Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Pete being the MAIN Villan... I think he should just like be a side-kick villan... He's too funny lookin to be the main villan... That's just what I think
card based battle system,gummi ship boss battles,riku dying,sora dying,the rikku from ffx-2 being in the game,turn based battle system,the battle system in ffx-2,and destiney islands or traverse town being destroyed.hav i wrote too much?
i think the worst thing that could happen is that the Sora/Kairi pairing established in KH1 turns into a Sora/Namine pairing. *shudders* i like Sora and Kairi together too much to let that happen!
and the other worst thing that could happen is a main character death. if Kairi or Riku kicked the bucket, i would throw a tantrum and then cry.
putting sora together with namine, that lame card system coming back, kill one of the main characters, making leon and his buddys, cloud and sephiroth not appear
The worst thing that could possibly happen would be Square-Enix letting all of the worlds fall to the cutting-room floor; except for Atlantica. The entire story of KH2- underwater, in a terribly realized environment and a control scheme which makes you want to kill yourself!
Reely, reely, bad camera angels, reely reely bad voice acting, bad story, the abilltys are harder to get to, way to much thanking, way to litttel thinking, and the big black shrom is in the red health.
haveing any main characters die, the story being to confusing to understand, pirates of the caribean looking like crap(animation graphics) umm, and having sora actiong like a totally different person(sora's too good of a guy in KH1 to change his personality, but he can be more mature i guess) sorry if i didnt make much sense...lol ^_^
haha bhk's sidekicks being complete horrible sidekicks friedns whatever like christopher robin ha or something or....all of donalds nephews!! ha and yeah the stupid card system someone not have to be main dying and PLUTO LEAVING US AGAIN that dog better stay or something i mena i love him but still dont run! oh and one last thing picking horrible voice actors for the other charcters like namine'