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Search results

  1. J

    World Of Warcraft Question

    Ok, I just installed the game on my new laptop. I still have the free 10 day trial thingys in my case unused. How do I load them on so I can play again? Can anyone tell me or give me a link it will be much appreciated. Thanks!
  2. J

    Which is better: KH or KH II

    I personally thought KH II was better and funner, but it was easy to beat. KH had more harder gameplay to it, even on Proud Mode. But I also thought the end of KH II was hard too. What are your opinions?
  3. J

    The Original Dragon Ball

    I dont know if this is a topic yet already, but does anyone read the original Dragon Ball series? I do and I have and read Volumes 1-9 so many times, Ive been waiting to get Volume 10 + 11 because I always buy two. Who else reads Dragon Ball, and which is better; DB or DBZ?
  4. J

    The Lego of Zelda: Wind Waker FINISHED!

    Ok so I got the film finaly finished in December, just havent been here to update you guys. I have it all edited on a single 1 hour 3 minute thing, but I need to re-edit it to fit YouTube's standards and I got 1 of the 6 or so parts finished and ready to put on. Except I will put them all on at...
  5. J

    The Lego of Zelda: The Wind Waker Movie

    Hey, I just joined here. One of the main purposes I joined was because I am making a Lego Zelda movie based off of Wind Waker. Currently, I am filming the part right after when Link just got the Master Sword. I am doing the voice of Link, as well as many others. I am also filming it, editing it...