I am 100% torn on that.
On one hand, I have dreamed of seeing Pocahontas in KH3 for YEARS. I love the film, I love the story, I love the music, I love the characters.
On the other hand, I know how what kind of reputation follows the film and how historically inaccurate it is. It is an insult to truth of what happened to Native Americans, and specifically Pocahontas, when the British arrived on the American shores. It romanticizes John Smith despite having been a repugnant man. It also rewards Disney for actively rejecting help from the Powhatan people who were willing to work with the studio to craft the screenplay.
But again, I LOVE THE MOVIE SO MUCH. I want to see how Pocahontas' style would be rendered by the Kingdom Shaders and how they'd approach the story.
It's a major problem with the adult in me wanting to dislike Pocahontas on principle and the kid in me who was mesmerized by the film when she was so lucky to go to a special pre-screening with footage that wasn't in the theatrical release...and being Pocahontas for every Halloween until I was like 10...And having a Pocahontas poster over my bed...and playing the film over so much the VHS broke and my mom had to buy me a new copy...
I love it so much ;A;
But say there was a choice: Pocahontas or say...Atlantis? I'd pick Atlantis in a heartbeat because I think it is 1) the less offensive film and 2) the more fitting movie thematically.
I still want it and I have dreams of Sora standing on the top of the waterfall and jumping down to smash Heartless in the face, and running through the trees and meeting Grandmother Willow. ;~;