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Search results

  1. O

    2 things

    The first is who would win in a fight Roxas or Ven? The second is what is Aqua's part in bbs?
  2. O

    2 things

    ok thing #1 wat would you say if they mixed bleach with kh thing #2 who do you think would win in a fight fake ansem or xemnes
  3. O

    dumb unbirth theory

    i wont be surprised if someone said this befor but what if unbirths are created when some one loses there heart i mean darkness aint the only think that can take over hearts right or when the light is lost and there is nothin left in the heart also i heard alot of people talk about a person...
  4. O

    just wondering

    Since roxas was alive during com and kh2 does that make sora a heartless all the way until he fused with roxas in the end of kh2?
  5. O

    what do you think

    Do you think that in bbs that TVA might fight each other in the game.