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My feelings on Luxu’s identity (SPOILERS)



Jan 19, 2019
Please understand that I actually like Xigbar as a character but I just find Chi...meh at best. Having said that, when I saw the post credit scene for 3 and the reveal of Xigbar being Luxu...I wasn’t really that impressed. Shocked? Yes. Impressed? Not really.

If we count Briag, we fought Xigbar (and Luxu to a extent) four times during the entire saga. Each time we did win, regardless if the cutscenes says “oh it was just stalling”. Now, with him lined up as the next main villain, I just can’t take it seriously since it’d just be another boss against him. Now while you can argue he was holding back and not using his full strength (that is a very good argument, I will concede), it doesn’t change the fact gang we already fought this guy before; we even “killed” him in 2.

Adding to this, it diminishes Xehanort even more by making him a mere pawn.

Now, maybe I’m utterly wrong. Maybe they can make Xigbar/Luxu more of a threat. But I’m just stating my opinion here.

What does anyone else feel about the reveal?


Active member
Jan 4, 2018
I'm also a bity iffy on the Chi stuff in general, but I'm trying to keep an open mind going into everything. That being said, however...

Adding to this, it diminishes Xehanort even more by making him a mere pawn.

To be fair, we don't actually really know what Luxu is even trying to do, really. We have some strong conjectures, and possibly has a lot to do with MoM who...we also don't really know THAT much about. So until we do, it isn't really clear how Xehanort was helping them out, if he even was. It's possible that Luxu went along with Xehanort because he figured doing so would not be detrimental to what he wanted, as well as make his own goal easier to obtain. If that's the case he wasn't exactly making Xehanort his "pawn" and more just kind of using him as an opportunity. I would be shocked if Luxu didn't have plans to deal with the situation no matter who ended up being "victorious" in the end.

I think we haven't seen the least of what Luxu can do. Besides, even if Luxu himself isn't that compelling, if we really are going to be facing off against all the other union leaders, they are fairly intriguing. And, presumably, the Master of Masters is going to be the head honcho, right? So Luxu would just be the second in command again?

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
Please understand that I actually like Xigbar as a character but I just find Chi...meh at best. Having said that, when I saw the post credit scene for 3 and the reveal of Xigbar being Luxu...I wasn’t really that impressed. Shocked? Yes. Impressed? Not really.

If we count Briag, we fought Xigbar (and Luxu to a extent) four times during the entire saga. Each time we did win, regardless if the cutscenes says “oh it was just stalling”. Now, with him lined up as the next main villain, I just can’t take it seriously since it’d just be another boss against him. Now while you can argue he was holding back and not using his full strength (that is a very good argument, I will concede), it doesn’t change the fact gang we already fought this guy before; we even “killed” him in 2.

Adding to this, it diminishes Xehanort even more by making him a mere pawn.

Now, maybe I’m utterly wrong. Maybe they can make Xigbar/Luxu more of a threat. But I’m just stating my opinion here.

What does anyone else feel about the reveal?
I mean Luxu will have his keyblade this time around, before he just used the guns. It'd be interesting to have a fight with someone that uses the keyblade and jumps around the stage shooting. Luxu may even have more abilities that we don't know about, I mean what else was he hiding?

I don't know much about KHUX stuff, but I'm willing to give it a chance once they clean it up and make it succinct.