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Would you be in favor of Original/Square Enix worlds in replace of Disney worlds?



keeps leaving X-mas decor up year-round.
Oct 21, 2011
Also, Nomura is subject to change his stance on his own made-up "rules". Just because he has said there never be an FF world, doesn't mean he can't change his mind. We've seen his opinions grow and change from the start of KH, whether it be towards the characters, whether it affects game's writing, etc.

In just the same way he can Disney-fy characters, I'm sure there's a creative team capable enough of Disney-fying an FF world or merely a location within any numbered universe's world, such as Cosmo Canyon or Lindblum (hell, there's a more all ages FFIX animated series being spun right now). See: Deep Space / Olympus Colosseum, etc. I'd never get my hopes up for it, but it's definitely not impossible, and as we run into more of the same Disney properties re-used again and again, it's an accessible avenue towards injecting more variety.


Well-known member
May 14, 2017
East Coast, USA
No, just... no.
At this point, Nomura's let all his fame go to his head. He's going to likely prioritize very popular Disney stuff above all else (Which means the worlds are WORSE because of Disney's protectiveness) and likely shirk off all the final fantasy elements save for magic and brief allusions like the freaking constellations in III. If he were interested in finding the perfect balance, KH 2 and 3 could've been very different (imagine Figaro Castle in Agrabah, Red XIII in pride lands, Lightning in KH 3's Olympus Colliseum!!!) and achieving the meld he wanted for the series from day one. One of the main draws to the series was that it was a Disney game, using recognizable characters to sell.

That being said, I'm not opposed to more original worlds. I love Hollow Bastion and how we see it go through various states throughout the timeline (it's ruined state in 1, partially fixed in 2, and completed in 3. If there was another place for final fantasy characters to meet up, I'm not opposed to it.

Grey Skies

Mar 16, 2020
Both original and Disney worlds can be fantastic or terrible. There's so much more that goes into them than whether they're original or Disney.

Ballad of Caius

Player 💀
Jan 4, 2014
If they were to go that route as a script flip, it'd prolly be like Quadratum being an alternate Versus XIII. Familiar but very different. Not in the "KH reimaginings of the originals" way but like peering into a universe where Cloud had a completely different name and design.
I feel like the closest we might get to SE property worlds is a TWEWY world and FF worlds, but with original designs a la Quadratum. I can perfectly see a FF4 based world with minimal design changes to the main characters.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2019
Why replace when I could just have characters show up in worlds that are relevant? Like Kid (Chrono Cross) in Quadratum, or Faris (FF5) in Port Royal.


"There's always money in the banana stand."
Staff member
May 9, 2007
The End of Time
If they presented the Disney worlds more in line with how they were handled in KH1, I would like them better. They're honestly my least favorite part of the series overall (which I know is a weird thing to say since SO much Kingdom Hearts is Disney worlds).

I don't "hate" them, but I'm definitely more a Square fan than a Disney fan, and the original worlds always end up being some of my favorites as well. It definitely sucked having pretty much no FF or TWEWY in KH3 at all aside from a couple dialogue nods (not gonna count the DLC, haven't bought it because it's overpriced).

I just want to see some of that Square love return to the series in general. It was originally a neat and never thought of/asked for crossover of two beloved properties, and it feels crappy when one of the two items of crossover ends up completely ditched in some of the games.


New member
Dec 7, 2021
I would never want Disney worlds to go, they were also a big draw for me although I confess that KH3 really soured me in them. KH3's problem wasn't overusing disney worlds, if anything they got it pretty right on that, it was under utilising Original worlds. techzpod.com mobdro app

Deleted member 246005

There's no replacing Disney characters. I'd say that even they have the potential of having used to the plot than just...being there.
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The Disney worlds have come to a point where, like Final Fantasy characters, they just don't seem necessary to the plot.
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I'm still retaining hope for Disney characters, but I've just lost hope in Disney worlds & relevancy the moment Corona took the stage. All this talk of collecting the Princesses of heart, recreating a heart, finding the chest throughout the worlds, and they didn't really amount to anything in the end.

I feel like it's because of Disney's mass restriction that took hold through most of the worlds and therefore Nomura couldn't use the creativity of Disney worlds to his fullest extent. But, what about worlds based off of Final Fantasy or rather...Square Enix worlds in general? (I'd honestly want worlds based on other video games outside of Square...but that's asking too much.) I doubt it'll ever happen, but say, Nomura would have the creative freedom on worlds based around his own creations & characters, like worlds based off of Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger & Dragon Quest (Those are just Square properties on the top of my head.

I don't know if Nomura actually owns or directs them). Would you be in favor of them to say replace the meaningless Disney worlds? I mean...they do open up the possibility of overall story integration, like the days of KH1 & 2's Space Paranoids. Plus like KH1's Hollow Bastion, they would open up some dungeon-esque areas and worlds.
Ironically 15 year old me would say yes after he played KH2 for the 4th time. However 30 year old me the lapsed KH fan would say no. The original plot and characters aren't enough of a draw anymore. I wanna like them but they don't hold a candle to FF or Disney on their own.

So a compromise would be a spinoff that is original worlds only. You could use Verum Rex for that and see how it goes. Other characters like TAV or the Twilight gang are also applicable. They don't have as strong a connection to the Disney characters that Sora and Riku do.

But I'd still want Yozora to meet Oswald the Rabbit, Mortimer Mouse, Kuzco and Pacha and other Disney staples so I wouldn't want them to leave wholesale. I rather just use them better and 3 is a step in the right direction.

I don't know enough of Square's other titles to want them included. The only one I really want is the Bouncer but that's just cause the main character looks like an older version of Sora. You could do something interesting with that. ;)

Maybe just do more with the World Ends With You? They are already canon so you might as well use them.
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New member
Jul 20, 2021
Honestly with Qudratum becoming a thing I just hope it happens overall the Disney worlds don't add anything to soras character Development in truth with the Acceptions Being Kingdom Hearts 1 dream drop distance and the grid in KH2 and beast castle also in KH2. it's different for the manga but as for the games I'm afraid not but anytime Final Fantasy or Square characters are involved they almost always contribute to the main story and plot honestly that's why it's necessary that's why I think adding them back in and adding worlds for these properties is necessary.

Also I'm aware many people go but Disney is the draw of Kingdom Hearts you're halfway right but not completely the draw of Kingdom Hearts is Final Fantasy or Square Enix has anime anime and manga influence and style as well as jrpgs like Final Fantasy especially the Final Fantasy influence that is there even without those characters due to its gameplay and the Final Fantasy characters as well as the original Kingdom Hearts characters characters designed to fit between both Disney and Final Fantasy despite they really don't mix with Disney aside from that designed to fit with both companies has a merger as a child of both companies the point and the draw of Kingdom Hearts is these two beloved companies coming together and mixing and adding their strengths and weaknesses even Kingdom Hearts 3 still has a s*** ton a final fantasy influence without those characters because even if Kingdom Hearts and never had Final Fantasy characters it would still be a Disney in Final Fantasy crossover due to its gameplay which is literally what was the term BAE Systems of Final Fantasy translated into an action role-playing game the draw is the Final Fantasy characters to draw is the Disney characters it is both that's why every game has Disney and Square Enix on the box it is a Final Fantasy game and it is sort of a Disney game it is both It's the Best of Both Worlds and it's something I'm sick of people not understanding about this series a lot of people seem to get hung up on the obit Disney owns this and that and I'm like Disney will own everything or Warner Brothers will so it really doesn't matter not only that but it's still it is still made by Square Enix it is still developed by them it's written by their people and the characters are designed by their people it is a Final Fantasy game regardless of this it is a Disney game due to the Disney inclusions the draw is seeing these two honestly not that different properties and universes merge tying two worlds together east and west and yeah Kingdom Hearts could go without Final Fantasy characters but if it does at this point give her to the Disney characters since if you don't need the Final Fantasy characters get rid of the Disney characters because the way they're handled is honestly making me think they've overstayed their welcome and I know anytime I say this people get on my ass but I'm sorry I have to speak the truth on this it'll be better and it'll benefit the series more to go on a slightly darker Direction and give Disney up break and at the least do I think Kingdom Hearts will forever go without Disney no not really especially since as I said Disney will most likely buy everything until until there's nothing they can buy anymore and someone smart enough and Rich enough to make competition again for them and then it becomes a war my point is it's both and it's Final Fantasy influences something a lot of people under playing under State and I will forever reiterate and point out all of the influences of that series on Kingdom Hearts and why it is important especially with what quadratum is after all many things were teased in the forms of Easter eggs and so forth in Kingdom Hearts 3 that thing may be going through with that in fact most likely especially with all of the vs13 parallels ties to Final Fantasy XIII and the other entries in the fabula Nova crystallis things like einhander so it might become more Disney in Final Fantasy and maybe maybe someday and in fact I hope it does at least for a short time where the Square Enix stuff overtakes the Disney stuff for a while mostly so people can see and stop under plane just how much Final Fantasy has had an influence on the series anyway that's my two cents also I used text to speech so sorry if anything gets misspelled or mistranslated.


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
^ In regards to what you said about Disney buying everything, I'm surprised they haven't thought about buying Square Enix. They really went all out trying to make a successful foray in gaming recently with Disney Infinity, but finally conceded defeat. Looking to buy up a company that is successful in the gaming business seems like something they would do and since Disney already have that connection to Square with KH, that would be the first place they would look at with that possibility in mind.

It's similar to how WDAS always had a problem making new animated properties that appealed to boys successful (they flopped over and over with things like Treasure Planet, Atlantis, even the more recent stuff like WIR and BH6, while not flops, failed to make an impact the way Frozen, Moana, Tangled all did), and then Disney just bought up all of PIXAR, Marvel, and Star Wars which could scratch that itch. That may be why almost all the WDAS films are female-driven now, Disney lets that part of the company focus on what is guaranteed to work there and let the others they bought handle appealing to boys, that way they're able to dominate every demo.