And here we bring you the first of a long line of surprises, the newest section to KHInsider!
KHI's download section offers video and PC game soundtracks for download in a very otherwise difficult to get MP3 form. Want to get your favourite game's OST? This is the place to come.
Total albums: 5940
Total songs: 137920
Total size: 432.33 GB
This site updates on a daily basis. Please check back later to see if the soundtrack you want to find has been added. If you wish to request a soundtrack, please email a request to downloads [at] khinsider [dot] com.
©2016 KHInsider. KINGDOM HEARTS official artwork, trailers, characters, merchandise, and music is copyrighted to Square Enix and Disney.
Original material is licensed under a Creative Commons License permitting non-commercial sharing with attribution.
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