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April 7th - Kingdom Hearts Union χ ENG Update

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Ansem's Apprentice
Sep 27, 2015
under my books
LIMITED TIME: HD Vanitas [EX+] Deal!

★ The latest Tier 8 Medal, HD Vanitas [EX+], arrives in this new EX Medal Deal! 
 Get HD Vanitas [EX+] within 5 draws from this EX Medal Deal!

The latest in the powerful EX Medal series, HD Vanitas [EX+] has arrived! Get him within 5 draws from this EX Medal Deal! 
As you can also receive Trait Medal #4 for HD Vanitas [EX+], you'll be able to deck out your HD Vanitas [EX+] traits and power him up further! 
Plus, as an added bonus, you will receive three Magic Mirror Medals each time you draw from this banner!

When you fuse Trait Medal #4 into HD Vanitas [EX+], the following will occur: 
 ・HD Vanitas [EX+] will gain a new trait
 ・HD Vanitas [EX+] will gain one Special Attack Dot. 
NOTE: If HD Vanitas [EX+] is already strengthened to 5 Special Attack Dots, the Trait Medal will unlock the Special Attack Bonus. Trait Medals can also re-roll Special Attack Bonuses if the Bonus is already unlocked.

Plus, HD Vanitas [EX+] also has unique Home Screen music when you share this Medal!

As a reminder, EX Medals can only be obtained for limited periods of time
In other words, you won't be able to obtain HD Vanitas [EX+] outside of this EX Medal Deal until we announce that he is available again!

Read on for details!

■ Campaign Period: 
Apr. 7, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Apr. 16, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Apr. 7, 2018 7:00 to Apr. 17, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

This 10-Medal EX Medal Deal guarantees the following: 
・You are guaranteed to receive an HD Vanitas [EX+] within 5 draws from this EX Medal Deal! 
・You will receive three Magic Mirror Medals each time you draw from this EX Medal Deal! 
・You will receive at least one Tier 6 or higher Medal pre-strengthened to 1, 2, or 3 Special Attack Dots in each draw! 
 NOTE: HD Vanitas [EX+] and Trait Medal #4 will come with 0 Special Attack Dots. 
・The remaining 9 Medals will be of 5★ or higher rarity!

You also have a chance of getting a Boosted version of this Medal! 
・Boosted HD Vanitas [EX+]1,000 more base Strength and Defense
・The boosted base Strength and Defense stat will be highlighted in yellow instead of the usual white text on the Medal details screen. 
・A Boosted Medal can have its Special Attack strengthened by fusing the normal version of the same Medal onto it. 
However, make sure that you don't fuse the Boosted version onto a normal version, or else you'll lose the stat boost!

 HD Vanitas [EX+] Medal Details

Medal Attribute Reversed / Upright Special Attack Bonus Tier Special Attack Target Gauge Cost Damage Multiplier*
HD Vanitas [EX+] 
*Includes music.
M Reversed 8 Deals 3 hits. 1 turn: ↓ targets' Reversed DEF by 2, M-DEF by 7. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. All 4 × 8.84 - 15.37
* Damage multiplier listed applies to a version of this Medal with a maximum Special Attack Bonus.

■ About Trait Medals 
・Trait Medals will only yield a new trait or one Special Attack dot when they are fused into their corresponding Medal. Trait Medals have different stats and abilities from their corresponding Medal. 
・Trait Medals are not equippable on a Keyblade due to their high cost. While they can be equipped as a Pet Slot Medal or shared, they are not suited for, or intended to, use as an attack Medal. 
・Each Trait Medal is worth 15 Pet Points. 
・Should you receive a Trait Medal from a deal, it will come marked as being "BOOSTED." 
・Trait Medals and their corresponding Medals share a slot in the Album. 
・During a High Score Challenge, or other event, where a Trait Medal's corresponding Medal is a Score Bonus Medal, the Trait Medal will also give the same score bonus.

One Free Draw Daily! Collect Medals to Earn Jewels!

■Campaign Period 
Apr. 7, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Apr. 30, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Apr. 7, 2018 7:00 to May 1, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

★Draw once per day for free! 
Collect Illustrated Moogle Medals to earn Jewels!

You can draw once per day for free from this special Deal! 
You will receive one Medal each day when you draw from this Deal! 
At the end of the campaign period, you will be eligible to receive 1000 Jewels for each Illustrated Moogle Medal you have in your Medal list
As such, do not sell any Illustrated Moogle Medals you receive before the above campaign period ends! If you do, you will not receive Jewels for them! 
Plus, if you draw from the deal each day, you are guaranteed to receive at least one Illustrated Moogle Medal within 10 days!

Be sure to draw from the banner once per day and collect as many Illustrated Moogle Medals as you can!

NOTE: Jewels will sent out to eligible players after May 1, 2018 (PT). 
After Jewels are sent out, you are free to sell the Illustrated Moogle Medals you collected. These Medals will not be converted into Jewels; rather Jewels will be sent to your present box.

[April 8th PT] Daily Lux Challenge!

Earn a Magic Mirror Medal and more with the Daily Lux Challenge!

■Event Period: 
Apr. 8, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Apr. 14, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Apr. 8, 2018 7:00 to Apr. 15, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

■Event Details: 
Earn a Magic Mirror Medal and more every day this week with this Daily Lux Challenge! 
・Each day there will be a new quest, for a total of 7 quests! 
・Check each day for that specific day's rewards!

Follow us on Twitter for the latest news! @Daybreak_Town



Crazy Woodwind Lady
Jun 26, 2011
Re: April 7th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Can't lie, this is a bit underwhelming for the anniversary day itself. Didn't JP get a lot, like that Raid event with the trumpet as the reward? (as a wind instrument enthusiast I simply must have that!).

Free pulls each day are neat to see. The five pull for EX Vanitas is neat... But at the same time, I think he's probably the least exciting of the new EX's - Reverse Magic just isn't very useful in most setups.


May 21, 2014
Re: April 7th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

We also get 3,000 free jewels on login.


Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: April 7th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I'm actually really annoyed that we only got 3k Jewels as our free Anniversary Gift. Last year we got what, 10-15k from it? I get that they might be saving some stuff for the Fan Event and we might get more then, but iXEX is the only medal I really want that will come out on a banner sometime soon. So unless we suddenly get the Pegasus Cup with 6k Jewel Reward on Monday or the expected iXEX banner does not show up next week and is delayed to the week after I might well be screwed. The timing doesn't favor me as I'm still 4k Jewels under 15k. Not only that, but it's the principle if the matter. Less Jewels than last year? Not exactly helping the "SENA is Stingy with Free Jewels" reputation going on. Yes, we've gotten some events that have given out free Jewels here and there in the past few weeks. IIRC we also got those on top of the free gift last year. There's little to no excuse in my book. Next week is going to be the saving grace. I'd hate to do so, but I'll bite the bullet and grab VIP if I absolutely need to to guarantee iXEX next week in the event she shows up. Not missing her again if I can help it.

The Moogle Draw is nice at least. Granted, we'll only get the Jewels after all the fun stuff is over, just like last time, but 2000+ Jewels to build the stash back up after April will be nice (assuming SENA hasn't broken my last straw by then). The graphical glitch in the tweet was funny, kinda wonder if it was a resizing error that they just overlooked in the tweet. Free pulls are free pulls, but outside of the Moogles I don't expect much since the 6* medals seem to be capped at Tier 4. The Moogles have a 8% draw rate though. Higher than I expected tbh.


Crazy Woodwind Lady
Jun 26, 2011
Re: April 7th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Hm... I don't remember getting that many jewels last year. SENA only became more generous with large amounts of jewels after that. I remember we got like 15K jewels for the KH anniversary and that was just completely unheard of.

I just looked it up. We didn't get any jewels for anniversary itself last year. However, jewels came to us that day for pre-registration for the change to Union Cross, that was 5,000 jewels.


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
Re: April 7th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I guess getting Vanitas in 5 draws is nice, but it figures that it has no dots lol. 3000 jewels is also nice, but yea none of this is super special or anything currently.


Sep 18, 2013
Re: April 7th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I prefer 5 pull mercy pulls with no dots than 15 but fully dotted.. I think? But also I'm hoping for more stuff and jewels as we go and am just tired of saying anything critical about SENA but being shut down by people because they love everything SENA does. Even IF we get more jewels the following days, with how much people complain about global Khux it would've been wise to give us everything in one go. And if we don't get more jewels I hope we get at least more content and not just bannersbannersbanners?


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
Re: April 7th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I prefer 5 pull mercy pulls with no dots than 15 but fully dotted.. I think? But also I'm hoping for more stuff and jewels as we go and am just tired of saying anything critical about SENA but being shut down by people because they love everything SENA does. Even IF we get more jewels the following days, with how much people complain about global Khux it would've been wise to give us everything in one go. And if we don't get more jewels I hope we get at least more content and not just bannersbannersbanners?

Yeah I really hope we just don't get banners, and I guess thats true about the 5 draw thing. I have been getting more Magic Brooms recently too, so that helps with no dots lol.

Pirate Queen

New member
Oct 7, 2017
Re: April 7th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I never expect much from SENA anymore, so I don't get bummed when I'm proven right. Lol. Sooo, all I can say, I didn't expect much, so wasn't disappointed. Lol.

But to be fair, the lead up to the actual day was somewhat fun with all the events. That much I will say.
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Active member
Aug 1, 2017
darkness within darkness
Re: April 7th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

That's ... okay, I guess? 3000 jewels and the daily Moogle Draw is decent even though I'm a bit salty looking at JP's 10.000 and a Twitter campaign. The buildup was nice though, finally felt like some content, sadly it's only for anniversary.
I hate those anniversary searcher quests even though I have to admit I like the basic idea, the maps are just terribly large and running around is not exactly my idea of fun. The banner is ... nice, but kinda lame. I'm happy for all those who love Vanitas and Tier6+ with dots is sweet, still I'm a bit bummed that he is totally undotted. Dunno whether I will pull for him or not because I feel he'll be outdated pretty soon, maybe we'll get other banners on top ... on Monday maybe? TAV within five pulls would be nice ... or Xion Ex even though I already have her. Summarized, I'm not too disappointed about the anniversary, but I'm not impressed either. Could've been better, could've been worse.

Pirate Queen

New member
Oct 7, 2017
Re: April 7th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

That's ... okay, I guess? 3000 jewels and the daily Moogle Draw is decent even though I'm a bit salty looking at JP's 10.000 and a Twitter campaign. The buildup was nice though, finally felt like some content, sadly it's only for anniversary.
I hate those anniversary searcher quests even though I have to admit I like the basic idea, the maps are just terribly large and running around is not exactly my idea of fun. The banner is ... nice, but kinda lame. I'm happy for all those who love Vanitas and Tier6+ with dots is sweet, still I'm a bit bummed that he is totally undotted. Dunno whether I will pull for him or not because I feel he'll be outdated pretty soon, maybe we'll get other banners on top ... on Monday maybe? TAV within five pulls would be nice ... or Xion Ex even though I already have her. Summarized, I'm not too disappointed about the anniversary, but I'm not impressed either. Could've been better, could've been worse.
The way this game is moving, all the medals will be outdated within 3 months of release, other than the major game changers like the Kairi medals. They have very short shelf life. Overall, I do not like the way it's going, so am no longer am passionate one way or the other. I can take it or leave it, and won't go crazy trying to get any medal.


Bronze Member
Jun 18, 2005
between a rock and a hard place
Re: April 7th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

im not dissapointed one bit with whats going on so far weve got 1400 jewels from killing mushrooms, a super hard boss challenge, 1200 hide and go seek Jewles, 3000 free jewels for an anniversary gift, a five turn pull on an ex medal which fits nicely on the second best keyblade in the game free medal pulls the entire month for free jewels, and its not even monday, plus im guessing on april 16th were going to get that free farmable medal which im pretty excited about, its versatility in proud mode is going to be quite useful,


Ansem's Apprentice
Sep 27, 2015
under my books
Re: April 7th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Updated OP with the Daily Lux Challenge!

The way this game is moving, all the medals will be outdated within 3 months of release, other than the major game changers like the Kairi medals. They have very short shelf life. Overall, I do not like the way it's going, so am no longer am passionate one way or the other. I can take it or leave it, and won't go crazy trying to get any medal.
Outdated doesn't necessarily mean unusable, though but maybe I'm just saying that 'cause I'm still using a 0.2 Aqua as my main damage dealer lol

Pirate Queen

New member
Oct 7, 2017
Re: April 7th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Updated OP with the Daily Lux Challenge!

Outdated doesn't necessarily mean unusable, though but maybe I'm just saying that 'cause I'm still using a 0.2 Aqua as my main damage dealer lol
And of course, I only said that because a player doesn't have to go broke trying to keep up with all the latest, shiny objects. They will be outdated and outclassed in a blink. So basically, the older medals will end up still working out without all the new and latest. The only thing the newest EX medals are must haves are for HSC and to be super competitive.


Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
Re: April 7th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

This has been my MO for a while. I had the most atrocious bad luck since forever, I've took part in every free deal and yet the last time I won the intended prize was with the Foretellers, so I'm leagues behind.
At this point I'm just going to wait for the next meta changing medal (which is what I did last time by pulling Illustrated Kairi).

Pirate Queen

New member
Oct 7, 2017
Re: April 7th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

This has been my MO for a while. I had the most atrocious bad luck since forever, I've took part in every free deal and yet the last time I won the intended prize was with the Foretellers, so I'm leagues behind.
At this point I'm just going to wait for the next meta changing medal (which is what I did last time by pulling Illustrated Kairi).

This is the way to go unless you're a whale. I do have one spot on my Fairy Stars that I need to replace, the Reverse Power spot, and am looking for an upgrade medal. Didn't even try for the Sephi medals. So, that is the only thing I'm looking for. Hoping for a Tier 7 (or even Tier 6 since I'm currently using a wonderfully traited Tier 5 HD Roxas) Reverse Power that isn't a ridiculously low chance EX+ medal. After that, I'm holding firm until the next major game changer ala the Kairi medals.
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