Here you go:
FinalFantasy VII (part 1)
~"In my veins courses the blood of the ancients... I am one of the rightful heirs to this planet!"
~"Ever since I was small, I've felt different from the others... special in some way. But not like this..."
~ "...Was I created this way too? Am I the same as all these monsters?"
~ "So cold... I am always by your side."
~ "Out of my way. I'm going to see my mother."
~... What would happen if there was an injury that threatened the very life of the planet?"
~ "My mother is Jenova. She died right after she gave birth to me. My father..." (insert laughing fit here. See next quote.)
FinalFantasy VII (part 2)
"How does it feel? It's your first time back to your hometown in a long time, right? So how does it feel? I wouldn't know because I don't have a hometown..."
(upon first arriving in Nibelheim)
"...Trust me."
(to Tifa;s father, who was worried about the SOLDIERs using Tifa as a guide through the Nibelheim mountains)
"...I've always felt since I was small... That I was different from the others. Special, in some way. But... not like this..."
(upon seeing the mutated creatures in the Mako reactor in Nibelheim)
"Only death awaits you all. But do not fear. For it is through death that a new spirit energy is born. Soon, you will live again as a part of me."
(after wounding Tseng when te Turks search inside the Twemple of the Ancients)
"You are just a puppet... You have no heart... and cannot feel any pain... How can there be any meaning in the memory of such a being? What I have shown you is reality. What you remember, this is the illusion. ...Do you understand?"
(after Cloud realizes his memories of five years ago were false)
Final Fantasy : Advent Children
"The most important thing to you... will you give me the pleasure of stealing it?"
(after stabbing Cloud on the shoulder)
"I won't be just a memory."
(final words)
~Hope I helped