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Worth it?

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Leper Messiah

New member
Nov 19, 2009
Hey guys, just a quick question for those of you with the game already. I don't own a 3ds but have been contemplating getting one for awhile. I've read some reviews and they all say the game is damn good, but I just wanna hear someone actually telling me that.

So, does anyone think I should use this as my excuse to go pick up the 3ds and the game? Or is it not good enough? Thanks guys.


New member
Apr 7, 2007
Hey guys, just a quick question for those of you with the game already. I don't own a 3ds but have been contemplating getting one for awhile. I've read some reviews and they all say the game is damn good, but I just wanna hear someone actually telling me that.

So, does anyone think I should use this as my excuse to go pick up the 3ds and the game? Or is it not good enough? Thanks guys.

I bought my 3DS last Year on Xmas and my first Reason, out of all other Reasons was simply KINGDOM HEARTS.
I am honest, I also imported a Japanese 3DS with KH3D just for KH3D.

So yes, the Game is worth the buy of a 3DS, at least in my eyes.
There are other good titles which can be awesome too, like Mario, Zelda or Sonic.
So the 3DS is a good Handheld with at least Kingdom Hearts 3D.

And with the 3DS you can buy and play DS Games too, for example KH Days and Re:Coded! :)

The Game really is worth the play and I never regretted the import of the Japanese 3DS for actually one game! :D

Reagan Rayden

Exploding Man
Dec 29, 2005
If you're only buying the system for 3D and nothing else ever then no. But if you plan on buying other games down the road as well then yes, buy it.

Leper Messiah

New member
Nov 19, 2009
Marduk, thanks for your input, I've had my eye on those games for awhile just never felt completely compelled to get it.

Reagan. That's basically how I feel. This is only game that I really WANT, but there's there's games for the 3DS that I would have gotten if I owned the system, they just weren't enough to convince me to go out and buy a 3DS. KH3D is the first title that's gotten me to seriously consider getting it.

I've been lucky so far that I've had the systems the games came out on. This is the first time I have to decide. :(

Dark Wing

Jun 13, 2010
The Internet
i bought my 3ds strictly with the intention of getting kingdom hearts but also knowing that down the line there are going to be plenty of other games worth playing on it so i say yes, well worth it


New member
Apr 7, 2007
Marduk, thanks for your input, I've had my eye on those games for awhile just never felt completely compelled to get it.

Reagan. That's basically how I feel. This is only game that I really WANT, but there's there's games for the 3DS that I would have gotten if I owned the system, they just weren't enough to convince me to go out and buy a 3DS. KH3D is the first title that's gotten me to seriously consider getting it.

I've been lucky so far that I've had the systems the games came out on. This is the first time I have to decide. :(

Okay I am the rare Type of guy who is willing to buy something, even if there is only one thing I really want.
I have several consoles here, just for one or two games, but I am happy that I am in possession of them.

Same goes for the 3DS, in fact the one and only reason was KH3D, but still I was happy to play Super Mario 3D Land, which was also pretty awesome, or for my urge to play Sonic there was Sonic Generations.

Since there are always coming new Games to play, this Handheld has some Games worth playing.

But oh well, everyone has to decide this by them selves in the end, I can tell you that, when KH is coming for PlayStation Vita, I will try my best and gather up some money, just for that game, to get a PS Vita.

Insane? Maybe, but I am happy and satisfied for months or even years, just because the reason to have it.


We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
I'm going to have to agree with Marduk here, it really depends on how satisfied you'll be in the end. I bought the 3DS just for KH3D, and I bought a PSP just for BbS (though I did import the limited edition PSP for Japan so that made the purchase more worthwhile ;D). BbS and 3D are my favorite and second favorite KH games respectively, and I think they are outstanding showcases of how amazing the KH series can be, even when it isn't on a main console, so I am very pleased that I bought a 3DS and PSP for the games because without the systems, I wouldn't have played my 2 favorites in the series thus far.

So in our cases (Marduk and I), we don't regret it, however, if you think that you will buy it eventually just for KH and regret it after not getting anything else, I have to advise against it. What I would do if I were you is if you cannot borrow someone else's 3DS that you know, wait until another game comes out that looks really good to you on the 3DS, and then if both games convince you to get a 3DS, get one and buy KH3D when that happens. However, don't prematurely rush into it and put down hundreds of dollars if there is even a hint of a chance that you'll end up regretting it :(


Staff member
Sep 23, 2010
KH3D was really fun. The game itself, not even including the story, was really fun. Do not buy a 3DS just for this game though.


New member
Aug 1, 2012
Realm of Sleep
Hey guys, just a quick question for those of you with the game already. I don't own a 3ds but have been contemplating getting one for awhile. I've read some reviews and they all say the game is damn good, but I just wanna hear someone actually telling me that.

So, does anyone think I should use this as my excuse to go pick up the 3ds and the game? Or is it not good enough? Thanks guys.
I think it depends on how much of a fan you are. It is a phenomenal game. But is Kingdom Hearts important enough for you to buy a new platform?


New member
Dec 31, 2004
In your head
Kingdom Hearts 3D is a must have, and I'd have bought it even if it was the only 3D game I was ever going to play. My only complaint would be that the 3D effect is eye burning to the point I can't stand to even use it most of the time. Also if you prefer the larger systems, and it's not already released where you live already, I would wait until the Nintendo 3DS XL is out.


Silver Member
Apr 21, 2005
Robotnik Land - Home of Pingas
Well, this was what it was look for me at E3 when the 3DS was announced:
The overall system: I'm curious as to how the 3D looks in real life...
Ocarina of Time remake: Hmm, interesting.
Kid Icarus Uprising: Holy crap, that game looks awesome! If there are other neat games announced, I might get the system.
Kingdom Hearts 3D: ......Sold.

My only complaint would be that the 3D effect is eye burning to the point I can't stand to even use it most of the time.

Am I the only person who has literally NO problem with the 3D in the 3DS at all? Seriously, all these people are complaining about "eye burning 3D" and all that, the 3D never really hurt me. Heck, even when playing in the dark I'll have the game in full blast 3D and I'm all good. :/


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
Well, this was what it was look for me at E3 when the 3DS was announced:
The overall system: I'm curious as to how the 3D looks in real life...
Ocarina of Time remake: Hmm, interesting.
Kid Icarus Uprising: Holy crap, that game looks awesome! If there are other neat games announced, I might get the system.
Kingdom Hearts 3D: ......Sold.

Am I the only person who has literally NO problem with the 3D in the 3DS at all? Seriously, all these people are complaining about "eye burning 3D" and all that, the 3D never really hurt me. Heck, even when playing in the dark I'll have the game in full blast 3D and I'm all good. :/

No you're not, I have never had issue with the 3D on. I always have it full blast no matter what I am playing. Only time I turn it off is when I have friends looking over my shoulder to see what I am playing, because if I don't then they can't really see :p

But on the topic at hand, pretty much what everyone else has said. Like I already have quite a few awesome games for the 3DS, and there are even more coming out that I really want. KH3D was the "selling point" to me, but you should definitely consider using it for other games, too. It has quite an awesome library of games imo.


We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
Am I the only person who has literally NO problem with the 3D in the 3DS at all? Seriously, all these people are complaining about "eye burning 3D" and all that, the 3D never really hurt me. Heck, even when playing in the dark I'll have the game in full blast 3D and I'm all good. :/

It depends how strong your eyes muscles are. The stronger they are, the longer you can play at full blast before feeling its effects. Everyone will have their eyes hurt after playing the 3DS, but some can last A LOT longer than others (I can go about 26 hours of uninterrupted gaming before my eyes feel tired, my cousin can only go 6). As long as you stop playing and take a break before your limit, your eyes should get better without you even noticing it.


Silver Member
Oct 3, 2008
For me, I bought PS3 when FFXIII-2 released, and 3DS for KH3D.
But I will still search for another game for that particular console <3


The Radiant Hero
Jun 23, 2009
Am I the only person who has literally NO problem with the 3D in the 3DS at all? Seriously, all these people are complaining about "eye burning 3D" and all that, the 3D never really hurt me. Heck, even when playing in the dark I'll have the game in full blast 3D and I'm all good. :/
Same here. My eyes have no trouble with the 3D. I always play with the 3D on full blast and I've never felt the slightest discomfort. The only thing that hurts my eyes is playing in full 3D and then throwing the slider down all the way to 2D, but that's only momentary, and I don't think you're supposed to do that anyway.

But on the topic at hand, pretty much what everyone else has said. Like I already have quite a few awesome games for the 3DS, and there are even more coming out that I really want. KH3D was the "selling point" to me, but you should definitely consider using it for other games, too. It has quite an awesome library of games imo.
I agree. At least for me, one game is never worth a system, regardless of how good it is. No game is worth $200+ (which is what a 3DS and KH would cost). I'll borrow somebody's system if I want to play just one game (did that with BbS). However, the 3DS has a lot of fantastic games, and there are many more coming out within the next year. I would take a look at what else is out there. If you like what you see, make the investment.

I'm personally stoked for Fire Emblem and Professor Layton, and of course the new Marios and the inevitable Zelda. And Kid Icarus and MK are great for multiplayer. Plus there's downloadable stuff to consider, like Virtual Console oldies and awesome original games like Pushmo. By all means, get a 3DS, just don't do it for KH alone.

Leper Messiah

New member
Nov 19, 2009
So yeah. I wound up getting it. I'd been looking forward to the game for awhile and I just couldn't resist. I'll probably actually use it for other games to so it won't be a waste.

Thanks for your input everyone.


New member
Mar 19, 2012
So yeah. I wound up getting it. I'd been looking forward to the game for awhile and I just couldn't resist. I'll probably actually use it for other games to so it won't be a waste.

Thanks for your input everyone.

And I'm sure you won't regret it:] Have fun playing!
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