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Fanfiction ► A New Breed of Hero

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Super Sonic

Bronze Member
Apr 27, 2004
The following Fanfic is not fit for reading by all ages, as it may contains some mild adult themes.
All characters, that appear are all copyright of Rebellion Comics, and may not be used without my permission.

Chapter1:The Kidnapping?

The smoke cleared to reveal a group teenagers, running around a race track, all clad in vests and shorts, sweat pouring off them, they pushed on to finish the race, but little did they know,they were being watched,by a black van, outside the sports grounds.
"Are any of them there?"a man inside the van asked.
"Yes,one of them is there all right"another exclaimed.
"Which one is he?"the first man questioned.
"Hmm, let me check my notes" he said as he read a piece of paper in his hands,"ah,yes, the one with the black hair and green eyes......."
"The girl?" the first man interupted.
"Yes,the girl, now let me continue"he scowled at the first man," the girls name is Erika Stevenson,got it?"
"Yes sir" the first man assured.
"Ok,well then wait for her race to finish,then we'll get her"the second man stated.
As some of the kids crossed the line,Erika, being one of them.
Erika, was a beautiful girl,16, long black hair,shiny green eyes,a nice figure,but known for her mood swings.
With, all the other kids, already in the locker rooms, Erika strolled across the sports ground,unsuspecting of the two men,sneaking up behind her.
They grabbed her"AAAARGH!!!,get off me"she screamed.
The two men ran off with her,as they reached the van, they threw her in the back,and sped off.
Erika,pounded on the vans walls,demanding she be released.
As she banged away,one of the men, lowered the window,between the back,and the front,of the van.
"Alright,back there kid?"he enquired.
"What do you care?,what do you want from me?" she demanded to know.
You'll see soon enough the man said as he raied the window,as the window was securely closed,gass came through a pipe,to the back of a van.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?"Erika screamed,feeling dizzy.
She could only see darkness and soon fell to the floor of the van.
"You hear that?"the driver of the van asked.
"Yeah, I guess the gas worked"the second man replied.
"Well,she needs her rest,for the shock she's going to get"the driver chuckled to himself.
"Yeah"the second man giggled, as the van sped off with Erika,unconcious in the back.................................

Please read and post any comments you have on the fic,good or bad,thanx for your time, and god bless ;)
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New member
Nov 14, 2004
Re: A New Breed of Hero:The Beginning

This is Super Sonic,just legally bumping my topic, please read it peeps

Puddle Jumper

Hobo with a shotgun
Feb 14, 2005
Re: A New Breed of Hero:The Beginning

Hmmm, appears to be pretty good ...Exciting

has a lot of potential

Please continue before I start drooling

And euhm

Quagmire? Why did you get a new account

Super Sonic

Bronze Member
Apr 27, 2004
Re: A New Breed of Hero:The Beginning

Dragonfly said:
Hmmm, appears to be pretty good ...Exciting

has a lot of potential

Please continue before I start drooling

And euhm

Quagmire? Why did you get a new account

Oh, that's from a while ago, I was gonna cheat in the old RPG Inferno and amke alota money,but decided not to :D

More of fic later today
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Puddle Jumper

Hobo with a shotgun
Feb 14, 2005
Re: A New Breed of Hero:The Beginning

Super Sonic said:
Oh, that's from a while ago, I was gonna cheat in the old RPG Inferno and amke alota money,but decided not to :D

More of fic later today

OOOOO cany wait

and good thing you didnt cheat or else you wouldnt be posting this cuz you would be banned :-D

Super Sonic

Bronze Member
Apr 27, 2004
Re: A New Breed of Hero:The Beginning

Ok faithful READER, here's the next chapter

Chapter2:One is Never Enough​
As the van sped through the city, the driver asked the other man "Joe,where to next?".
The other man(Joe) replied "Hmm, St.Mary's High School, it's on the other side of town".
"Well then, buckle up, we gotta motor" the driver said as he stood on the gas pedal.
"Who is this kid anyway?"the driver asked.
"Chris Murphy,Male,15,Black Hair, Blue Eyes, '6 1"."Joe replied.
"OK,well then let's go"the driver exclaimed.
The black van,continued to tear through the city streets,dodging cars,bikes and people.
After about ten minutes of speeding,they arrived at their destination.
"Here we are." the driver said.
"Thanks Mac, I think I can see that"Joe replied.
"Oooh,touchy,touchy"the driver(Mac) joked.
"C'mon let's just go get the kid"Joe said angrily.
Chris Murphy,a tall skinny looking kid, was walking through the halls of the school.
"Hmm,what's next class,oh yeah, Math, I better get to the class room, quick"Chris said to himself.
As Chris ran past an open classroom door,with the lights off inside,a hands reached out and grabbed Chris' t-shirt, and pulled him in.
"W-w-who are you guys??"Chris asked.
"All will be revealed later"Mac replied.
"Your pedophiles aren't you, eugh,your sick"Chris said in shock.
Chris punched Mac in the stomach and kicked Joe "downstairs".
"Damn pervs get outta my school"Chris shouted as he ran out of the classroom.
"Ugh,what d-do we do n-n-n-no?"Joe asked sill writhing in pain.
"We run after him"Mac replied hastily.
They ran out of the classroom and out onto the now empty corridoor, after running around for a while they spotted Chris behind some lockers.
Chris ran away, but didn't get far.
"Don't worry, I'll get him" Mac said, as he threw a mini smoke bomb,which seemed to knock Chris out,after it released the gas.
Joe and Mac walked over to him,grabbed him by the arms and legs and carried him outside.
"He's a heavy little bugger,ain't he?"Joe said.
"Yeah,not the lightest at all"Mac answered.
They reached the van,and tossed Chris in the back of it,right beside Erika.
"Two down,three to go"Mac said as the van once again drove off..............

Please read,and if you haven't read the first Chapter please read that too,and feel free to comment,thanx and good night ;)


New member
Nov 14, 2004
Re: A New Breed of Hero:The Beginning

Me again just here to bump the fic,pleeeeeeeez read folks.

Super Sonic

Bronze Member
Apr 27, 2004
Re: A New Breed of Hero:The Beginning

I'll post this,just incase people want to start reading it,pleez do.

Chapter3:How many more?!?!?​
"Where to now?"Joe enquired,as they drove through Marshall City.
"Hmm,Belvedere High School, it's about six blocks away"Mac replied.
"Good,good,so who we picking up this time?"Joe asked.
"I dunno,you check the list"Mac ordered as he tossed a clipboard to Joe.
"Ah,it says here,that we're getting two brats from this place"Joe said reassuringly.
The Van screeched to a halt, outside a very large campass,which was me by a very large red brick building at the end of it.
"This is the place,hmm,their names are Laura and Robert Armstrong, oh I think we have a brother and sister here"Joe informed Mac as they got out of the van and sauntered towards the school.
A boy of about 16 was roaming the corridoor, he had spikey black hair, gray eyes and a very tall, average looking frame,with a long narrow face.
As he walked up and down, he heard thevoice on the intercom announce "would Robert Armstrong, and Laura Armstrong please report to secretary's office,thank you".
"Me?"the boy(Robert) replied.
"Yes you now get your ass up here"the voice shouted.
"Did that intercom just reply to me"Rob said to himself,he gave it no thought and he ran off to the office.
Meanwhile back in the van, Erika began to wake up, as she remembered where she was she bolted right up.
"Ugh,I'm still in the van" she said as she looked down beside her,"hey, there's someone here too".
She crawled over to Chris' unconcious body,she held his wrist,to find a pulse.
"Hmm,he's still alive,I guess he was gassed too"Erika continued,"but the van has stopped, and I can't hear the two men at all,we must be at our destination".
After about ten minutes she gave up trying to find a way out, when the door swung open and two more kids were thrown in.
The door slammed quickly,and in momments the van was moving again.
The two new kids, a tall,long faced boy(Robert) and a beautiful Blonde haired,blue eyed,petite looking girl(Undoubtedly Laura),lay unconcious,unbeknownst to where they were going,as Erika also did not know where she was going.
Should she sit there quietly,and plan something,or make more noise and be gassed again,whatever she chooses,who knows what the outcome will be................

Pleez read this capter,and if you havent read the others,pleez do,I need atleast two fans LOL,also feel free to comment,thanx and good-bye
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New member
Nov 14, 2004
Re: A New Breed of Hero:The Beginning

C'mon folks,pleez read my fanfic,it's not that bad,is it?
Please tell me if it is ;)

More later...........possibly

Super Sonic

Bronze Member
Apr 27, 2004
Re: A New Breed of Hero:The Beginning

C'mon folks pleez read,and comment I beg of thee LOL
Even if ya don't I'm gonna keep writing, and keep posting(my alias account(Quagmire) and I), it's just going to be one big thread of me bumping myself,do you really want that??Yes,0_o, oh your evil,c'mon read and post,thanx ;)

King Of The Dark

New member
Oct 2, 2004
Im not sure and I don't care.
Re: A New Breed of Hero:The Beginning

It's really good just what is the point to it? So far everyone is just being kiddnapped, if it develops later i will have the patience, write more.
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Super Sonic

Bronze Member
Apr 27, 2004
Chapter 4

The first 6-7 chapters are a sort of introduction to the characters,once those are done,the real story begins, thats why you have to keep reading,.....................anyway here's chapter4,enjoy.

Chapter4:Not the Best First Impression​
Erika sat in the moving black van,thinking,plotting if you will,her escape from the two men.
What should she do?She did not know,she was worrying more than thinking,she sat in the corner, hugging her knees, as they were raised to her chest.
"What to do?what to do?"She mutterred to herself as she rocked back and forth.
She looked over at the other kids in the van,who were they?why are they there too? and what did these two men want with them and herself?
She wanted the answer to these questions but didn't know how to get them,she considered her options while rocking back and forth,she couldn't think straight, she was terrified.
After around ten minutes of thinking,she noticed one of the fellow kidnappees was moving it was Chris,although Erika didn't know who he was.
Chris slowly picked himself up onto his feet,it took him a while to notice,but eventually he did.
"AHH,where the hell am I?Who are all these people?Did those damn paedo's capture me???" he asked himself.
"Were stuck here."Erika said to him pesomistically, as she stood up.
"Who are you?"Chris asked.
"Erika Stevenson at your service"she replied courteosly.
"Service,you say?"Chris said as he raised an eyebrow.
Erika's smile,soon disappeared off her face,"We're being kidnapped, by two loons for God knows what reason,and YOUR CRACKING JOKES???"she shouted.
"Hey babe,chill, I'm just trying to lighten the the mood"Chris replied defiantly.
"What by acting like a perv???"Erika countered.
Just then, a voice was heard fro the front of the van,"Hey,did you hear something?",the voice seemed to say.
"No,you must be imagining things"a different voice replied.
"Jeez,Erika,would ya keep it down,you don't want the to hear us do ya?"Chris said in a mean way.
"Argh,your so frustrating.................um.............uh.........what the hell is your name?"Erika ordered.
"Chris Murphy,famous for his world renound loving"Chris answered.
"I think I'm going to be sick" Erika mutterred to herself.
"So how long you been in the van?"Chris asked.
"I'm not quite sure,they gassed me and I don't know how long I've been out",Erika told Chris.
"Oh,oh ok,hmmm,so what'll we do?try to wake the others?sit back and enjoy the ride?or try and find a way out of here?"Chris was wondering.
"Hmm, I don't know, I think we should just wait till the other two wake up"Erika suggested, as she sat back down on the floor of the van.
"Hmmm,ok but I guess well have to talk or something till then,and I'm sure after a long chat,you'll find out you want me"Chris assumed.
"God forbid"Erika said as she rolled her eyes up to heaven.
They began to talk as the car continued it's journey to an unknown destination and for an unkown reason,where is it?why are they going there?and what's going to happen when they do get there?,that's just what Erika and Chris want to know........................

Well there you go my two readers,chapter 4,I hope you liked it,and I hope more people will give this fic a chance,oh well that's enough from me,g'night everyone. :)
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Dec 19, 2003
Re: A New Breed of Hero:The Beginning

its kewl so far, i wanna know whats happening >< :p keep writing

Super Sonic

Bronze Member
Apr 27, 2004
Re: A New Breed of Hero:The Beginning

Thanx for all the good comments peeps,and don't worry I will post chapter 5 as soon as possibley, be patient =P

p.S.I might post chapter5 in my other acconut Quagmire,if there are no replies to this post

Super Sonic

Bronze Member
Apr 27, 2004
Re: A New Breed of Hero:The Beginning

OK well I'm going to go watch a football(soccer) match so it will be atleast 2 hours sorry,come on you reds =P


New member
Nov 14, 2004
Re: A New Breed of Hero:The Beginning

Ok,sorry it took so long,but,the next post by me as Super Sonic,will be chapter 5,so sit tight

Super Sonic

Bronze Member
Apr 27, 2004
Re: A New Breed of Hero:The Beginning

OK folks sorry it's a little late,anyway,here it is chapter5

Chapter5:One Down Three To Go

"Oh my god!!!"Erika seemed to scream quietly,"I love Black Night too."
"See I told ya,once you got to know me you'd begin to like me"Chris said as he raised his eyebrow.
"Yeah,maybe I could like you,but only as a friend,and that's final"Erika insisted.
"OK,ok"Chris sighed"you win".
Chris and Erika had been talking for about twenty minutes now,trying to keep each other calm,in their "situation".
Erika noticed a movement in one of the others,"Hey,look that boy,he's coming to"Erika pointed out.
"Oh, so he is"Chris said as he went over to the boy,Chris elped helped him onto his feet "easy does it"Chris ordered.
"W-where am I?"Rob asked.
"You're asking the wrong people..............................sorry,I didn't catch your name"Erika announced.
"Oh,I'm Rob,Rob Armstong,please to meet you"Rob said as he shook Erikas hand.
"See Rob can be polite Erika said as she gave a sly smirk in Chris' direction.
Chris mumbled under his breath and tended to other person,as she too seemed to be waking up.
Laura shot up,and got straight to her feet,without any assistance,"huh,what happenned,..................I was in the princip................"Laura noticed the three other people staring at her.
"Where am I?Who are you?What do you want from me?"She was speaking a mile a minute.
"Whoa,whoa Laura calm down,I'm here,it'll be alright"Rob said as he hugged his sister.
"Yeah,..................laura,it'll be alright,here,let me give you a hug"Chris said,but before he could hug her,he was met by a look that would turn milk sour,from Rob,"heh,or how about a nice friendly handshake".
Chris turned to Erika who seemed to be nashing her teeth.
"Whatsa matter baby-cakes,jealous"Chris said arrogantly.
"What?!?!Me jealous,ha!,don't be so ridiculous"Erika ranted.
"Sure whatever,but don't worry there's enough of me to go around"Chris said as he winked at Erika.
"Listen buddy I don't like you.............", "Yet"Chris interupted" "and I never will like you,got it???"Erika screamed.
"Oh, I got it alright, your just a hard puzzle to crack,but don't worry,I'm good at puzzles"Chris countered.
"They belong together,don't they?"Robert whispered to Laura.
"Yeah,a proper married couple"Laura replied.
Robert and Laura giggled to each other.
"I DON'T LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!"Erika protested.
"Come on,you do,come on"Chris argued.
"NO, I DOOOOOOOOOON'T!!!!!"as Erika shouted this,the back doors of the van blew off and were sent flying into the air.
"What the hell was that?"Laura asked.
"I'd guess the reason these zidiots want Erika"Chris replied.
"What do you mean,Chris?"Erika wondered.
"You got mad,doors blew off,that ain't no coinkeydink beautiful,it's a talent,you can obviously can manipulate metal"Chris explained.
"Well come on let's get out of this van while we can"Rob said as they all made there way to the back of the van and jumped off one by one, and the kidnappers totally oblivious to their escape.
After walking in silence for ten minutes,Laura spoke up "so what do we do know?"she asked.
"We find out,why they waned the rest of us,and who wanted us"Rob replied,"and we won't stop till we find out".............................

Pleaz post any comments you might have,or any improvements you might want to see etc.
thank you good day.
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