as I said, they're super advanced, they have battle suits and they have higher intelligence and adaptability rate... so they can combat against this new threat... they can eletronically silence Amplifiers of any sort, and yes they do have earplugs but that's kind of a longshot. they have five different classes... level fours are common foot soldiers, level threes are officers and command small battalions... level fives are stronger than fours and they are specilaized classes and only listen to level twos as guardians... level twos are decently higher modified than fives but fives protect them, they are the generals and command the threes, fives and fours in their unit. Level ones are the top brass... there's only 8 of them, they use decimals to symbolize authority... level 1.8 is the top and work their way down.
weapons wise they use two types of weapons.
1-basic elimination, these include lasers and anything else but they have a wide range of these weapons.
2- Electronic silencers, these disable sound in any way in weapon form. these are effective against Ampers, and electronic music of any kind.
I'd like to add on some more of these for the enemy and I have an idea for a traitor Romulan in the level 1's.
now for the good guys...
there's no military rankings in this faction. They are led by the ones who brought them together... although it can depend on the respect for the person itself.
but the major leader of all of the scattered 'freedom fighters' is known as the 'trancendant instrumentalist'
he alone has the power to unite all the world's surviving fighters and give hope for survival.
in all three chapters, there are gonna be 6 'trancendant instrumentalists' (1 dies in the first chapter)
and they march in the final chapter, finally united... to take the last stronghold... the Lunar base of Emperion, to finish off what's left of the soldiers and the last of the number ones...