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Knight Theory

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Mythological Omega

the arsenal of megadeth
May 16, 2006
Banished from the dying world
Y'know those Knights in the secret ending? I think those knights (if they're not Chasers) will be the main characters of KH3. Like a prequal, KH3 could be about the history of previous Keybladers. I also have another theory. Each of their Keyblades represent Light: Kingdom Key, Darkness: Mickey's Keyblade, and Twilight (Dawn): Riku's Keyblade. As the story progresses, you may have to switch gameplay between each of them. I know it sounds stupid, but this is the **Spoiler** Forum right?

The Conquerer

The Bloody Warrior
Mar 6, 2006
MasterofDarkOblivion said:
Y'know those Knights in the secret ending? I think those knights (if they're not Chasers) will be the main characters of KH3. Like a prequal, KH3 could be about the history of previous Keybladers. I also have another theory. Each of their Keyblades represent Light: Kingdom Key, Darkness: Mickey's Keyblade, and Twilight (Dawn): Riku's Keyblade. As the story progresses, you may have to switch gameplay between each of them. I know it sounds stupid, but this is the **Spoiler** Forum right?

.....This thought has been brought up so many times. The only thing that makes your opinion different from others is the fact that you changed it around abit, making it seem like a better idea.:glare:

It is not even comfirmed that the next Kingdom Hearts's games would take place in the past. All Nomura said was that the 3 Knights in the Secret Ending was not Sora, Riku, and Kairi. But the 3 Knights has ties to Sora, Riku, and Mickey through the Keyblades.

(My Thoughts)
"It is possible that the Secret Ending took place in the past. But that does not mean that the entire game will take place in the past. I think that the Secret Ending is just a mini episode that explains the Keyblade War, and the truth behind the Keyblade's legend. It might even touch up on Xehanort's memories, and how he lost them. My guess is that this little mini episode is before the main game, and it lasts for awhile. Then after that little movie is over Sora's story starts.

Nomura did say that the next Kingdom Hearts's game would not be a direct sequel. So it won't be a numbered sequel. But this does not mean that Sora's story is over. What he probably ment was that the game takes place years after Kingdom Hearts 2, meaning the game won't be considered a direct sequel. A sequel maybe, but it won't be considered a sequel that was closer to the end of Kingdom Hearts 2. So it could possibly be called Kingdom Hearts: The Last Battle, or Kingdom Hearts: The Keyblade Wielder's Destiny.lol

I belive that Sora will be in the next Kingdom Hearts game because Nomura said that Kingdom Hearts is Sora's story, and without Sora, there is no Kingdom Hearts. Also the letter that Mickey sent to Sora and the gang, is proof that a new adventure is await.

Well this was just my opinion. This is funny because the next Kingdom Hearts game is not even comfirmed.lol
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Mythological Omega

the arsenal of megadeth
May 16, 2006
Banished from the dying world
The Conquerer said:
.....This thought has been brought up so many times. The only thing that makes your opinion different from others is the fact that you changed it around abit, making it seem like a better idea.:glare:

It is not even comfirmed that the next Kingdom Hearts's games would take place in the past. All Nomura said was that the 3 Knights in the Secret Ending was not Sora, Riku, and Kairi. But the 3 Knights has ties to Sora, Riku, and Mickey through the Keyblades.

(My Thoughts)
"It is possible that the Secret Ending took place in the past. But that does not mean that the entire game will take place in the past. I think that the Secret Ending is just a mini episode that explains the Keyblade War, and the truth behind the Keyblade's legend. It might even touch up on Xehanort's memories, and how he lost them. My guess is that this little mini episode is before the main game, and it lasts for awhile. Then after that little movie is over Sora's story starts.

Nomura did say that the next Kingdom Hearts's game would not be a direct sequel. So it won't be a numbered sequel. But this does not mean that Sora's story is over. What he probably ment was that the game takes place years after Kingdom Hearts 2, meaning the game won't be considered a direct sequel. A sequel maybe, but it won't be considered a sequel that was closer to the end of Kingdom Hearts 2. So it could possibly be called Kingdom Hearts: The Last Battle, or Kingdom Hearts: The Keyblade Wielder's Destiny.lol

I belive that Sora will be in the next Kingdom Hearts game because Nomura said that Kingdom Hearts is Sora's story, and without Sora, there is no Kingdom Hearts. Also the letter that Mickey sent to Sora and the gang, is proof that a new adventure is await.

Well this was just my opinion. This is funny because the next Kingdom Hearts game is not even comfirmed.lol
My bad .
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