Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
The voices are the main reason I don't like the Bleach anime. At least not the English dub. And the actual animation itself looks a little awkward at times.
Well, aside from Kingdom Hearts, I also play Tales of Legendia, Golden Sun, Drawn to Life, Pokemon (lol), Final Fantasy, the Sims, and Children of Mana. XD You?
It depends on what type techno. >.> Just so long as it doesn't give me a headache (techno always seems to give one a headache if you listen to it too much in one sitting), then it's good.
Beatles are good. Have you seen Across the Universe? It's entirely of covers of Beatles songs.
Being in front of people doesn't really bother me so much. o.o I mean, I can perform okay just so long as I know my lines. But it trips me up when someone else messes up. XD;;
I've been in a few. I was in a Pied Piper play and then I was also in this Christmas play about Rudolph. XD;; But my drama class isn't going to perform any plays except duet scenes and monologues, so I wouldn't be in any plays unless I sign up for Advanced Drama next year.