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News ► Famitsu Details Some of KH3's World Order, Pudding Heartless, Gummi Ship Customisation and More

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Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008

Famitsu published a very long, and very detailed, recap of the Kingdom Hearts Fan Event that took place at D23 Japan over the weekend.

Saken has provided a synopsis of the new information, as well as detailing what Miyu Irino, voice actor of Sora, and Risa Uchida, voice actor of Kairi, had to say about their experiences with the Kingdom Hearts series.

There was a lot of repeated content in the report, so we have only included details which are new or expand on previously known information.

  • As previously revealed, development of the worlds are split up into three different sections. The first round of worlds are around 90% complete, the middle round of worlds are around 60-70% complete.
  • Toy Story and Monsters Inc. are in the first round of worlds, alongside Olympus. Tangled is in the middle round of worlds.
  • There are roughly 10 worlds over the 3 parts, but it is unclear if that is just Disney worlds or all of the worlds in the game.
  • The Rare Heartless will be a giant-sized Japanese pudding themed Heartless. Co-director Tai Yasue says that there will be different fruit accessories that they wear.
  • The Giantland segment will be implemented like an old LSI game. This is something that Nomura really wanted to put into Kingdom Hearts 3.
  • You will be able to customise the Gummi Ship with accessories. It is not like Kingdom Hearts 1 level of customisation, but more in tune with how you could accessorise Aqua in Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep.


The following was shown as a video message to the audience at the Kingdom Hearts Fan Event at D23.

The first scene comprised of a video message from Miyu Irino, voice actor of Sora, and Risa Uchida, voice actor of Kairi.

In the message, Irino san discussed about the journey he’s taken with Sora and how they have both grown together. As Irino san grew, his expression and style of speech changed, which naturally transmitted unto Sora. About the change, Irino san commented “It’s not like I was consciously aware of it. As I grew and experienced life, the changes I felt also transferred to Sora.”

About his visit to Square Enix’s Osaka office, who are currently hard at work developing Kingdom Hearts 3, Irino san commented, “The amount of information on each piece of content and their respective designs, the trial and error, everyone’s hard work… I could feel the shape that KH was being moulded into and I too felt that I wanted to evolve Kingdom Hearts into something even better.”

Irino san is currently most keen in exploring the Toy Story world. “Sora finally being able to visit the Toy World filled me with so much happiness and joy! I felt exactly like the fans!” he exclaimed.

Finally, Irino san expressed his gratitude toward Sora. “Through Sora’s curiosity and adventurous spirit I have also been able to grow, so I’m incredibly glad to have been able to walk this path with him for the past 15 years. Thank you.”

Continuing, Uchida san was asked the question, “If there was any other character you could voice in KH, who would it be?” in which she replied, “A character who’s strong and confident, a cool character”. She continued, “Upon meeting Megumi Toyoguchi (voice actor of Aqua), I thought she was such a beautiful person… I aspired to be like her!” to which her reply to the question at hand was “Aqua”.

When asked to comment about Kingdom Hearts 3, Uchida san responds saying “I’ve heard rumours that ‘this’, which is one of my favourites, and ‘that’ which has never appeared in Kingdom Hearts before, will be included this time so I’m really looking forward to it!*” With much enthusiasm she concluded, “I’m full of emotion to be reunited with Kairi again. I’ll do my utmost best! (in voicing her)” *She purposely left ‘this’ and ‘that’ incredibly vague.

Next, Irino san and Uchida san talked together about their experiences working on Kingdom Hearts. They reflected upon the KH1 recording days, where they would go out together to eat Japanese dumplings (gyoza), rehearse their lines with each other and about other nostalgic episodes they experienced together. Even recently, they often go and see each other off in their respective performances, where they commented that they feel like they share a connection similar to that which is shared amongst Sora, Riku and Kairi, forged from when they originally worked together which permeates until this day.

Back to Irino san, who talks about his recent endeavours travelling abroad with a single backpack. About his reasoning, he commented, “I wanted to study languages, and experience the various theatre performances available around the world”. “While I didn’t feel exactly like Sora, it was a similar sort of feeling… Travelling around to all these different worlds, meeting and conversing with so many different people… It felt like a Sora-esque adventure”, he concluded.

Upon seeing the video message, Nomura san, with sentiments similar to that of a parent toward their children, remarked, “I’m glad that they were able to grow into adults without causing too much trouble (laughs). They have remained true to themselves and us, as they have been from the very beginning.”

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Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Re: Famitsu Details Some of KH3's World Order, Pudding Heartless, Gummi Ship Customisation and More

Fami says that TS and MI are in the first round of worlds based on the dev info, and coupled with what Gamespot said we believe it is confirmed that they are some of the first worlds:

According to Square Enix, everyone in the Osaka studio is working on Kingdom Hearts 3, with 100 people from its Tokyo studio also involved. Development is split into three sections: Early, middle, and late. There's around three worlds per section, but Square Enix noted that this doesn't mean there's nine worlds in total. The early phase worlds are 90 percent complete, while middle section worlds are at around 60 percent.
If it turns out that this is not accurate then I apologise!


Sep 27, 2004
Re: Famitsu Details Some of KH3's World Order, Pudding Heartless, Gummi Ship Customisation and More

So worst case scenario...

1. Twilight Town
2. Olympus
3. Toy Story
4. Monsters Inc

5. Radiant Garden + 6. Mini-game World
7. San Fransokyo
8. Corona

9. Frozen
10. Final world/Keyblade Graveyard

Notable omissions/swaps: Land of Departure/CO, Daybreak Town?, Mysterious Tower (if separate world), the weird Cable Town thing

Nomura did say roughly three per section.

Of course, best case scenario, the '10 total' are all Disney worlds and we still have 5 more Disney worlds to go!

OathkeeperRoxas XIII

Silver Member
Feb 15, 2009
Destiny Islands
Re: Famitsu Details Some of KH3's World Order, Pudding Heartless, Gummi Ship Customisation and More

So that means our possible order is:

Mount Olympus
Twilight Town
Toy Story world

Then Tangled somewhere in the middle worlds


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Re: Famitsu Details Some of KH3's World Order, Pudding Heartless, Gummi Ship Customisation and More

I think it's great that they've changed Gummi Ship customisation to be more in tune with what we experienced with Aqua in 0.2. I never went into the Gummi menu in KH1 without using a prewritten guide to complete the missions, and in KH2 I had to make that donut.

To have accessories editable is very welcome for me.

Also I'm amazed by how the rare heartless are Japanese pudding themed. That is ripped straight from KHUX.


OathkeeperRoxas XIII

Silver Member
Feb 15, 2009
Destiny Islands
Re: Famitsu Details Some of KH3's World Order, Pudding Heartless, Gummi Ship Customisation and More

I think it's great that they've changed Gummi Ship customisation to be more in tune with what we experienced with Aqua in 0.2. I never went into the Gummi menu in KH1 without using a prewritten guide to complete the missions, and in KH2 I had to make that donut.

To have accessories editable is very welcome for me.

Also I'm amazed by how the rare heartless are Japanese pudding themed. That is ripped straight from KHUX.


What I am about to say will fly over most reading this:

Neptune would be pleased


No one will get it


Active member
Jul 25, 2012
1837 Cumberland Rd
Re: Famitsu Details Some of KH3's World Order, Pudding Heartless, Gummi Ship Customisation and More

They need to Put Treasure Planet, Jungle Book and Wreck-It-Ralph in the Game.


May 27, 2014
Re: Famitsu Details Some of KH3's World Order, Pudding Heartless, Gummi Ship Customisation and More

I think the roughly 10 are just Disney Worlds. This does not include the Original Worlds. The Disney Worlds for the most part are always gonna be more detail oriented then the Regular Ones and need more focus on them. Plus we go back to Nomura saying KH 3 would have less Disney Worlds then KH 2.

[So 10 Disney Worlds is what I think many of us predicted which means that even after the leaked ones (100 Acre Wood/Frozen) that leaves us with 3 more Disney Worlds that are unknown. And it's great cause it's more then KH 1.

As for the others I think there will be 4-5 Original Worlds including Radiant Garden, Cable Town, Twilight Town, Keyblade Graveyard and LOD.
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Dec 28, 2011
Re: Famitsu Details Some of KH3's World Order, Pudding Heartless, Gummi Ship Customisation and More

I think the roughly 10 are just Disney Worlds. This does not include the Original Worlds. The Disney Worlds for the most part are always gonna be more detail oriented then the Regular Ones and need more focus on them. Plus we go back to Nomura saying KH 3 would have less Disney Worlds then KH 2.

So 10 Disney Worlds is what I think many of us predicted which means that even after the leaked ones (100 Acre Wood/Frozen) that leaves us with 3 more Disney Worlds that are unknown. And it's great cause it's more then KH 1.

As for the others I think there will be 4-5 Original Worlds including Radiant Garden, Cable Town, Twilight Town, Keyblade Graveyard and LOD.

Yea but from a development perspective, why would the way its split up only include Disney worlds? If they’re discussing how they’ve split up development across the entire game, why wouldn’t they be talking about every world? Obviously I want to be wrong, but I don’t think we can assume they’re just talking about Disney worlds just because we want there to be 9 Disney worlds.
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May 3, 2009
Midnight channel
Re: Famitsu Details Some of KH3's World Order, Pudding Heartless, Gummi Ship Customisation and More

Before they stressed KH3 didn't have only 9 worlds. I guess it was 10 all along.:rolleyes:


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Re: Famitsu Details Some of KH3's World Order, Pudding Heartless, Gummi Ship Customisation and More

Yea but from a development perspective, why would the way its split up only include Disney worlds? If they’re discussing how they’ve split up development across the entire game, why wouldn’t they be talking about every world? Obviously I want to be wrong, but I don’t think we can assume they’re just talking about Disney worlds just because we want there to be 9 Disney worlds.
It may be that way for a variety of reasons. One could be they're designing completely new areas (Hercules) and worlds (TS, MI, Tangled etc.) for the game, so those are taking a lot of precedence to original worlds, which already have maps created from past games. Another could be some original worlds are cutscene only so they don't have to go to the trouble of making a playable environment and thus only have to create a handful of assets and areas for the cutscenes to take place in.

Edit: They also have Mysterious Tower and Destiny Islands finished because of 0.2! Getting 0.2 out and having that eliminate "4" worlds of dev for KH3 might have helped in the long run.


Active member
Jul 25, 2012
1837 Cumberland Rd
Re: Famitsu Details Some of KH3's World Order, Pudding Heartless, Gummi Ship Customisation and More

Yea but from a development perspective, why would the way its split up only include Disney worlds? If they’re discussing how they’ve split up development across the entire game, why wouldn’t they be talking about every world? Obviously I want to be wrong, but I don’t think we can assume they’re just talking about Disney worlds just because we want there to be 9 Disney worlds.

So it's Possible that Jungle Book, Treasure Planet and Wreck-it-Ralph could be those 3 Final Disney Worlds?


May 3, 2009
Midnight channel
Re: Famitsu Details Some of KH3's World Order, Pudding Heartless, Gummi Ship Customisation and More

The last few worlds could be anything. Though i feel like Jungle book's chances has kinda lowered because of Tangled. Like they went outta of their way to make it more Jungle influenced.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Re: Famitsu Details Some of KH3's World Order, Pudding Heartless, Gummi Ship Customisation and More

Nomura said that 0.2 was suppose to be the length of one Disney world in KH2, but when he actually got around to playing it, it was a bit longer. For 10 Disney worlds and however many original worlds, we are looking at roughly 2 hours per Disney world (because unless you know 0.2 and rush through it, it should take about this long). Therefore we're looking at around a nice length for KH3, over 20 hours with more put in it if worlds take longer, if the original worlds have a lot of length, and if there's plenty to do when going for 100% completion.

Side note: You also really shouldn't ever compare the proper length of a world to how long it took you to rush through it, otherwise all Disney worlds in KH2 are less than 1 hour long for me, both trips included and it isn't true if I said Agrabah is only 44 minutes long (this is how long it took me in the PS4 when skipping cutscenes and going where I knew where to go).


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
Re: Famitsu Details Some of KH3's World Order, Pudding Heartless, Gummi Ship Customisation and More

I dunno why having both worlds with appearance changes right at the beginning bugs me, but it does a little lol. Maybe because Sora will get his KH3 outfit and then immediately change in 2 worlds like right in a row? I dunno. I mean, I'll live lol. But its a tad strange to me.

The pudding Heartless sound amazing, I love them already. I really love the Giantland thing too, I want to know more about how it works.

So worst case scenario...

1. Twilight Town
2. Olympus
3. Toy Story
4. Monsters Inc

5. Radiant Garden + 6. Mini-game World
7. San Fransokyo
8. Corona

9. Frozen
10. Final world/Keyblade Graveyard

Notable omissions/swaps: Land of Departure/CO, Daybreak Town?, Mysterious Tower (if separate world), the weird Cable Town thing

Nomura did say roughly three per section.

Of course, best case scenario, the '10 total' are all Disney worlds and we still have 5 more Disney worlds to go!

Yeah that just seems like too few original worlds given how until now they have focused on talking about the quantity of Disney worlds being less than KH2. Though I do think Mysterious Tower is part of something, whether its Twilight Town or a Fantasia world I dunno lol. 10 really sounds like a decent amount of Disney worlds....

To be honest tho, I sort of still think Cable Town and LoD are maybe the same thing? And so it being on top of this list....could maybe work lol. So one less, maybe isn't as crazy as I thought.

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
Re: Famitsu Details Some of KH3's World Order, Pudding Heartless, Gummi Ship Customisation and More

Maybe the world order is being done in accordance to release year of the Disney franchises from Toy Story onwards?


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
Re: Famitsu Details Some of KH3's World Order, Pudding Heartless, Gummi Ship Customisation and More

Maybe the world order is being done in accordance to release year of the Disney franchises from Toy Story onwards?

I did consider that, it low-key lines up lol.

Edit: Oh wait, so they consider Monsters Inc 90% done? It looks less done than Tangled tbh lol. In terms of character models and lighting at least...maybe thats just the 10% left ha.


Mar 14, 2013
Re: Famitsu Details Some of KH3's World Order, Pudding Heartless, Gummi Ship Customisation and More

For 10 Disney worlds and however many original worlds, we are looking at roughly 2 hours per Disney world (because unless you know 0.2 and rush through it, it should take about this long).

Plus, let's be fair. That's without exploring every nook and cranny of 0.2 or completing every objective. AND you don't even have to really worry about level grinding. Your level is already high enough that leveling up doesn't do all THAT much for you. Even if a KH3 world was only intended to be as long as 0.2, you'd still have to account for levels, probably some kind of item grinding since every main KH has some kind of crafting, probably more mini games and such. I'd go so far as to say that I feel fairly confident it'll be closer to 3 hours on the quick side of things the first time around.

I am confused though. Why does everybody suddenly seem to think there's only 9 worlds? Didn't they explicitly say that the three teams working on 3 worlds each DIDN'T mean there was only 9 worlds total?

On the subject of World Order though, I'd like to voice something I've been thinking about. From what I heard, the 0.2 section was originally intended to be the tutorial for the game, directly following the opening cutscenes and ending as 0.2 did- with Sora getting his mission and setting off for Olympus. If I recall correctly it got cut out partly because the tone shift was too severe, right? Well I've been thinking, they probably replaced that section now. We know Sora went to visit the Dream Eaters in Traverse Town, and that he only just got back. I'm gonna hazard a guess that he pips back up in Twilight Town somewhere, and heading to Yen Sid's tower will act as the tutorial. Then you head off to Olympus Colosseum, to return later in the story for the confrontation in front of the mansion.


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
Re: Famitsu Details Some of KH3's World Order, Pudding Heartless, Gummi Ship Customisation and More

Plus, let's be fair. That's without exploring every nook and cranny of 0.2 or completing every objective. AND you don't even have to really worry about level grinding. Your level is already high enough that leveling up doesn't do all THAT much for you. Even if a KH3 world was only intended to be as long as 0.2, you'd still have to account for levels, probably some kind of item grinding since every main KH has some kind of crafting, probably more mini games and such. I'd go so far as to say that I feel fairly confident it'll be closer to 3 hours on the quick side of things the first time around.

I am confused though. Why does everybody suddenly seem to think there's only 9 worlds? Didn't they explicitly say that the three teams working on 3 worlds each DIDN'T mean there was only 9 worlds total?

On the subject of World Order though, I'd like to voice something I've been thinking about. From what I heard, the 0.2 section was originally intended to be the tutorial for the game, directly following the opening cutscenes and ending as 0.2 did- with Sora getting his mission and setting off for Olympus. If I recall correctly it got cut out partly because the tone shift was too severe, right? Well I've been thinking, they probably replaced that section now. We know Sora went to visit the Dream Eaters in Traverse Town, and that he only just got back. I'm gonna hazard a guess that he pips back up in Twilight Town somewhere, and heading to Yen Sid's tower will act as the tutorial. Then you head off to Olympus Colosseum, to return later in the story for the confrontation in front of the mansion.

I think we are concerned because now they upped the number to 10, and didn't clarify what that meant. I recall when they said 9 they said it wasn't all the worlds ha, but 10 is technically bigger than that....

I dunno, you mean it starts before the scenes we see in 0.2? I guess thats possible. But I think Olympus is the first world since Sora is still in his KH2 look for it.


Mar 14, 2013
Re: Famitsu Details Some of KH3's World Order, Pudding Heartless, Gummi Ship Customisation and More

To be honest tho, I sort of still think Cable Town and LoD are maybe the same thing? And so it being on top of this list....could maybe work lol. So one less, maybe isn't as crazy as I thought.

I don't believe they are the same thing, personally. We know LoD becomes Castle Oblivion, plus didn't Nomura say something about a scene with Eraqus in a "world we haven't ever seen before"? Since the opening looks like it takes place in the LoD I'd bet Cable Town is elsewhere. I'm with you on the numbers though, 9-10 Disney worlds really sounds solid.

As to Monsters Inc, it looks like a 90% completed world to me honestly. The only model that I think even looks a little weird is Sully, and I remember reading on the KHInsider Twitter that a Pixar employee explained that the original movie Sully had a fuckton of fur that had to be pre-rendered (so much so that they couldn't have furry monsters in the backgrounds of scenes with him in it). I believe the person said Sully looks odd because the hair is being rendered in real time by the engine, and he has to have a lot less individual hairs for the frame rate. Everyone else looked pretty well done to me.
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