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Would you prefer if Union X wasn’t connected to the story?


Vulpes XIII

Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
Castle Oblivion
Not sure if this information is correct, but I remember I once saw something about how the mobile games weren’t originally meant to be important to the lore and was meant to be it’s own thing where you play as your own character and visit Disney worlds and that was all it meant to be. Anyway whether that information is correct or not doesn’t really matter ( although it would still be interesting to know if that was the case) either way it still got me thinking about whether people would prefer if Union X remained it own thing with no connection to the lore? As Union X has definitely had a impact on the current lore with several characters who exist in Sora’s time actually being Keyblade wielders from ancient times as well as the fact of how common Keyblade wielders used to be and the whole time travel thing with Maleficent in KH2, along with several other plot points.

I was wondering what everyone thinks of Union X impact on the lore? Do you think it’s a good addition to the story or do you think it just messed up the plot and ruins already established lore or characters? For me I find the story of Union X interesting and I like the idea of how different things used to be and how there used to be so many wielders compared to how many exist in Sora’s time, also I like the fact that we get to learn more about some characters. The only thing I don’t like about Union X is the fact it’s a mobile game and how long we actually have to wait for story updates.


Nomura's Biggest Fan
Sep 16, 2013
Outer Rim
I think the timing and context were the biggest issue for me. I think I would’ve tolerated the story more if this came way later, 5 years after the release of 3.


Well-known member
Jun 5, 2016
My issue with the whole chi saga is less being important to the story and more how it's important. I thought the Xigbar = Luxu plot twist was well done, and I enjoy the idea of the Foretellers being around in the present, plus the Light from the Past section of KH3 was cool. But I think that's as far as the connections should have gone. Maybe Maleficent's stuff too, but not Ven or Lauriam or Elrena or Vanitas having a connection to Darkness. Xigbar being the only established character connected to chi would have been enough


Aug 10, 2016
Stockholm, Sweden
While I like the idea of KHx being canon and important to the story, I dislike the fact that Union X is also important to the story. While I wished it had 0 connections with the story, I would've liked if it was connected to the lore instead (in a non-canon way).

Main reason for this being, like you said, how slow the story updates are (which made me drop the game), and also considering that we gotta deal with gacha and microtransactions.

Btw, I also seem to remember that KHUx was originally gonna have no connection to the story.


Dyslexic rambler
Dec 5, 2009
Yeah I can vaguely recall that it once was said that Kingdom Hearts Chi was not supposed to be part of the canon, but I'm not sure if that was from an official source or just a conclusion we fans came to.

Honestly I'm not sure, part of me does feel like it would have been better for the mobile game to just be a standalone experience with no ties to the current story, but I'd be lying if I said i didn't like the storyline.
I do agree with the notion it'd be nice, if they hadn't bent over backwards to include current day characters in that era and have them time travel, but Nomura is going to do what Nomura is going to do.


Well-known member
May 23, 2020
I mean, it basically has nothing to do with the main timeline anyway, so...yeah.

Stuff concerning X/UX/XBC happen around the main games, and even in KH3 the X stuff are really just cool easter eggs at best.

So really it's X/XBC/UX --- BBS/0.2/1/COM/Days/2/coded/DDD/3/MoM

The Brailuxubar reveal doesn't reaply change anything in Days, 2, DDD, or 3.

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
People hate on the X saga being connected to the mainline games but it's clearly evident that sort of connection is what's keeping people invested in the X saga in the first place. Even before the revelation of Ventus being from The Age of Fairytales was a thing, people were making connections to the mainline games with this theory being the most famous of them all.

So as much as people love to wish they weren't connected, the truth is that people don't want them to be connected because console gamers hate mobile gaming. The X saga is a mobile game and that's too big of an ask which is understandable. It may be a morally questionable move to make a mobile game canon but it's absolutely the smartest business move that can be made.


Dyslexic rambler
Dec 5, 2009
So as much as people love to wish they weren't connected, the truth is that people don't want them to be connected because console gamers hate mobile gaming. The X saga is a mobile game and that's too big of an ask which is understandable. It may be a morally questionable move to make a mobile game canon but it's absolutely the smartest business move that can be made.
Honestly I wouldn't mind a mobile game, if it flowed better and had a more fun gameplay. My personal issue is the gacha mechanic and how boring it is to play. As well as how slowly the story unfolds.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
There was indeed a time when the "X-saga" was supposed to be not that closely connected to the present storyline meaning the time and era of Sora & co. but that was even before Unchained X, as in during the time of the original X[chi] which was a Japan-only internet-browser game, nothing with phone-gacha stuff.

Back then, it was stated that only certain pages of the Book of Prophecies hold actual importance to the current era-story while X[chi]-itself was supposed to be background lore on the original Keyblade War. In a strict sense "canon" to the universe of Kingdom Hearts itself, but not directly connected to any of the major present day characters.

Shortly after or during the advent of Unchained X, the first incarnation of the phone game, this premise changed to what we actually got now with present day characters shoved into the past for either drama points or cheap advertising and generating additional interest via known faces (probably both anyways).

bambii (aka foreteller)

Well-known member
Mar 4, 2019
Honestly I wouldn't mind a mobile game, if it flowed better and had a more fun gameplay. My personal issue is the gacha mechanic and how boring it is to play. As well as how slowly the story unfolds.

I could honestly forgive all these sins if we at least got decent 3D cutscenes for the main story bits...
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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2012
I don't mind that it's canon. But just because it's canon it does not follow that it must be intimately and inseparably entwined. It adds layers of convolution when it should be adding layers of depth.

Having everyone be everywhere all the time throughout time just makes the KH world smaller not bigger.


New member
Nov 23, 2020
I think I addressed this idea (briefly) somewhere else but... yeah, I'd like it if Ux wasn't connected to the main story. Or, at least, not in the way that it is.

I'd have liked it if Ux took after another game I play- Star Wars The Old Republic. It's a game set in the Star Wars universe, that takes place at least 3000 years before the events of the prequel trilogy. It really has no effect on the story of the movie saga; you don't need to play it to understand the main saga, and you don't need to have watched the main saga to understand the game (although it does help). There's no familiar characters; they're all newly created for the game. Places and some names (mostly Mandalorian clans and noble families) as well as referential imagery might be familiar if you know the movies and shows, but that's about it. The only real purpose it serves (aside from fun and making money for the company through optional subscription payments) is to flesh out the history of the Star Wars universe. It takes the player to a time of conflict in the universe's history and lets them play through different stories that took place during that conflict.

Ux could have been great if it was like that. The Keyblade War was enough of a draw to me- it was this legendary event that happened in the far-off past of the KH universe, heard about but never directly seen during the main story. I started playing it before it brought in the present-day characters, and during that time I did enjoy the story. The pacing was absolutely terrible (yay, another trek across the desert that I can't skip) but what was going on in the main plot was intriguing. I genuinely wanted to know where it was going. I thought the medals were kind of silly, but, hey, they need to make money, and since it's a KH game, we have to have familiar faces in it, and here's a creative way to do that while still keeping the story separate! And then I heard that they were bringing in Marluxia's Somebody, Larxene's Somebody, and Ventus. My immediate thought was, "They're just doing that as fanservice." Which isn't necessarily bad, but I then thought, "Well, but that doesn't make sense, because none of them would have existed yet." As the story has gone on, it's become increasingly clear that they all exist in both past and present because of that good ol' time travel. And it seems like a different method then the ones we've seen before...? Please, Nomura, define your time travel better...

It's also made references to present-era characters' connections to the Ux era feel (to me) forced and contrived, done not because this was all cleverly planned out and hinted at throughout the series, but because Nomura needed some way to stir up excitement for the next arc. Yes, that includes the Luxu reveal, which I've talked about elsewhere and am not going to get into here (long story short, it makes me angry and I don't like it).

Ultimately, any complaining on my part accomplishes nothing (aside from making me feel slightly better), and I keep playing Ux, mostly due to the sunk-cost fallacy... I've spent too much time and some money on the darn thing that I may as well see it through. I don't take the story seriously anymore- I'm a little too tired of it to do anything other than laugh at the dramatic bits (I know, sounds weird, but at least I'm getting some enjoyment out of it).

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
I hate that it's a mobile game and connected to the main series. If they did a mobile game that had nothing to do with the main plot or anything, then it'd be fine. But unlike Days, BbS or coded, they locked away key story elements on a mobile game that the majority of KH fans will not or cannot play.

Honestly, I wouldn't have had a problem with KHUX if it was released after KH3ReMIND as just filler until another console game. It just seemed weird to have a mobile game be more important/relevant to KH3 than 0.2 - a console game. The route they should have gone was no KHUX before KH3, but release Back Cover with 0.2 to build up the mystery and hype of these characters. Nomura could have even played dumb and said "they have nothing to do with the main plot", covering up by claiming that it was just a glimpse into the past before a Keyblade War.

I think that would have had people be curious and want more out of the KHUX characters, unlike now where it's the reverse and people are fed up with them and they haven't even debuted on a console game properly. Like I don't know much about Ephemer, Brain and whoever else, but I just don't care and don't even want them to show up ever. Somehow I feel exhausted by those characters and I've barely seen them. Ephemer's cameo in KH3 was cute and the KHUX menu thing was cool, but I took that as a fun "goodbye" to all of it... then the epilogue happened lol.


Anti-SENA Operative
Mar 16, 2013
Says someone with the luxury of a mobile phone that can play it.
Well, I would say that smartphones are fairly ubiquitous these days... and Union χ[Cross] is not especially demanding. I started playing the game on a Galaxy S4, which came out 7 years ago. And what I'm using now, an S7, turns 5 in March. Not exactly top of the line hardware but I can still play it without issue.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
Well, I would say that smartphones are fairly ubiquitous these days... and Union χ[Cross] is not especially demanding. I started playing the game on a Galaxy S4, which came out 7 years ago. And what I'm using now, an S7, turns 5 in March. Not exactly top of the line hardware but I can still play it without issue.
Well I can't on my crappy phone. Unlike gaming systems, a mobile app is dependent on the type of phone you purchase. You purchase a phone for separate reasons from a gaming system. I may be fine investing in a gaming system and don't care to invest in a phone. I shouldn't have to invest in a phone, just to play a free mobile game to get important story elements over several years for a future game that will be released on a gaming console. Also, back in the day I could have borrowed someone's PSP and Birth By Sleep, or DS and Days/coded to play the game and get everything I needed. I can't borrow someone's phone several times over many years just to play KHUX. The logic just isn't there as to why so much important stuff is happening on - in my opinion - the most difficult to access medium.