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Fanfiction ► Walking this Road .........(Autobiography)

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New member
Jun 13, 2005
w00t sumone likes it

well even though I know sum ppl wont like it if sumone likes it its worth going for

2 peas in a pod

Well the day went on and I met many ppl..... this time i went to the Rp room and well RPed... I met many ppl DarkRiku 14( DR ), OathKeeper15, KairiKitten(KK) and Ava_Neutralheart, we Rped many thing along with Edwardelric7324,Bobapples, SK, and SX1 i was kinda like in the backround..Sub-Character... I mean what do ya expect i was new.. was shy but idk... We rped about us .. wel our Rp selfs..... and " it was about * us in the woods.. and we met a adorable Fox.. name Fluffy ( teh Fluffy ) well he was injured... and Oathkeeper15.. was taking care of him.....

Anyways.... we started talking about random things.... instead of Rping...And the Mods came in and ofcourse gaves us a warning

The mods are soo funny becuz they act tought but they reall aren't

well Might right more later bye



If biographies were flowers I'd crush yours into the dirt... absolutely boring... maybe you should do something spectacular so it might be worth writing an autobiography... but then again there are people out there who enjoy reading about adventures in the VB chat room...

At least be more literate and put it into biography format...


New member
Jun 23, 2005
oh shut up rayne, he isnt doing this to entertain you okay. You dont understand cause you werent there so lay off it. If you dont like it, then dont read it. and next time try some "constructive" critisizm instead (sorry being rude I just dont like ppl insulting my friends or their work)


Oathkeeper15 said:
oh shut up rayne, he isnt doing this to entertain you okay. You dont understand cause you werent there so lay off it. If you dont like it, then dont read it. and next time try some "constructive" critisizm instead (sorry being rude I just dont like ppl insulting my friends or their work)

oh don't worry, I don't plan on reading it... however seeing that I WAS being constructive, however annoying you might find it, I might read his next entry to see if he listened. BTW Down below vv

Me said:
At least be more literate and put it into biography format...

Oh wait, you didn't read the whole thing did you Oathkeeper15? Typical... I expected someone like you to post a response like that. I respect your protective nature towards your friends but I also find it pathetic, at least try to read someone's entire post before you try to stick up for your friends. It's not like I was accusing him of some crime, I was merely helping him in an distasteful manner... If you have a problem, go contact the Moderators, we can discuss the problem then...


Slippery People
May 10, 2004
You are aware that you posted this under Fan Fiction, right? I'm sure as hell that I don't see any fans. Idiot, no one wants to read about your online relationsip with three people and your oh-so-fun adventures in this exclusive, idiotic, petty clique of yours. If you wanna bitch and whine like an emo kid, do it on Xanga or somewhere else, not here.

Twilight12 said:
The mods are soo funny becuz they act tought but they reall aren't
You call them insulting you "funny?" Do you even call this pathetic excuse for an autobiography "funny?" Sorry to say, sad sir, but you have no good sense of humor; thus, you fail at life. :(

You can't even write an autobiography. Autobiographies are supposed to be composed of stories witin your lifetime that follows a specific timeline. Up until now, ghad damnit. This ain't an autobiography. Just for you, I've decided to write one for you, written by moi:

Twilight12 (what his timeline would look like if he started thinking more) said:

first event:
birth - the first spawning and sighting of MY IDIOCY!

<insert median events here that no one really gives a damn about>

present event: the day when silh0uette printed my thread up onto a sheet of paper and took a dump all over it; thus, should symbolize something too graphic for description
Have I given you your "constructive criticism" yet, my marionettes?
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Aug 10, 2004
with my *LLH*
silh0uette said:
You are aware that you posted this under Fan Fiction, right? I'm sure as hell that I don't see any fans. Idiot, no one wants to read about your online relationsip with three people and your oh-so-fun adventures in this exclusive, idiotic, petty clique of yours. If you wanna bitch and whine like an emo kid, do it on Xanga or somewhere else, not here.
Hahahahaha Amen to that Silh I think these people have a very shallow grip on reality
Twilight12 said:
w00t sumone likes it
lets sit here and realise that the person who likes it (a Is a friend of yours. (b has less of a life than you. or (c all of the above....you decide..


New member
Jul 10, 2005
You know what Siph ppl like u made Most ppl stop U killes alot of fun... and u say Twilight dosn't have a sense of humer.. yur the one that dosn't have one.... and you should understand what happpened Siph I mean u were always KILLING EVERYTHING.. no wopnder u lost yur job


silh0uette said:
You are aware that you posted this under Fan Fiction, right? I'm sure as hell that I don't see any fans. Idiot, no one wants to read about your online relationsip with three people and your oh-so-fun adventures in this exclusive, idiotic, petty clique of yours. If you wanna bitch and whine like an emo kid, do it on Xanga or somewhere else, not here.

You call them insulting you "funny?" Do you even call this pathetic excuse for an autobiography "funny?" Sorry to say, sad sir, but you have no good sense of humor; thus, you fail at life. :(

You can't even write an autobiography. Autobiographies are supposed to be composed of stories witin your lifetime that follows a specific timeline. Up until now, ghad damnit. This ain't an autobiography. Just for you, I've decided to write one for you, written by moi:

Have I given you your "constructive criticism" yet, my marionettes?

Yeah I was basically saying that but in a more... shorter/tiny bit nicer way... ^
But yes it's true, This "autobiography" as you call it, looks like you just typed it up on the spot, maybe you should plan it out first and then you wouldnt make so many mistakes. Yeah I dont really think that the VB chat rooms are really someones life, if it's your life I have to say that I find that pretty sad... and boring... Autobiographiesa aren't really your thing...

Shadow12 said:
You know what Siph ppl like u made Most ppl stop U killes alot of fun... and u say Twilight dosn't have a sense of humer.. yur the one that dosn't have one.... and you should understand what happpened Siph I mean u were always KILLING EVERYTHING.. no wopnder u lost yur job

A heartless with one post made this comment? It sounds like somebody on the forums is too cowardly to say this with their real account... we might have to get someone to investigate this... I think that multiple accounting is against the rules? if not then maybe it should be...


A heartless with one post made this comment? It sounds like somebody on the forums is too cowardly to say this with their real account... we might have to get someone to investigate this... I think that multiple accounting is against the rules? if not then maybe it should be...

It is against the rules =P I took notice of it yesterday. Amazingly, Twilight12 and Shadow12 type exactly the same. I've got my eye on this topic. Obviously, the person has another account, because they were apparently here when he was a moderator, thus concluding they've been here on another account, no doubt about that. I'll run an IP scan as soon as I'm done with this post.

Oh yah, as for my opinion on the topic, Silh said it all rather perfectly.


Slippery People
May 10, 2004
In order for my audience to fully comprehend on what my actors are saying, I've decided to break this post up into tiny parts:

Shadow12 said:
You know what Siph ppl like u made Most ppl stop U killes alot of fun...
Define "fun."

Shadow12 said:
Twilight dosn't have a sense of humer..
A mere playing around with your words, but a job eloquently well done on supporting yourself. Really.

Shadow12 said:
yur the one that dosn't have one....
You're the one that doesn't have any sense of literacy whatsoever, as well as comprehension. Never in my post, or anywhere else, did I ever say I did have one.

It pays to pay attention every once in a while.

Shadow12 said:
and you should understand what happpened Siph
Why? If I'm taking a mere moment to understand you, I'm taking a moment to bring myself down to your level: stupid. Time is money.

Shadow13 said:
I mean u were always KILLING EVERYTHING..
I still do.

Shadow12 said:
no wopnder u lost yur job
I resigned, petty child. :p
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Slippery People
May 10, 2004
sih? siph? At least spell my username correctly. And you talk about me being misinformed, when it's you who ain't informed on grammatical structure and spelling!

All talk, no action! The only thing you can really do is write such a blasphemous "autobiography." Hell, you haven't even directed responded to what I've posted in here thus far. Why is that?


Well this has become quite the show! An auto-biography thread gone horribly wrong, or at least it would have if it hadn't been so horrible to begin with.

Top job to SilhOuette and MegaFlare, I give reps to both of you! ^_^

But I must inform, that we are speaking to real people here, so no matter how pathetic their lives are we must treat them with some decency. Twilight12 and Shadow12's split personality surely makes up for his pathetic excuse for an auto-biography, and at least he has Oathkeeper15 as a friend, why they have so much in common they might aswell get married. Well that's all that I can say about them that isn't mildly ofensive, I have to go now, at an internet cafe y'know. Whoever invented them must be pure evil, caffiene and computers do NOT go well together!

Seeya later folks when I get back from NZ!
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