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Search results

  1. Mythological One

    Who is the most popular user here?

    Alright, time for another blatantly shallow popularity contest. Who's the big kahuna around these parts?
  2. Mythological One

    Should there be an official Legend of Zelda origin story?

    firstly, I checked the forum. there isn't a thread that actually asks this question. Here is the Question- Do you think there needs to be an official, "once and for all" origin story for the legend of zelda? I'm talking about a game that goes into specific events preceeding Ocarina of Time...
  3. Mythological One

    Yes, It's about the importance of NAMES

    I'll start with my standard disclaimer. I realize that name theories are as common as it gets. furthermore, I do not read theories often. I stopped reading and posting them a while ago for a few reasons. So forgive me if I unknowingly state something that has already been repeated over and...
  4. Mythological One

    Shadow of The Colossus

    does anyone who has played this game remember which colossus battle was followed by a freaky cutscene in which Mono appeared to get off of the alte (EDIT) Nevermind- I've figured it out.
  5. Mythological One

    Did any one notice the subtle difference?

    These two keyblades are similar, with one small difference- The one weilded by roxas is on the left and the one weilded by Xion is on the right. Look at the picture- it's self explanitory.
  6. Mythological One

    It's a theory, OK?

    Let me start with my disclaimer- I have not been to the forumin a while, so if the theory has been regurgitated a thousand times already then bear with me. I thought about this- The keyblade that Sora useds may have been created by MX to be able to call on the powers of all other keyblades...
  7. Mythological One

    looking for a new game to play- Suggestions?

    I just finished .Hack// G.U. 1, 2 and 3. loved it. I aslo loved kingdom hearts obviously. The gameplay of .hack was not the same, but comparable. Do you know of a game with comparable game play and a good story- or just a good game at all that you suggest?
  8. Mythological One

    Help/Support ► PSP Problem

    Alright, before you all get upset because I put this here instead of Afterdawn or something, hear me out. I'm trying to downgrade my PSP slim. I made the Magic mem stick and the pandora, And I'm told that if you make a pandora correctlt, them your PSP should turn on automatically when you put...
  9. Mythological One

    To KHinsider: I HATE ZANGO

    I really hate this new setup in which I must download Zango in order to download songs from this website. This used to be the best place to come to download music from videogames, but now it's impossible with zango! I know I'm not the only one who thinks so. My friend, who also used to use...
  10. Mythological One

    what is the name of this song?

    I've heard this song so many times, but what is it's name? who knows? it was in the trailer for this movie too. YouTube - Babylon A.D It's the exciting action-y song that I am talking about.
  11. Mythological One

    What happended to the cheat section?

    What happended to the cheat section?
  12. Mythological One

    Ripping objects from a game disc for animation

    Alright. I am in an animation class. I use 3D Studio Max 9. Does anyone know how to rip the objects off of a game disc so that they can be used in this program? I know there is a way to do it, because I have seen evidence of it, I just don't know how to do it myself. I goal is to be able to...
  13. Mythological One

    recording your game play question

    does anyone know how people record themselves playing a game without it being a video of your T.V screen? Do you know what I mean? I don't want to use a camera to record my T.V. screen while I play, I want something to record the gameplay directly. Do you know what to do? I also have to be...
  14. Mythological One

    The Very Best of Nintendo DS

    Yeah.... So seeing as how Kingdom Hearts is coming out on DS, I am left with no choice but to buy one. Therefore, I call upon those of you who own DS to give me sound advice. What DS games are worth buying or playing!? I really need to know, so give me as many titles as you can think of, so...
  15. Mythological One

    Masters of Darkness

    Before I begin, I just want to let you know that I have not been to the forum in a very long time, so I apollogize if this theory has been made and remade before this. that said, here is my therory based on a few peices of evidence. I believe that the main villain, namely Master Xehanort, is a...
  16. Mythological One

    The Problem With theories

    To put it simply, theorizing is no good. We have Three stories worth of KH information, and Three games worth of KH questions... Do you see the problem? There is no real way to know for sure what is going to happen.. we have as much knowledge as we have of questions... so it is no use. There...
  17. Mythological One

    Oblivion and Oathkeeper ("Oh god, another theory")

    In short, I think that these keyblades are representative of the past annf the future and or present. I think that Oblivion is meant to represent the past and its darkness and that Oathkeeper symbolizes the future and its light, and that the duel-wileding of these particular keyblades is meant...
  18. Mythological One

    "Which Final Fantasy games are worth playing?"

    Which Final Fantasies are worth playing?
  19. Mythological One

    Does anyone know about GBA emulotars for the PSP?

    I know that there are GBA emulators for the PSP, but I can't find one that will work for the PSP slim. Does anyone know of a GBA emulator for the psp that will not ask me to downgrade? Further more, once you have downgraded, is it possible to upgrade again?
  20. Mythological One

    I got a question about video game art and stuff

    what shows/ comics/ manga/ video games have really cool looking concept art as far as you know? any suggestions? PS. I need LOTS of suggestions, so tell me everything you think. lists are best!