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Fanfiction ► KH:TFF... The Sequel...

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Active member
Jun 9, 2006
In your nightmares!
XD That sounds like a plan. Heh, I'm actually working on a side project fanfic, since the next chapter of DD is at school.... o.o Hooray for writing, and stuff!



is a girl
Mar 19, 2006
n. 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residenc
Lol cool. Thing is, right now I should also be working on an essay too... gah. -.-; We just had a parent's evening, and one of my so-called targets was to continue improving my writing. But apparently, KH:TFF doesn't count as improvement. ;-; Sucks, lol.

<3 <3


is a girl
Mar 19, 2006
n. 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residenc
There is love, Sorasheart. It's just not entirely a romance fic. And thankyou ^-^ I did it myself. I love your Seymour and Yuna one! Seymour is awesome, no matter how evil he is. ^-^

Thanks, oathkeeper2u. You rule!

Next chappy should be tomorrow, 'kay?

<3 <3


New member
May 3, 2006

Haha, hi. It's a nice chapter. It really does make sense, what Sora feels like...just kind of empty. And...yay for no SoraxRiku. That would probably put me off if there was. Um...the chapter still drags a bit, but this is kind of inevitable until everyone's set up. And...um, Sora can't change moods that fast, can he? (From gloomy to perky from magically talking to Kairi) That just seems a bit...odd...


is a girl
Mar 19, 2006
n. 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residenc

Thanks Datenshi. And yes, I will post more.

IchigoNeko said:
And...um, Sora can't change moods that fast, can he? (From gloomy to perky from magically talking to Kairi) That just seems a bit...odd...

I did that to stop it dragging on XD I figured you guys would be sick of me saying that Sora was upset, so I tried not to say it so much. But that kinda went bad ^-^; I only meant for Sora to seem relieved, not 'perky'. My bad!

Chapter Three

Morning light streamed in through pale, blue linen curtains, flooded the quiet, peaceful room. All was silent, all was still. Tiny birds twittered and chirped outside, daintily flapping through indigo sunrise skies. Faint wisps of cloud were lazily sprawled in the warm air, not enough to provide welcome shade for the world below. It looked like another hot summer’s day.

Waking to the sound of birdsong, Sora lay back in bed, gazing at the ceiling. Yawning, he rested his head on his huge hands, giving a sigh as he realised it was yet another dull, dreary working day. His vision blurred as he blinked, dozily trying to wake himself properly. Ruffling his chestnut hair with a single hand, he turned onto his side, watched Kairi peacefully sleeping next to him, as he had done countless times before. He loved to watch her sleep, free from all her anxieties and fears, free from all that held her down. He wished he could be that carefree all the time. Unfortunately, work was calling, and so he had to leave her behind. Kissing her lovingly on the head, whispering sweet nothings into her ear, he reluctantly got out of bed.

After getting ready for work, dressing in another black business suit, he stood around in the kitchen. Taking a sip from his cup of hot coffee, he gazed out of the window. From the windows at the back of the house, the small, seaside town of his youth could be seen, basking in the warm sunbeams. He gave a smile as he looked out to it, knowing that just offshore, Destiny Island was waiting. Part of him would have wanted to go there today - the island was at its most wonderful in the summer, its unspoilt natural beauty alight with the glow of the sunshine - but he knew that he didn’t have time. He had to ignore its allure this morning, leaving him in another sorrowful mindset for the rest of the day. Glancing up at the clock, he quickly finished his coffee, finding his keys and leaving the house.

The roads into the city were busy at this time in the morning, just as they were every day. Sat in the car, sunlight hot on his face, Sora gave a grumpy sigh. It was this way every morning - his mood would slowly deteriorate as time passed on. Although waking in a good mood after confessing his feelings to Kairi three nights ago, the thought of going to work made him feel low, with the combination of waking early, traffic jams, and another day sitting at the computer. Horns beeped and engines chugged on the road, all the vehicles slowing down to a complete standstill. Giving a frustrated sigh, Sora switched on the radio, fiddling around with the buttons, trying to find a traffic report. It fizzed and stuttered, then the speech became clear.

… tailbacks for ten miles on the city bypass, due to an accident earlier this morning. Looks like things won’t be moving for a while, the fire brigade are being called to cut …

Groaning, Sora switched the radio off. It seemed he would be late for work.

Five minutes passed, still with no movement. Bored, he stared longingly at the sky, watched a plane leaving a thin, cloudy white trail in the vast, blue beyond. It made him raise a smile, as he looked forward to the lines of traffic before him.

“If I had the Gummi Ship, I could pass all those cars easily,” he smiled. His thoughts were never far away from his childhood.

Eventually, the trail of the plane faded, and he was left without anything to keep his mind on. He sat for another fifteen minutes, the traffic now moving very, very slowly past the wreckage. Unfortunately, he was nowhere near the accident yet, and wouldn’t be for a long time. Becoming impatient and angered in the hot, sweaty car, he looked around. The only way out of the traffic was an exit, just up ahead. It didn’t lead anywhere near the city, went off in the opposite direction, into the countryside. But at this point, it seemed much more appealing. Fishing around for his phone in his pocket, he dialled the number. It was worth a try.

“Hello?” he kept one hand on the wheel, holding his phone with the other. “This is Mrs Mamaro, right?” Mrs Mamaro was a secretary, taking charge of all the employees in her department. Sora was one of them.

“Yes,” she replied. Her voice was warm and inviting, sounding just as friendly as she was. “What may I help you with?” It was clear she could not recognise Sora’s voice.

“Great,” he continued, “this is Sora. I was wondering if it would be possible for me to take a day off.” Hearing the tapping of keys, Sora knew she would be checking the computer for his working times.

“Ah, Mr Nomura, is it?” she realised who she was speaking with, quickly continued. He braced himself for her response, hoping she would agree to this. Although, his pessimistic side told him that she would refuse his request at such short notice. “Yes, that should be fine. And you’ll be back tomorrow?”

“Yes,” he replied, “thank you.” He hung up the phone, signalled to the drivers behind that he was turning off. He raised a smile as he left the never-ending line of traffic, taking the road away from the city.

This road was deserted - it seemed no-one else had the luxury of taking the day off like he did. Driving down the road, he eyed the surrounding area. It was at the foot of the mountains, a grassy, wide open area of countryside. The sunny skies smiled down upon him, sending a bright shimmer over the surface of the grasses. His car hummed as it sped along. He felt more peaceful already, his frustration melting away with each passing second. It gave him an idea. Stopping the car at the roadside, he dialled another number on his phone.

Hi, this is Sora and Kairi, we aren’t here right now, but…

Sighing, he hung up. It was just the answering machine. She must have gone to see Riku and Imari - they were back at home now, out of hospital.

“Oh, well,” he sighed, “I guess I’ll just go myself.” He put his phone back in his pocket, began to drive again.

After a relatively short drive, he was back in that little seaside town, eagerly making his way down to the docks. The town was much busier in the summer, full of tourists who flocked to the golden beaches. The streets were lined with people as he drove down the main street, all carrying supplies for a day at the beach. Pulling over, parking his car at the roadside, he found the little rowing boat, bobbing around on the calm, swathing waves. The people along the roads paid him no attention, buzzing around, excited to be out in such nice weather. They did not notice him casting off, before climbing down the ladders and into the boat.

Seeing as there was such little wind, the journey over to Destiny Island was quite easy, and more enjoyable than it was in the cooler months. The bright sunshine smiled down upon his skin, and the crystal waves gently carried him across to the place he loved most. Each splash of the waves was more calming than the last, soothing his mind, letting him lose himself in the moment. Thinking as he rowed, he wondered why the tourists never ventured over to the island themselves. Although, that was a good thing in his opinion. He would hate for the little island paradise to become commercialised, destroyed by people hoping to exploit it. The town became smaller and smaller with each stroke of the oars, and eventually, it was just a bright spot on the green horizon, lying in the shadow of the mountains, beneath the endless blue skies.

Reaching the sandy shoreline, he pushed the boat further up the beach. Looking to one side, his eyes narrowed in confusion. Another little wooden boat, just like his, resting on the golden sands.

“Weird,” he mused, removing his shoes and socks. Walking along the shore, his shoes in his hands, he quietly admired the surroundings.

He loved the feel of the warm sands between his toes. It took him back to his youth. Wandering up the beach, it was a wonderful feeling. The gentle, salty spray of the friendly ocean swashed over him, the crystal droplets tingling against bare skin. Smiling, he paced along the sands, enjoying the peaceful, unrivalled beauty that surrounded him. The palm leaves swayed in the barely existent breeze, greeting him as he walked along. He loved this island, it reminded him of the times he’d spent adventuring when he was younger. Taking off his suit jacket, and loosening his tie, he neared the Secret Place. He left his shoes, socks and jacket at the entrance, getting onto his hands and knees. He began to crawl through the stone passage, far too tall to walk through anymore. The cool stone wore the knees of his suit, and scraped his skin, but it did not bother him too much. It was worth it to sit there awhile, surrounded by comforting memories of his childhood. Tumbling into the stone hollow, he stood up, brushing himself down. Looking up, he got a shock.

“Kairi?” he gasped, walking over to her. “W-what are you doing here?”

She looked back up at him, doe-eyed, sitting against a cold wall. Her arms were wrapped around herself protectively, almost as though she feared this intruder. Although, after seeing it was Sora, she was not so defensive, quickly began to relax.

“I called Imari this morning,” she quietly explained, “she said that I couldn‘t go over until twelve.” Sora nodded, sitting beside her. “So I thought I’d come here, after the other night and everything.” She smiled, eyeing the walls. “I like your drawings.”

Little specks of dust danced in the shafts of hot sunlight, the bright beams casting a gentle glow upon the walls of the Secret Place. All the drawings from their youth remained there, along with some new ones Sora had drawn on one of his many trips there.

“Thanks,” he smiled back, scratching his neck. Kairi looked back up at him.

“But why aren’t you at work?” she asked, suddenly realising where he should have been by now.

“I called in, told them I wouldn’t be there,” he replied, raising a listless finger to draw in the dusty sunbeams. “I tried to call you, but you were out. I didn’t want to go see Riku and Imari all alone, so I just came here myself.” Kairi nodded, watching his hands causing a disturbance in the dancing specks.

“What’s this one?” she asked, pointing to an etching on the wall. The others were obvious, but not this one. Sora squinted to look at it, rubbing his chin. He wasn’t much of an artist.

“The Gummi Ship,” he concluded, trailing his fingers over the cool stone. “And that’s me, you, and Riku.” Kairi nodded.

“When did you do it?” she asked, curious. She was happy that he seemed a little more relaxed today, probably after confessing all to her three nights ago. She hadn’t told Imari of anything at all, after Sora made her promise to keep his feelings a secret. All she told her friend was that she knew what was going on with him now.

“Couple weeks ago,” he sighed, “remember that night you and Riku came looking for me?” Kairi looked saddened by this, but nodded all the same. “That was the last one I did.” He had noticed the change in her expression, quickly changing the subject, pointing to another drawing.

“The Keyblade,” she smiled, touching the picture with light fingers. She thought of the Keyblade fondly, as she hadn’t even thought of it for years. It made her wonder, as she watched Sora fumbling around with a stone. Their conversation the previous night had aroused her curiosity. Sitting up straight, she looked him in the face. “Sora… you think you can still…” He looked at her blankly, unsure of what she meant.

“What?” he asked. “Can still what?” She pointed to the drawing of the Keyblade, and it suddenly clicked into place.

But he wasn’t sure. He hadn’t tried since defeating Mikado. And that was seven years ago now.

Holding his right arm out, he closed his eyes. Part of him feared what would happen, but another part of him made him continue. Thinking of the Keyblade, focusing the power of his heart, he summoned it.

Opening his eyes, he breathed slowly as he saw it. It was there, held tightly in his clammy, shaking hands. He felt strange, almost as though he was lost in some sort of wonderful, magical dream - the glow of the sunlight hung in the air, blurring his vision, casting a magical mist before his eyes. It felt strangely new to him, although he’d done it hundreds of times before - it felt just like the first time he’d held the Keyblade, unsure of the mystical power it held. The cool metal shone in the bright light, the little keychain swinging back and forth. He gave a glance to Kairi, who sat in both shock and joy - seeing the Keyblade brought back happy memories, but it was strange to see it again, after such a long time. Sora just smiled. He had done it.

You’re probably confused at the jumping between scenes, right? It’s not intentional. I just want to get the background information sorted before I can go on with the storyline. The beginning, following Sora’s day? That’s so it’s clear just why he’s so frustrated about work, and why he’s feeling pretty down. I want everything about the entire situation to be clear before everything else gets going. If I don’t make sure I explain the situation, then some of the fic won’t make sense. If that makes sense.

Sora Nomura… Lol, I had to do that, I couldn’t think of another surname for him. Kinda fits, doesn’t it?

And I know most of that chapter was description, (here's looking at you, IchigoNeko! XD) but I don’t want the chapters to be ridiculous lengths. I couldn’t cut any of that out, and adding more would make it too long.

<3 <3
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New member
Apr 6, 2006
Hell if I know?
Great so far Snow, it's good to see the keyblade make an appearance.
Looking forward to the next chapter, keep up the good work.:thumbsup:


is a girl
Mar 19, 2006
n. 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residenc
Yeah, I figured I should reintroduce it sometime! ^-^

I like writing about Riku, too. Last time, it was more centred around Sora, Kairi, and King Mickey. It seems like a big change, maybe even a break from the others.

Thanks for the comment, Squall! ^-^

<3 <3


New member
May 3, 2006

It was a pretty good chapter in my opinion. Um...I can't really say too much more...Yeah.

Update quick, please!


Active member
Jun 9, 2006
In your nightmares!
XD Another nice update. Hehe, looks like Kairi wanted to go to the island too. ^^ Keep up zee good work.

PS. I updated with another chapter. =D



is a girl
Mar 19, 2006
n. 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residenc
Heh, thanks for all the great comments everyone! ^-^

Cool, I'll be sure I'll read it, .:Mega:.!

Snowy? That's a cute name, Sorasheart! :3 Thanks a lot!

Next chappy should be up tomorrow. I'm still adding some finishing touches and stuff. I haven't written too much recently, I haven't been feeling too good. -.-

<3 <3
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