've said this a bunch but it sux that they are most likely releasing it on the last week of the year i think thats annoying
it'll probaly be wiped outta the store by the time i get there!the holiday rush is horrible!"i'll take 5 copies of kh2!one 4 joe,1 for susie,one for mr. nick,and two for me!"uhhh!i want the game soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo