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February 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union χ ENG Update

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Ansem's Apprentice
Sep 27, 2015
under my books
Version 2.5.0 Update Notes

Thank you for playing KINGDOM HEARTS Union χ[Cross].

The app was updated to Version 2.5.0 on Feb. 1, 2018 at 12:00 a.m. PT / 8:00 (UTC). 
Please see the below for a list of adjustments implemented with this update.

■ Version Update Contents 
- Added Low resolution option. 
 → First time players will be able to choose between a "High resolution" or "Low resolution" option after completing the tutorial and before downloading the game. 
 → Current players can choose between the "High resolution" and "Low resolution" options by pressing the "Restore Resources" button on the title screen. 
  *NOTE: By changing the current setting, the game will either delete resources or download new resources. As such, we recommend using a stable Wi-Fi connection when switching between these options. 
- Added "Draw Odds" button where players can check the odds of receiving Medals in-game from each current banner. 
- Added ability to use Nova Attack during Auto-Battle. 
- Increased max Lux obtainable from raid bosses. 
- Minor bug fixes.

February Coliseum Update!

● Coliseum Update for February

■ Event Period: 
Feb. 1, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Feb. 28, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Feb. 1, 2018 8:00 to Mar. 1, 2018 7:59 (UTC)

The February Coliseum update has arrived!

This month, those who battle their way through the Coliseum can earn themselves the Heart-Shaped Balloon (Skill Perk +3) avatar parts!

Those who manage to battle their way to the top will also receive this powerful new skillATK B V Max & Lux+
Double your Medal's attack power 100% of the time at max skill level and get more Lux with this incredible skill!

Battle your way through the Coliseum to receive these and other great rewards!

You can view the Coliseum Tier Rewards in-game by doing the following: 
1. From the Menu, tap on "Quests" 
2. Tap on "Coliseum" 
3. Tap on "Tier Rewards" on the right

You can view the Ranking Rewards in-game by doing the following: 
1. From the Menu, tap on "Quests" 
2. Tap on "Coliseum" 
3. Tap on "Ranking" on the right 
4. Tap on "Rewards" on the bottom right

There are also two Bonus Boards available for those with extra Coliseum Coins!

Bunstar & Pigstar Spirit Part Blind Box Deals!

Adorable Bunstar and Pigstar Spirit Parts are back! 
Each draw is only 500 Jewels from these Spirit Box Blind Box Deals!

■ Campaign Period: 
Feb. 1, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Feb. 5, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Feb. 1, 2018 8:00 to Feb. 6, 2018 7:59 (UTC)

■ Campaign Details: 
Dress your Spirit up with these returning Spirit Parts! 
For just 500 Jewels you are guaranteed to get one of the Spirit Parts listed below per draw. Be careful of which banner you draw from, as Bunstar Spirit Parts are exlusive to the Bunstar banner, and Pigstar Spirit Parts are exclusive to the Pigstar banner! 
You are guaranteed to get a new Spirit Part each time you draw from one of these deals, meaning you won't get any repeats
NOTE: If you had previously received any of these returning Spirit Parts, you will not be able to receive them again.

Don't let these Spirit Parts pass you by, as you won't be able to obtain them outside of these Blind Box Deals until we announce they are available again!

■ Bunstar Spirit Parts:

Pink Bunstar Head Pink Bunstar Ears
Pink Bunstar Body Pink Bunstar Legs
Pink Bunstar Tail Blue Bunstar Head
Blue Bunstar Ears Blue Bunstar Body
Blue Bunstar Legs Blue Bunstar Tail
Rainbow Bunstar Head Rainbow Bunstar Ears
Rainbow Bunstar Body Rainbow Bunstar Legs
Rainbow Bunstar Tail Red Mushroom Hat

■ Pigstar Spirit Parts:

Purple Pigtar Head Purple Pigstar Ears
Purple Pigstar Body Purple Pigstar Legs
Purple Pigstar Tail Yellow Pigstar Head
Yellow Pigstar Ears Yellow Pigstar Body
Yellow Pigstar Legs Yellow Pigstar Tail
Black Pigstar Head Black Pigstar Ears
Black Pigstar Body Black Pigstar Legs
Black Pigstar Tail Furry Eyebrows
Autumn Leaves

*Images above feature an example of how these Spirit Parts can be coordinated.

Peter Pan Avatar Boards!

★ Peter Pan Avatar Boards!

■ Available Period: 
Feb. 1, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Feb. 12, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Feb. 1, 2018 8:00 to Feb. 13, 2018 7:59 (UTC)

■ Details: 
Fly off to Neverland with the Peter Pan avatar boards! 
For 2500 Jewels apiece, each board includes a set of avatar parts, boost Medals (including a Magic Broom Medal!), a Power Gem, plus a trio of useful skills!

・Dress your character up with Peter Pan avatar parts! 
・Stock up on bonus Medals like ChipDaleCid 10 and Magic Mirror Medals, plus a Magic Broom Medal, along with a Power Gem from each board! 
・Get Second Chance IIIATK B V & Lux+, and ATK B V Max & GA 1 skills!

■ Contents of Limited-Time Avatar Boards 
(The rewards listed below are for each board unless noted otherwise.)

Avatar Parts

Male Female
Peter Pan 
Peter Pan: Hat 
Peter Pan: Earrings
 (Skill Perk +6) 
Peter Pan: Bracelets
Peter Pan 
Peter Pan: Hat 
Peter Pan: Earrings
 (Skill Perk +6) 
Peter Pan: Bracelets

 6★ Chip x 2 
 6★ Dale x 2 
 6★ Cid 10 x 2 
 6★ Magic Mirror x 5 
 5★ Magic Broom x 1

(Attach these to your other Medals using the "Overwrite Skill" button!) 
 Second Chance III x 1 (6★ Scrooge) 
 ATK B V & Lux+ x 1 (6★ Scrooge) 
 ATK B V Max & GA 1 x 1 (6★ Scrooge)

 Power Gem x 1

■ About Avatar Boards: 
・Select "Avatar Boards" from the Menu to view these boards. 
・Once purchased, these avatar boards will remain unlocked for you even after the campaign period ends. 
(If you have not unlocked these avatar boards before the campaign end time, they will no longer be available to you.) 
・You will not need Avatar Coins to unlock nodes on these boards.

More Proud Mode Quests! (Feb. 1)

★ More Proud Mode Quests Added! 
We are happy to announce that Proud Mode Quests up to Quest 500 will be available as of Feb. 1, 2018 12:00 a.m. (PT) / 8:00 (UTC)!

Regarding Beginner's Deals and Daily Deal

We will be discontinuing the following banners as of Jan. 31, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. (PT) / Feb. 1, 2018 at 1:00 (UTC): 
 - All-Target Attack Medals! 
 - Single-Target Attack Medals! 
 - Buffer & Utility Medals! 
 - Daily Deal!

New banners will be added to replace these around mid-February 2018. 
We will provide information on these banners as it becomes available.

We hope you continue to enjoy KINGDOM HEARTS Union χ[Cross]!

[Update Feb. 2nd PT] Get KH II Naminé within 5 Draws!

Another powerful Naminé Medal has arrived: KH II Naminé!

Best of all, you are guaranteed to get KH II Naminé pre-strengthened to 3 Special Attack Dots within 5 draws from this KH II Naminé Deal! 
But act fast, this Medal can only be obtained for a limited period of time. 
In other words, you won't be able to obtain KH II Naminé outside of this Deal until we announce that she is available again!

This Tier 7 Medal's Special Attack enables it to copy the Special Attack of the Medal directly after it! 
Need some extra healing or buffs? Want to unleash another powerful attack? 
KH II Naminé is the Medal for you!

Plus, as an added bonus celebrating KH II Naminé's debut, you could get a Boosted version of this Medal with 2,000 more base Strength and Defense, instead of the usual 1,000! 
But that's not it! The Boosted version of this Medal also has 4 trait slots, instead of the usual 3!

Read on for more details!

■ Campaign Period: 
Feb. 2, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Feb. 8, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Feb. 2, 2018 8:00 to Feb. 9, 2018 7:59 (UTC)

■ KH II Naminé Deal Details 
This 10-Medal KH II Naminé Deal guarantees the following: 
・You will receive a KH II Naminé pre-strengthened to 3 Special Attack dots within 5 draws from this KH II Naminé Deal! 
・You will receive at least one Tier 4 or higher Medal that comes pre-strengthened to 1, 2, or 3 Special Attack dots! 
・The remaining 9 Medals will be of 5★ or higher rarity! 
*NOTE: KH II Naminé can only be pulled from this 10-Medal Deal during the specified period.

You also have a chance of getting a Boosted version of these Medals! 
・Boosted KH II Naminé2,000 more base Strength and Defense; 4 trait slots.

・The boosted base Strength and Defense stat will be highlighted in yellow instead of the usual white text on the Medal details screen. 
・A Boosted Medal can have its Special Attack strengthened by fusing the normal version of the same Medal onto it. 
However, make sure that you don't fuse the Boosted version onto a normal version, or else you'll lose the stat boost! 
・The special Boosted stats offered in this campaign apply only to this specific campaign period. Should KH II Naminé return in a future Medal Deal, the Boosted version of her Medal may not necessarily have 2,000 more base Strength and Defense and 4 trait slots.

■ New Medal Details

Medal Attribute Reversed / Upright Special Attack Bonus Tier Special Attack Target Gauge Cost
KH II Naminé M Upright 7 Unleashes the same special attack as the next Medal. Works only when set before a Medal. Single 0

Follow us on Twitter for the latest news! @Daybreak_Town



Active member
Aug 1, 2017
darkness within darkness
Re: February 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Darn it, I wanted to save, then Peter Pan came by which has three skills that I want. Hngh. Even though I hate Peter Pan as a person, his outfit is quite cute and the skills are worth their jewels. For the update: I knew the EX drop rates were horrible, but I expected them to be at least at ... 1% or something, this is a real scam. Well, what did I expect. I don't really get why they increased the lux drop rates, but maybe this is a hint we might be getting the level cap raise soon? SOON? Maybe for anniversary along with the copycats, lol.
Coliseum will be a real death match this month because the skill is very desirable, I hope I can at least get one. I ranked somewhere around 3000 this time I guess, maybe I could've gotten further, but it's so tedious. I wish there was some extra incentive to place in top 2500, I can't bother myself to waste so much more time on something that is so little fun. Well, maybe I'll try harder this month because I really want the skill.
Otherwise ... a cheesy balloon, overpriced animal parts, the usual stuff. I'm really curious what the deals will be replaced with, I hope it's something that is desirable for high-rank players too. Sometimes I have the ache to pull, but don't want to spend 3000, it would be nice if there was some smaller alternative, similar to the gem deals. Or maybe banners that only feature one color (e.g. upright / reversed / power / magic / speed), whatever, there's a lot of stuff that is possible. Maybe pull for a certain premium again within a deal that changes once a week, like back then when you got Ventus along with a broom, I'd love to see a return of that (I only need one Illustrated Xemnas for guilt, for example). So many opportunities ...

EDIT: The new screen and icon is so beautiful <33
Last edited:

DarkGrey Heroine

How much closer could I be?
Jan 29, 2015
Re: February 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

High resolution/low resolution? I'm curious how these options actually manifest, since I haven't played for a while, so I'd have no idea what the difference would look like


New member
Oct 9, 2017
Re: February 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Yeah, I'm... going to be focusing more on strengthening my keyblades up over going for any of these. Pet parts are cute, but not necessary and don't add perks. I was excited to see the Peter Pan costumes last night, but at 2500 that's the same price as the second draw on the falling price deal for clothes I might not wear that much (the other stuff could've been good, but, still).

I'm wondering what they're going to replace the beginners' deals with too though, now that I've noticed.


Crazy Woodwind Lady
Jun 26, 2011
Re: February 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Will we EVER see the level cap increase in global?

You know, it's such a simple and easy way to increase incentive to play the game. I don't know about the rest of you, but incentive has been dwindling for me. I don't understand why they can't just add the level cap increase already. I'm beginning to think that it is never coming.

Hakan Xatos

Jul 30, 2014
Re: February 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Yeah I agree with a level cap increase. Everytime I get gobs of xp from raids or whatever I just shake my head in frustration. Could've been another 50 levels higher by now.

Pirate Queen

New member
Oct 7, 2017
Re: February 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Will we EVER see the level cap increase in global?

You know, it's such a simple and easy way to increase incentive to play the game. I don't know about the rest of you, but incentive has been dwindling for me. I don't understand why they can't just add the level cap increase already. I'm beginning to think that it is never coming.

But...but...they're giving us that nice get together in LA for all loyal Khux players. Shouldn't that be enough? I mean, isn't that better than a little ole level cap increase? Lol.


Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: February 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I am definitely miffed about the lack of Level Cap increase in this update. Perfect opportunity and SENA blew it. It's official, it's being held iff until the Anniversary for whatever reason. If we don't get it then, I'll be convinced we're never getting it. It's like SENA hates giving us free jewels in high amounts. No Pegasus Cup that would give 6k, no Level Up boards that IIRC in JP give 5k every 50 levels for a grand total of 20k by Level 500...What, does it affect their bottom line that much? Mrgrgrgrgr...

In more positive news...FREE AT LAST! FREE AT LAST! KAIRI BE PRAISED, WE ARE FREE AT LAST! #NoMoreDuckBill Wasn't expecting the board this quick, but I am genuinely happy that I can have the max +33 Skill Perk and have a nice ensemble that looks great too. MMMM! Perfection!

Also, the Proud Quests. So happy that Diamond Dust is +25 now. Granted, the 2 Medal requirement on the last one is utter insanity if you don't have iXEX (like me...), so watch out on that. All Keyblades can now reach that sweet 25 level threshold. The final form looks great, too. Just need more FMBs so I can get Guilt on my HD Vanitas and MXEX. Gonna take a while given how SENA trickles them out to non-VIP users, but it'll do well while I wait for the next time iXEX comes around. I should have way more Jewels by then with all the upright Banners I'll skip. Unless KHII Namine's is a Copy Banner, that'll be worth pulling on.


red gay
Jun 6, 2015
Re: February 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

High resolution/low resolution? I'm curious how these options actually manifest, since I haven't played for a while, so I'd have no idea what the difference would look like

I dont see much of a difference, but my phone thanks me for it.


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
Re: February 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

What are the chances Global will actually get the Hamstar though lol. To say they screw us over with the Spirits that aren't in crappy blind box deals is an understatement lol....I was surprised we even got all three Reinstars. And then they went immediately backwards and didn't give us the dogs from last month...



Crazy Woodwind Lady
Jun 26, 2011
Re: February 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I remember those dogs that JP got for the New Year being really cute, too. It's a shame.


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
Re: February 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I remember those dogs that JP got for the New Year being really cute, too. It's a shame.

Yeah Shiba's are super cute, I was somewhat hopeful after the Reinstar events we may get them in some way, but then yea lol. We didn't...


Ansem's Apprentice
Sep 27, 2015
under my books
Re: February 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Updated OP with the KH2 Namine Deal!


Active member
Aug 1, 2017
darkness within darkness
Re: February 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I can't believe this Naminé banner. I was really pleased when I saw a new medal (even though it's another copycat) that is NOT an EX and what do they do - make her limited time but advertise her with "4 medal slots" that you can only get with a boosted one. Why limited time and who (except for the whales that can now fill FOUR slots with raid damage) needs 4 slots when the average player will never fill these slots anyway and for the whales it's a little whaling more?
The game really should get down to earth again, NA and JP. Stop with the overflow of EX medals, make some cool new premiums, give us decent guarantees, work on actual story content. Save your own game from frustration.

Hakan Xatos

Jul 30, 2014
Re: February 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Easily skippable for me. If it was guaranteed boosted with the extra slot then i might've pulled, but the chances aren't that good and I'd rather save.


Jul 5, 2013
Trapped in some random lolita doll.
Re: February 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Will we EVER see the level cap increase in global?

You know, it's such a simple and easy way to increase incentive to play the game. I don't know about the rest of you, but incentive has been dwindling for me. I don't understand why they can't just add the level cap increase already. I'm beginning to think that it is never coming.

People have been saying jp got their's during anniversary, so waiting more for our anniversary for it to come, though it does indeed suck. I personally just do the bare minimum for daily jewels.

Pulled 5 times on the Namine banner only because they said her medal was limited time, I had enough to still pull from SoKai and Aqua Ex 5 times each, I wasn't able to get Namine before the mercy, and Namine is one of my favorite characters. Terrible banner though, not even a falling price deal... but least it was mercy.


Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: February 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I think the big negative of the Namine Banner is that they effectively made her an EX Medal by limiting her to this banner. Pretty sure JP didn't do that, though correct me if I'm wrong on that. It just makes SENA look even worse than before, and IMO I didn't think that was possible. I don't have 15k to mercy her, so skip it is. Not even a true Copy Banner either...wish I knew what the heck SE is thinking...


Aug 14, 2017
Re: February 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

People have been saying jp got their's during anniversary, so waiting more for our anniversary for it to come, though it does indeed suck. I personally just do the bare minimum for daily jewels.
Yeah same, unless I have to grind for some EXP/Evolve medals, though I've been pretty lazy about that lately, too :s
I mean it doesn't even make sense, we got the Pet update right away even though withholding it would have made so much sense story-wise. Withholding the Level cap update is plain stupid.

On another note, I was kind of looking forward to Naminé and I think it's great that she's a mercy, but that she's an exclusive... eh, no thanks. I guess I'll stand by my old HD Naminé, I managed to put traits on her and guilt her so the hassle isn't worth it. If there was at least a Copy medal banner, I am DYING for the Key Art copy medals. Or Naminé could've worked backwards like them instead of another forwards medal -.- Anyhow, guess I'll keep saving the jewels for whichever of my fave Exes comes with an achievable mercy first.


Crazy Woodwind Lady
Jun 26, 2011
Re: February 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I don't understand why they're making her exclusive to the banner, but that doesn't make it a garbage banner. It's the first time we've seen a guaranteed-in-five pulls deal in a long time.

I'd been looking forward to this medal for quite some time so I could have a Magic copy medal to actually use as an attack medal. My HD Namine ended up rolling with Extra Attack, so she became a double copy of buffers forever.

Anyway, I pulled for her today. Got her on my third pull (with came with FOUR premiums in total, only one of which being a Tier 4 IIRC). Oddly enough I pulled HD Namine again on my first pull. I had a second non-guilted copy of her in hopes of maybe getting enough to guilt her, but that never happened. But then I roll this one into that second copy... and get Extra Attack! Wow. So now I have two different HD Namines with Extra Attack! Almost all of my other trait rolls for the other premiums were awful - lots of Defense +2000s!
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