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Search results

  1. C

    Fanfiction ► Left Behind

    I see blatant LOTR-ness! BLATANT! Beren Celebrindal...so...Lord of the Rings... And Maximus...the "noble elf" And Sora almost said holy... yeah. I actually expected him to say something more along the lines of "Golly jee willikers, Mrs. Elf-Queen-Lady...that's a LOT of kids!" And the gift...
  2. C

    Fanfiction ► Left Behind

    double zOMGs! Maxi's gonna be a girl? I think you should name him...er...her Kenny. Just because...If you want to know why...ask Maxi. He should know. And I've already got the grave dug up...I'm just hoping you'll leave something behind that we could somehow bury...It would mean soooo much to...
  3. C

    Fanfiction ► Left Behind

    zOMGs! DRAMA! Lovely, lovely. And I KNEW Maxi was gonna be in this...Powah Maxi-bear. He always get shunted in your dreams... Ah well, I'm happy as long as I don't make an appearance... And writing note, please, please, please don't use cliches like "needle in a hay stack." They're just icky...
  4. C

    classic ff characters

    FF1 characters would actually be interesting in KH2. I mean, in sort of small role like the moogles were in KH1. They could be short, midget-like things yelling things like..."Hey, lets save the world!" I think that would be amusing. But this just might be my own personal stereotype of the...
  5. C

    Fanfiction ► Left Behind

    Ah well, I was looking forward to the giant potato. What can I say? I got used to your dreams. Yet you haven't said anything about Maximus getting killed. I mean, that's always been a staple of most of your dreams. I still think you'll put him in at the very end and kill him. Speaking of...
  6. C

    Fanfiction ► Left Behind

    I've been pondering the whole "Hakumei sounds girlish thing," and the only thing that comes to mind as a huge change in plot with that is if he just came out said somthing about how he's actually a girl and how he/she was madly in love with Sora, Riku, and/or Namine. But that seems just a bit...
  7. C

    Fanfiction ► Left Behind

    OMGWTFBBQ!!!! The DARK LORD!!!111!!!one!!!11 Neeways... my fave two lines: "Riku?!" and "Riku was always a little jealous of Donald and Goofy." ... Interesting, DR. Definately interesting.