As if the Heartless weren't bad enough, some of them now have the ability to take control of all manner of beings, giving Sora and his friends a real hard time. And unfortunately for them, the inhabitants of Galaxy Toys are just ripe for the picking.
[Heartless] [Gummi] [Enemies] [Nobodies] [Unversed]
Gigas: Power Class ギガース:パワータイプ (Gigas: Power Type) One of Galaxy Toys' coolest products. Unfortunately, this one's being piloted by a Toy Trooper with a taste for terror. This model boasts a sturdy hull and brutal close-quarter attacks. Keep your distance, and avoid that shoulder tackle at all costs! |
Gigas: Speed Class ギガース:スピードタイプ (Gigas: Speed Type) One of Galaxy Toys' coolest products. Unfortunately, this one's being piloted by a Toy Trooper with a penchant for peril. This model's speed and agility are its greatest weapons. Well, that and the mega-cluster of explosives it fires from its shoulder cannons. |
Gigas: Gunner Class ギガース:シュータータイプ (Gigas: Shooter Type) One of Galaxy Toys' coolest products. Unfortunately, this one's being piloted by a Toy Trooper that's keen on chaos. This long-range model's a bit of a glass cannon, so get up in its face and smash it to bits! The energy rounds it fires from its shoulder cannons are blazingly fast, so get out of the way as soon as it starts to take aim. |
Beasts & Bugs ビースト&バグズ An unlucky denizen of Galaxy Toys that was possessed by a Marionette. Expect these quick critters to zip out of range and let their cannons fly. That's about the only thing they can do, actually. |
Patchwork Animals [Panda] [Lion] パッチワークアニマルズ An unlucky denizen of Galaxy Toys that was possessed by a Marionette. These simple-minded plushies only know one trick: chaaarge! Use magic to trip them up, then give them some new stitches. |
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Air Droids [White] [Blue] [Green] エアドロイド An unlucky denizen of Galaxy Toys that was possessed by a Marionette. When these nuisances aren't blasting you with their arm cannons, they're blasting you with gale-force wings. The good news? They can't do both at the same time. When they switch on that fan, use magic to blow them away! |
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Bouncy Pets [Dog] [Cat] [Pig] [Elephant] [Cow] [Frog] バウンシーペッツ An unlucky denizen of Galaxy Toys that was possessed by a Marionette. These bouncy baddies rarely sit still for long. Use those brief pauses to take the spring out of their step! |
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Supreme Smasher シュープリーム・スマッシャー An unlucky denizen of Galaxy Toys that was possessed by a Marionette. This massive menace gave Sora and his friends a run for their money, but in the end no deadly claws or terrible tower turrets were a match for the mighty Rex. Yes, that Rex. |
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Angelic Amber アンジェリック・アンバー An unlucky denizen of Galaxy Toys that was possessed by a Marionette. Unpredictable and erratic, her moves made her a maddening foe to face. After Sora and his team freed her from the Marionette's ill influence, she bore a melancholy expression. |
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