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Your Fictional Crush <3

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New member
Oct 24, 2012
Packing my bags to Mars.
If you were ever into fandom, chances are, you have a character that you want to @!$&. Maybe your love for them is pure and innocent...or maybe your character should call the police.

Feel free to post pics. And turn on the sexy music. Just don't bash other people's choices. Oh, and keep your pants on.i

My first anime crush was James from Pokemon. I was 14 years old. I fell so hard in love with him, that I started reading and writing Mary-Sues with him in it (don't judge). I printed out these pictures of him with an open shirt or shirtless. I stashed them in a folder. And they were all mine... NO! I didn't do...that. My love for him was (mostly) pure and innocent! But damn, was he sexy... The anime gave him a lot of ass shots. I mean, when he fell on his head, he would have his legs open, and his ass to the camera. But I was also an avid Rocketshipper, and he belongs to Jessie.

And then I got into the Yu-Gi-Oh! fandom and I had a crush on Yami Yugi because I had a dream about him one time... Actually, I barely remember it. XD; My first female anime crush was from Yu-Gi-Oh, Isis Ishtar. She was so lovely. She didn't even need her clothes off or anything. But the sexiest character in Yu-Gi-Oh by far, is Yusei Fudo. His eyes are so intense... And when his jacket is off, you can see his muscular shoulders... When I went to Bishie Con in 2009 (I went there again in 2010, and now I hate it) they had this big poster thing that everybody could draw on. And I drew Yusei's face and the words, "Yusei is smexy". And then I came back later, someone wrote, "Crab is tasteh." Because, there's this joke in the fandom that Yusei looks like a crab head. But other than that, 5D's went downhill after season 2, especially the ending.

But the thing about YuGiOh characters is that they have a weird anatomy. Their emphasis is on the shoulders, chest and legs, but they have really small asses. They're like...this: | | It's hard for them to support the rest of their bodies.

And I started getting into Final Fantasy because I saw a fanart picture of Squall Leonheart in a leopard print swimsuit in Animerica magazine (they used to have them in the '90s-2000's if you don't remember). And then when I played Final Fantasy 8, I had this massive crush on Laguna Loire. Mainly because I saw an action figure and it was beautiful. I really like the Squall/Rinoa pairing, so I can't get in the way of that. But that's okay, Because Laguna is way sexier! And single! Because I read the spoilers before I finished the game...

I love Tidus from FF10, and I don't care what anyone else says. He's hot, and I love his personality. He is so sweet to Yuna. And then I realized I started liking girls more, and I was so attracted to Lulu's boobs and Rikku's butt.

And Vaan from FF12 was so hot... I seem to love characters that everyone hates. Maybe FF12 had no character development, and a lacking storyline, but was that really Vaan's fault? Who cares? He has a pretty face, his chest is exposed, and he looks good with Balthier. But I had a bigger crush on Penelo. She was so cute... and I would watch her shake her ass during battle stances.

And Kingdom Hearts! I had a crush on Riku pretty much at first sight! That tight outfit showing off his muscles that no other 15 year old has... And he got even hotter in KH2. The longer hair somehow made him look even manlier! He needs to show off more than just his arms and his belly button... And I'll admit that Sora and Ventus are cute, too, and they get their own shirtless scenes. But oddly enough, and everyone knows this story, I fell so hard in love with Demyx after trying to defeat both of his boss battles for about 20 times each. He was so damn cute. And no girl can resist a musician. I love his hair, his eyes, and his voice... Every time he says, "Like it?! Like it?! Like it?!" I want to scream, "Yes! Yes! YES!" I just wish he'd wear something other than that coat... But I didn't think that Kingdom Hearts could get any hotter until I met Terra... Not only does he wear a tight shirt showing off his muscles, but but when he wears that armor, you can literally see his ass sticking out. I wonder if that was the "Suggestive Content" that the rating talked about. I could write a novel about Terra's ass. With illustrations, of course. It's kind of annoying that when you play his storyline, that he moves so slow. But then again, I like the way his body moves.

And when I started playing otome games, I played Once Upon a Fairy Love Tale, and Prince Albert was my first choice. And he's also my favorite. He has a real prince-like personality, not the other jerks in otome games, and he reminds me of the guys I really want to date in real life. And he looks so gorgeous... Blond hair and blue eyes, and a perfect smile... I played his story 3 times because he's my only love. But now I'm playing Leonhardt's story and you should look him up. He is REALLY sexy.

And then I played Niflheim, and Jean reminds me so much of the guys I wanted to date in high school, but couldn't. He's such a funny guy. And he's a king! Who can resist royalty?! And every character in that game in some way, shows off their chest.

And I played Destiny Ninja, I chose Yoshitsune first, but I don't want any other character because his storyline was so beautiful... And his long hair and gentle eyes are even more beautiful...

And now that I suddenly got into Vocaloid again after a 6 year hiatus (because the fans were a bunch of arrogant weaboos who waged an unnecessary war against American pop music)...I have an illegal crush on Kagamine Len. It was probably because I watched the Valshe versions of Len's songs, and looking at the illustrations that made him look so cool and manly, despite his small frame. And when he looks so cute and uke-like...I need to stuff a whole box of tissues up my nose. And even though I'm still new to the fandom, and I'm over twice his age and the age of his fanbase, I'm so attracted to that little incubus (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tDacUZ-bEhE). I thought it was going to be a "Stupid Sexy Flanders" (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kwRJ5IoKTmg) crush, but I couldn't stop thinking about him for 3 weeks now. If I were Kaito or Gakupo and I saw him dance, I would JIZZ! IN! MY PANTS! (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ec7YSWY5hL0) I swear to science I'm not a pedophile. I despise those people.

And I know that Len and Valshe are separate entities, but I don't care what Valshe is. I'm still in love!

Sorry that was so long. Now I need to swim in holy water (Oh, and did you know that I'm an atheist?).


Bronze Member
Mar 1, 2008
I don't have a fictional crush nowadays.
I used to have a thing for Ariel when I was younger though. Only real fictional crush I can think of.


Oct 15, 2008
character that you want to @!$&.



ass flatter than a kh2 level
Jan 2, 2013
xigbar's apartment
I don't know about crushes but I would be content to spend a large amount of time hanging out with Bilbo Baggins


New member
Oct 24, 2012
Packing my bags to Mars.
I originally wanted to make a "Hot Guy Thread", but I decided to be equal opportunity.

Here are the tiers of a fictional crush:

Tier 1: Pure and Innocent. - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wkMa7gIcnCM Holding hands and sharing milkshakes and stuff. Lots of squeeing. Generally needs no intervention, unless you're daydreaming in a busy street.

Tier 2: Stupid Sexy Flanders - The subject invades your thoughts whether you want them to or not, and it's a mild annoyance. Usually cured by thinking unsexy thoughts. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcJzb0Rk6RU

Tier 3: Hellfire - A crazy stalking crush that's usually on a forbidden person. You're thinking about them so much, that if you don't do something about it, you're gonna burn down all of Paris. This can only be cured with holy water, or reading fanfiction.

Tier 4: The Point of no Return - If I mention anything more about this, then my post will get deleted.

Oops, I forgot I was gonna add a poll about what you wanted to do if you met your fictional crush. Do you wanna just hide? Kiss them? Date them? Marry them? Do the unspeakable...? I want Len Kagamine to do the following things with me:*

-ask me out, with flowers in hand

-hug me

-kiss my cheek

-kiss my lips

-serenade me




-and finally, &?&@!$@@!?$.

And you thought I couldn't sink any lower... Ah, crap. I ran out of holy water. Uh... *thinks of something* "IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD!" It's the ultimate cure for sexy thoughts because it gets into everyone's head fast. XD

(*...Actually, in reality, I would just hide.)


ass flatter than a kh2 level
Jan 2, 2013
xigbar's apartment
uhhh haha this is weird lol see ya

(gif is Stuwie from Family's Guy on FOX. Made by Seth McFarland, I don't own this)
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