Orion Jul 6, 2011 My apologies, and it's hard for me to exactly pinpoint, but in that thread (and strangely enough in that thread alone) you just rub me the wrong way.
My apologies, and it's hard for me to exactly pinpoint, but in that thread (and strangely enough in that thread alone) you just rub me the wrong way.
Nelo Angelo Jun 30, 2011 Wow he's done really well Had good guidance from his bro didn't he lol. Oh yh you and Mikey were writing one weren't you? How is she doing, you hear from her?
Wow he's done really well Had good guidance from his bro didn't he lol. Oh yh you and Mikey were writing one weren't you? How is she doing, you hear from her?
Nelo Angelo Jun 29, 2011 Thats good to hear bro. I've recently just started being active here too, but don't have as much time like the old days. Hows your brother doing?
Thats good to hear bro. I've recently just started being active here too, but don't have as much time like the old days. Hows your brother doing?
Nelo Angelo Jun 27, 2011 Xi! Dyamn, it has been a long time. Didn't think I'd here from you again you know. How u been?
Onasi Jul 11, 2010 Oi This is Xikem, Dantes De Divinity, and all the other things people called me. ^^ It's nice to talk with all of you once again.
Oi This is Xikem, Dantes De Divinity, and all the other things people called me. ^^ It's nice to talk with all of you once again.