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New member
Dec 17, 2009
At Vongola's HQ
Xion just come and go... She disappear easily OoO;
I don't hate her, just.....neutral X3
some people think Xion ruin the axel-roxas moment Xp
maybe that's why a lot of people hate her


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
I love playing a broken record.

Xion just come and go... She disappear easily OoO;

The series isn't over yet and Xion isn't gone from the cosmology. Watch her be the new Namine plot wise.

some people think Xion ruin the axel-roxas moment Xp
maybe that's why a lot of people hate her

A certain demographic at least.

In my case I felt like she had a role that got too complicated!

Her given known role was actually one of the more explained ones. Now, what they might do with her in the future... that could get tricky depending on what they'd do with her.

Bodaciously G

The fact that the game happened to revolve around her instead of the actual protagonist Roxas?


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
Iono, I tend to hold that more against Roxas rather than Xion herself as it makes him seem a rather impotent and pale character, unable to hold the game he was supposed to be the protagonist in. Otherwise it makes me wonder why Xion was even introduced, and while many would say "for selling a Sue", seeing how she's a painful deconstruction of one, I for one ain't down with that :p


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
seeing how she's a painful deconstruction of one, I for one ain't down with that :p

tv tropes said:
Note that to be a deconstruction of X the work must both play the trope deadly straight and not ignore the realistic implications or consequences of the trope, for bad or good. As such, it both abides by the trope while offering criticism of it regarding how it would work in Real Life.

...So, you say she is a Sue, and the plot of Days is meant to show us why being a Sue is a bad thing as a clone/member of the Organisation?


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
...So, you say she is a Sue, and the plot of Days is meant to show us why being a Sue is a bad thing as a clone/member of the Organisation?

I'm saying it sucks to be her so anyone saying she's a self insertion issue in the long run should get a reality check. And I don't touch tvtropes with a stick.

So Xion is meant to be a parody of a Sue? s1eyeballs

Some treat her as such, because a Sue is supposed to be perfect and is usually the target for self insertion.
So uh, gluck having such a pathetic fate as her, self inserters.


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Some treat her as such, because a Sue is supposed to be perfect and is usually the target for self insertion.
So uh, gluck having such a pathetic fate as her, self inserters.

Well, that ignores how many many Sues have tragic fates, because as a consequence they get characters such as Axel and Roxas and Riku to worry about them and protect them and chase after them and stand up for them and ask about them continually when they are gone etc etc etc

That's where the self-insertion part comes in.


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
Well, that ignores how many many Sues have tragic fates, because as a consequence they get characters such as Axel and Roxas and Riku to worry about them and protect them and chase after them and stand up for them and ask about them continually when they are gone etc etc etc

Most written Sues won't give me enough material to work with to explain those attitudes since most Sue writers/viewers/users don't care for that :p
tl;dr Xion's not a Sue imo in case you missed it, har. And stop reading fanfiction, it's bad for your health.


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Most written Sues won't give me enough material to work with to explain those attitudes since most Sue writers/viewers/users don't care for that :p

I have no idea what you are trying to say. Can you rephrase that?


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
Most written Sues will have the guys care/be worried about them "because" and won't really give you any better reason beyond them caring about a concept, less so about an actual person. A rather crucial element to the self insertion element as well.
Because she's a "Princess" or a "sister" but you never get it elaborated on. An example from without the canon would be, for instance, KH1 Kairi where beyond her being a childhood friend with Sora and Riku, you weren't given a good reason why they should care nor was that friendship properly expanded upon, either in retrospective or presently.

Xion has people say, with good reason, that Axel might've only been there for Roxas, or under Saix's orders, or to spite Saix, not "because Xion's the most wonderful thing ever". You won't have me say that I understand why Riku didn't just drag Xion by the hair back, because of Sora-Kairi-Repliku issues that got him reflecting about everything, and instead he just would've for no good reason.
Now's where the roads split, to whether you even consider Xion being in the center of all that plot amalgamation Sue-induced or main-character induced, but that's to each their own.

Allister Rose

French Lover
May 13, 2009
i think xion just wasn't interesting enough....i do find her a bit of a sue, but that's not the only thing bothering me about it. would've been interesting if she wielded ven's keyblade or something and just throw us off

Bodaciously G

I think her appearing like Kairi threw off enough people. People used to think she was heavily connected to Aqua back before Days was released.


Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
The whole "Roxas couldn't have driven his own plot" is a very invalid excuse to make-up for Xion's obvious bad insertion. If you're going to slate a character as main, then you better damn do it for what describes the role. If he was just going to be a camera, then spit out the truth, instead of covering it. Nobody would care for anything Xion if it wasn't advertised as "Roxas' story", but then at least I would have known WTF I wasted my money on. Roxas drove his KH2 tutorial just fine, and actually did things, not sit around like a dumb ass. And even in the flashbacks, he didn't seem the type to be "durf?". Even coded got the feel of that willingness.

If anything, Xion's focus was on the fact that they had to cater to her being "important", and if she didn't do shit, there wouldn't be any point to her creation if Roxas could do it himself. Because, honestly, everything she did could be replaced with something else, probably better.

I think her appearing like Kairi threw off enough people. People used to think she was heavily connected to Aqua back before Days was released.

And thank the fcuking Gawds that it wasn't the case. I would have questioned why Aqua degraded to an actual capable heroine to a 3 HIT men catching her as she faints one after the other in their arms. In succession, at that. Guess one or two couldn't do it.
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May 8, 2007
At first I ignored this topic because I've discussed this subject countless times. However, I saw the word deconstruction and my debate redlights start tingling lol. Most of this is stuff I typed up elsewhere,but it seems relevant here as well.

Xion's not a Sue imo in case you missed it.
You use to call her a sue all the time,but said you still liked her regardless. Why is she not one to you anymore? Just curious. :)

Debate time:)

In order for deconstruction to work the character in question would have to be the the thing that's getting deconstructed in the first place. Therefore Xion would most certainly have to be a sue. Can't deconstruct something that's not there. Nor does deconstruction take away what that character is. It just tries to show a realism to it.

To me to say Xion is not a sue is to say Snow from Final Fantasy 13 is not a garystu. Even though deconstruction did take place. To the point of parody as a matter of fact. However, I dare someone with a straight face to say Snow, at his core,isn't a stu.That's why I don't understand the deconstruction argument because deconstruction does not take away the suedom.If something quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it's not a car.

I think she is a deconstruction somewhat,but also gets reconstructed in the same breath. Some examples...

She's a keyblade wielder.
Deconstruction- Oh,but wait it's fake.
Reconstruction- even though it's claimed to be fake it acts exactly like a real one would. It purified hearts and sent them straight to KH just like Roxas's and Sora's did. A true deconstruction would have been if her keyblade didn't work at all. No heart collecting. Nothing. She was still a girl, that came out of nowhere, who could use the keyblade as good as the rest of them. It was fake in name only.

She looks like a black haired Kairi.
Deconstruction- She's an opposite sex clone of a boy.
Reconstruction- didn't change the fact that for 99% of the game she looks, acts, and his treated like a adorable little girl. A Kairi. She even *dies* that way so we could moan and cry some more. Didn't stop her from speaking and throwing keyblades from beyond the grave though...

She's the 14th in an Organization of 13.
Deconstruction- she turns out not to be.
Reconstruction- she was still treated like a member. Wore their coat. Had a magical weapon that they cherished and needed for their goals. Could transport like them. Had a number and a X anagram. She was a member in all but name.

Things that weren't a deconstruction at all.

Her personality. It was as sweet as honey to the point of angeliclism. She was only missing a halo and wings. Could do no wrong. Everything that happened to her wasn't her fault. No flaws. Just enough sugar to put you in a diabetic coma. BFF trying to beat the crap out of her twice. Instant forgiveness. Also had a noble and sparkling death, in the arms of her would be lover, with not a care for her own wellbeing etc.
A deconstruction for example would have been that behind that sweetness she was a selfish sociopath with axe crazy tendencies. Or some variation. Anything would have been better than the 110% sweet and lo we got 20 hours.

Her instantaneous friendships with the three main bishies,and Namine.Her first interaction with Riku had the possibility of being a deconstruction,but then enter the next meeting, and it's bang rubbing the sweet comatose girl so a whole section of more pitying can ensure. Um did beat down not happen? Oh and Riku remember Sora? Diz remember your revenge for anything that's not human.Even when Riku fought her he still gave her a tender warning to leave the org. Complete stranger. Enemy no less and he spares her life. Your Replica wished you would have been so kind Riku.

A deconstruction would be if one or none of the above characters were particularity friendly to her. Roxas for example could have been a deconstruction of his real self (Sora) by truly becoming his own person by not automatically being friends and potential lovers to a Kairi. The same goes for Xion in regards to him.

Nothing that happened because of her, or to her, were made to look badly on Xion herself. It was all to make us feel even more sorry for the angel. So we could all cry as we overdosed on the sugar coming from her. The sympathy card was played quite thickly. Nauseatingly so. " As someone put it "She still had everyone focused on her, and paying attention to her choices, and what she thought, regardless of whether or not that attention was negative."

Xion was a blackhole so very much, and her personality was to cliche and boring. To the people who thought the latter, with the sympathy card being played hard on top of that was being the subject of almost every conversation, fmv or regular scene, secret report, diary entries etc, it was all to much to take. If suedom was the only reason for the nonfans then people would have to dislike every protagonists in this series. That's why I don't think it really has anything to do with Xion being solely a sue,but the execution of those traits in regards to the story and its characters.

How were Aqua's sue traits executed that made her, despite them,be the most popular female character in the series,but Xion's execution made her(depending on who you talk to) either split the fanbase or reach Kairi hate levels? Xion's sympathy play and hostile takeover of the plot endeared her successfully to some. While the sympathy felt forced and contrived to others,and it felt like the characters couldn't breath without mentioning or alluding to her.

In quotes are courtesy of Tv tropes. A place I love to bits,but just like Wikipedia I take with a grain of salt. However,just like wiki they can be professional and truthful a lot of the time.

Mary Sue is always on the Spotlight Stealing Squad. Without her, there would be a story.
Xion to a T.

She's The Chosen One. Even if the canon hero is already The Chosen One, she either 'shares' the position or just steals it away from them.Or she might be part of the same specialized species or organization as the hero.
Roxas the main character my ass...

Alternately she is destined to help the destined one fulfill their destiny.
Roxas is apparently to dumb and ice-cream crazy to figure stuff out on his own. So Su.. er Xion was there ( physically or otherwise) to push him in the right direction... all the time.

Sympathetic Sue has an unusually Dark And Troubled Past to the excess, but other subtypes often have them too, just to emphasize how brave and special she is to live through it.
God was that sympathy card played thickly...

Perform a Heroic Sacrifice as a way to prove that she's Too Good For This Sinful Earth. Bonus points if the story goes out of the way to ensure she doesn't leave an ugly corpse (whether it be by a method that doesn't involve external physical damage or by her body not being recovered).More bonus points if it turns out to be a Disney Death.
Thanks to Diz's deus ex machina she's not *dead.*Just hiding. Coded seem to be all about Xion. The other characters being brought back seemed like afterthoughts.

If there is a personality, it's who the author wishes they could be, never who they are. While this is a regular feature in most original characters, Mary Sue takes it to the extreme.
If we go by the Days novels afterwords Xion is Kanemaki. Nomura is Roxas and Sora.

Xion was so sweet, angelic, and noble that one could feel a toothache coming on. Even nomura came out and said he made her a brave and pure girl. Pure is usually euphemism for unrealistic and boring.

Regardless of what skill level the canon characters have established, she might just simply be better than them, often in ways that do not make sense.
Contrived is a better word.
Not skills per se,but existence. Apparently she's a better replica then the Riku one. Why?
The org even preferred her, a doll, over the real nobody of a keyblade wielder.

Previously-established personalities change in reaction to her.
So very much yes. Not just personalities though,but the plot itself. In a little word we like to call retcon.

Evil characters follow her around like a puppy or seem uncharacteristically obsessed with her.
Saix's whole purpose in the game seemed to be this.

The characters in general just seem unnaturally focused on her, positive or negative
This so very much.

She gets special treatment in-universe.
If Roxas runs away? The org's assassin comes out to kill him. If the assassin runs away? The kinda batshit second in command comes after him. If Xion does it pretty much three to four times? Slap on the wrist. Not only that but she gets away with hacking into their computer as well. How she even knew how to is anyone's guess. Not to mention the password. Everyone's reactions toward her at some point was this. Let's not even get started with the carousing with the enemy(Riku). Also how she knew Xenmas real plans, to tell Roxas anything, at her *death* is weird as well.

Another thing I don't get is the she's not a retcon argument. That nomura had a concept of her thought up at Kh2 so she's not. He also had a pink heart surrounding Roxas during the deep dive trailer of Kh1, and his eye glowing yellow doing the dark meridian sequence. However, we saw how the actual canon of those scenes played out. Concepts are just ideas floating around in an authors head,but until they are brought to life in canon that's all they will ever be.

By the very definition of retcon the Xion that we now have for Days is one. She was inserted into the middle of already established canon and its characters. BBS is a retcon as well. Most prequels are if they are made after established canon has already been set. Again, though execution comes into play.

Retcon = Retroactive Continuity.
Reframing past events to serve a current plot need. When the inserted events work with what was previously stated, it's a Revision; when they outright replace it, it's a Rewrite. The ideal Retcon clarifies a question alluded to without adding excessive new questions. In its most basic form, this is any plot point that was not intended from the beginning. The most preferred use is where it contradicts nothing, even though it was changed later on.See also Ass Pull, but note that not every Retcon is an Ass Pull. An Ass Pull, by definition, is something that was not properly set up before it is sprung on the audience. It is related to Deus Ex Machina. Sometimes a good Retcon can actually improve the current narrative. A good way to get away with a Ret Con is to reveal new implications or motivations for events that have already been established.

Why does saying what she is, by the definition of it, a bad thing to her fans? She's a retcon and has sueish traits. Is that going to stop any of you from liking her? The execution of both didn't go over so well to her haters,but that doesn't mean that same execution has to be of any consequence to her fans.

Sue and retcon don't have to be bad words. It's just that by how the execution is done, for some, they can become so. I also don't understand this myth that sues can only exist in fanfic. There are such things as Canon Sues. God knows Bella from the Twilight series is one for an example.
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Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
By the very definition of retcon the Xion that we now have for Days is one. She was inserted into the middle of already established canon and its characters. BBS is a retcon as well. Most prequels are. If they are made after established canon has already been set. Again, though execution comes into play.

At least BBS is set a couple of years, ten, in fact, from the main story, instead of smack dab in the middle of two games when the audience should have heard of such an event in them. Sorry, I'll rephrase: such an important event. Or so they made it appear to be. Whether it be files, computer, or at least plans of two clones. Maybe flashbacks, or hints in interviews that there was more to Roxas' time in the Organization than leaving because of Sora's memories haunting him, his questions on the Keyblade, and Axel's lying (I still find it suspicious that even though he had that "concept" in mind, Nomura never breathed it life like he usually does, whether it be vague or otherwise. We didn't even know he had any idea of a "girl" until 358/2 Days came into fruition). Not to mention, the hints/foreshadowing in KH2, and constant comments that BBS has been planned and worked on for quite a while around the sequel.

In this sort of format, you don't really get the vibe or feeling like "where the fcuk did you come from?". Technically, we were made to accept that Xion was "always there", when, it's obvious "she" wasn't.


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Most written Sues will have the guys care/be worried about them "because" and won't really give you any better reason beyond them caring about a concept, less so about an actual person. A rather crucial element to the self insertion element as well.
Because she's a "Princess" or a "sister" but you never get it elaborated on. An example from without the canon would be, for instance, KH1 Kairi where beyond her being a childhood friend with Sora and Riku, you weren't given a good reason why they should care nor was that friendship properly expanded upon, either in retrospective or presently.

But... Xion does do that.

She is suddenly a 'best friend', without any real effort on her behalf. She whips out a Keyblade, and from that moment on Roxas goes out of his way for her and spends all his time thinking about her, while she just sits on the receiving end of a buttload of attention.

Same with Axel. Despite all the trouble she causes for him, and without any work on her part to be his friend, he also comes to think of her as 'a best friend' and goes out of his way to protect her, too. It's very vague and underdeveloped.

And don't you see that the story with Riku is exactly like the story you described...? How is there any difference between Kairi's role as 'childhood friend' who he treats well just because, and Xion's role as 'clone of childhood friend' who he also gives special treatment just because?

In any case, all these 'friendships' have nothing to do with Xion as a character. Roxas would be attracted to any Keyblade-weilding kairi-clone, Axel would be randomly attracted to any friend of Roxas (apparently), and Riku would be attracted to any female clone of his best friend (apparently). She herself doesn't seem to do anything, just receives all the help and attention.

If she had ever done something bad or selfish and had argued with either Axel, Roxas or Riku over it, then it would be a lot easier for me to see it your way. Everything she does is so bland and generic, and no one ever blames her for anything or punishes her in ways other characters would be, which just makes things look way too 'proxy-space' for me to take seriously.

Fallen Prince

New member
Aug 1, 2010
Personally, I felt that the whole, no one will remember her was pointless. Did anyone forget the Replica Riku? I'll admit that the RR point can't be proved since they don't speak of him in any of the later points, but they put in a new character and then took her out in a way that didn't change the main story one bit. I found it a little upsetting.
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