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Recent content by FFfreak4life

  1. F

    So is their a female organization member?

    They said there was supposed to be woman org member but shes not numbered.same for the silver haired member he has no number either
  2. F

    Sora/Bhk connection...confusion?

    wait scratch what i said. sora did say that in the lion world but the only reason why probably he couldnt use the keyblade was because of donalds magic he changing the appearances of the gang when thhey go to different worlds
  3. F

    Sora/Bhk connection...confusion?

    The Bhk might be a extra shell of sora after he lost his memories and probably is able to use a keyblade just like sora i know there has to be three keyblades sora mickey and bhk
  4. F

    Drive Forms, What we Know, and What we Want!

    - Donald has an attack, "Donaflare" where missiles appear and target surroudning enemies. There is also "Megadonaflare" that has more power. - Goofy can do a new attack, "Knock Rush", where he will throw his sheild at Sora who will fling it at an enemy with his keyblade. Goofy can also do Twin...