In order to survive the Reaper's Game, Neku must utilize various powers called "Psychs," available to him in the form of Pins. Each pin is custom designed, providing not only unique abilities but also a fresh and trendy addition to your everyday attire. With 13 different brands and over 300 pins, it's no wonder that they've got all of Shibuya up and about as the latest craze!
[Unbranded] [Tin Pin] [Trade][Noise] [Final Remix]
[D+B] [Natural Puppy] [Pavo Real] [Mus Rattus]
[Jupiter of the Monkey] [Hip Snake] [Sheep Heavenly] [Tigre Punks]
[Dragon Couture] [Lapin Angelique] [Pegaso] [Wild Boar] [Gatito]
One Stone, Many Birds #151 Press empty space to launch a bullet in that direction which fragments on enemy collision. The fragments also inflict damage on contact. |
One Stroke, Vast Wealth #152 Press empty space to launch a bullet in that direction which fragments on enemy collision. The fragments also inflict damage on contact. |
One Grain, Infinite Promise #153 Press empty space to launch a bullet in that direction which fragments on enemy collision. The fragments also inflict damage on contact. |
Self Found, Others Lost #154 Rapidly tap empty space to spray a wide radius with electric charges. Inflicts damage on contact. Keep tapping for more charges. |
Fiery Spirit, Spirited Fire #155 Drag across empty space to create a path of flame. Inflicts damage on contact. |
Flames Afar, Foes Aflame #156 Drag across empty space to create a path of tall flames. Inflicts damage on contact. |
Final Pyre, All Expired #157 Drag across empty space to create a path of tall flames that scatter from their course. Inflicts damage on contact. |
Blue Blood Burns Blue #158 Press empty space to create a pillar of fire. Inflicts damage and sometimes HP Drain on contact. |
Live Slow, Die Fast #159 Touch one or more obstacles like cars and signs, then touch empty space to hurl them. Inflicts damage on contact. |
Local Fire, Distant Sea #160 Touch one or more obstacles like cars and signs, then touch empty space to hurl them. Inflicts damage on contact. |
June Hearth, January Fan #161 Touch one or more enemies or obstacles like cars and signs, then touch empty space to hurl them. (Some enemies cannot be thrown.) |
Swift Storm, Swift End #162 Press empty space to create a ring and lock on to enemies that enter it, then lift the stylus to strike targets with lightning bolts. |
Black Sky, White Bolt #163 Press empty space to create a ring and lock on to enemies that enter it, then lift the stylus to strike targets with lightning bolts. |
Follow Suit, Fall in Turn #164 Press empty space to create a ring and lock on to enemies that enter it, then lift the stylus to strike targets with lightning bolts. |
Dragon Couture #165 Increases the Attack of any Dragon Couture pins Neku is wearing. |
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