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Help/Support ► Depression

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Destiny's End

The Best in the World at What I Do
Sep 29, 2007
The Roody Poo Bridge
I've read a lot of threads where some people share their sob stories. Let me do mine. It seems like, I'm stuck in a rut. I live the same day as if I've already lived it. My life isn't exactly glamorous. Everyday, I get up and walk the hallways at my school, and I want to know what I'm meant to do. I don't even know what I am anymore. I keep wondering what purpose I have in life. I can't talk to family, or friends because they'll just run and tell some shrink about it. I had thoughts of suicide since the 8th Grade. I keep telling myself, maybe I'll do it now, or tomorrow. I hope that doesn't freak anybody out. I was 13 and it was because of a stupid reason like a girl wouldn't go out with me, but now I feel like I have no direction or purpose. This may sound weird, but I have dreams that actually come true in life. Whether it's a little moment with a good friend, or a big situation. I dream it, and it eventually happens. I'm not saying my life is worse than the people in Africa, or The Middle East, because I'd really be self-centered. I'll never know if I'm good at sports because my mother (the same who said I was so pathetic, she couldn't brag to her co-worders) won't let me do anything. I don't even have a life. There's no way out. I feel backed into a corner with only one way out. I'm still unsure about it.


Ok so what exactly is your problem? You live life but it seems the same boring event everyday? Well there's a solution; do something different. If you started this rut of some girl, then you need other help than words.

But either way im still confused as to why you feel that way.

Destiny's End

The Best in the World at What I Do
Sep 29, 2007
The Roody Poo Bridge
Everyday, I get up and walk the hallways at my school, and I want to know what I'm meant to do. I don't even know what I am anymore. I keep wondering what purpose I have in life. I can't talk to family, or friends because they'll just run and tell some shrink about it. I had thoughts of suicide since the 8th Grade. I keep telling myself, maybe I'll do it now, or tomorrow.

That answer your question?


New member
May 5, 2007
Try/Consider one or more of the following:

(1) Religions - East, West, North or South. Pick one, learn about it.
(2) Academic Subjects - not the stuff you find in school. it could be anything, math, poetry, drawing, music, reading, writing, politics, anything. Interest you? Go look there.
(3) Social Causes - humanity needs a lot of help. Will you be one of the few to step to the task?
(4) Friends - they need you as much as you need them. Friendship and memories are extremely valuable.
(5) Love - as long as you are alive, your goal should be to love and be loved in return. By one person, by your family, by friends. You will never lack purpose.

You have far more options than you may think.


New member
Oct 12, 2007
I've read a lot of threads where some people share their sob stories. Let me do mine. It seems like, I'm stuck in a rut. I live the same day as if I've already lived it. My life isn't exactly glamorous. Everyday, I get up and walk the hallways at my school, and I want to know what I'm meant to do. I don't even know what I am anymore. I keep wondering what purpose I have in life. I can't talk to family, or friends because they'll just run and tell some shrink about it. I had thoughts of suicide since the 8th Grade. I keep telling myself, maybe I'll do it now, or tomorrow. I hope that doesn't freak anybody out. I was 13 and it was because of a stupid reason like a girl wouldn't go out with me, but now I feel like I have no direction or purpose. This may sound weird, but I have dreams that actually come true in life. Whether it's a little moment with a good friend, or a big situation. I dream it, and it eventually happens. I'm not saying my life is worse than the people in Africa, or The Middle East, because I'd really be self-centered. I'll never know if I'm good at sports because my mother (the same who said I was so pathetic, she couldn't brag to her co-worders) won't let me do anything. I don't even have a life. There's no way out. I feel backed into a corner with only one way out. I'm still unsure about it.

Listen killing yourself is just running from that purpose and wasting it. I doubt you are an olympic God however. You sound intelligent by your 1st sentence , have confidence in yourself. You do not need a shrink or this drama you are giving us or yourself. I have been in your situation myself, I still do not know what I am doing but in the end , life can be so much fun and so interesting. Start reading books, or become involved with science. There is so much you are capable of but it is not going to just find you, you have to dsicover yourself that is what life is the opportunity to discover these things.

You are not going to help yourself considering these hurtful thoughts yo yourself and negative ideas. In high school the idea is imposed that the normal social successful crowd has a girlfriend, many friends, part of the sports team, trust me lad 1000's of people such as myself did and do not have this luxury.

Higshcool is not the real world though it is just s stage that makes you better in life , if you let it. Just get through it and there is no shame .
The real world is out there, it is called being open minded to your possibilities not narrowing them down to one last desperate choice. Come on now you have more intellect , and character to bring to us and this world than to assume you only have one choice now, dont you!?

Everyday you have several choices, do not feel bad if you do not always make the right choices, or if you never do.Life is not that crucial right now, so wonder about the real world, look towards it with confidence,and pride because you know that you are intelligent , and if you do not accept that you are intelligent you are never going to seek out your many choices and have the confidence to pursue them. HAving this one dark choice of yours is un-intelligent and you know it, you are smarter that that I can tell. The world is a dark place, but for someone as bright as you , you should be able to work in with confidence and light your light shine now.

You always have so many possibilities. Enlightenment does not exist by fate but by choices, usually. So even though you are fated to have a horrible sounding mother, and you feel as if you are un-intelligent possibly and not going anywhere in life consider that it is not fate that you must suffer and care so much about what she says , it is your choice ! You can choice to be great but you are going to have to work at it!

AS for women, do not sweat it, i understand how it is to love them and even not get your shot. It is ok. If I met you at a a bar , in a few years, we would be drinking away the same pains.

That is where friends come in, they can relate and help you, forget that stupid idea of yours to end it all, a smart invidiual as yourself sees what he is still capable of by seeking it out, not by hiding from it and throwing it all away, that just says that you were truly capable of nothing and you know that you are!

Listen I know the drained feeling of depression, it is ok. It hurts all over I understand but in the end all of that is just drama , drama, snap out of it. If you are smart enough to realize drama then you are smart enough to work past it, and you are. High school is all about drama, get through it and you will be not only stronger but more intelligent and ready in life to seek out what you want to . Getting past these problems in life will sharpen your wit, and prepare you in life just even more.

If you want a girlfriend then do not give up on yourself and just keep trying different gales and in fact you will eventually have one,but you got to believe in yourself and start caring about the person who is going to get you there, and there ALONE...YOU AND YOU ALONE. Not your mother , or friends, or doctors which you do not need but YOU. AS soon as you believe in that person , care about that person and have confidence, the sooner women will think you are a fun, manly type of person to be around...you do not need to be a tough guy even . Just get things down, the right and logical way by using what materials you have, your intelligence, your wit , do not let it waste now because as of now the more you use it the closer you get to clarity and where you want to be in life, that will never change.

Get hobbies or something, and if you ever need to talk to anyone just pm me.


Silver Member
Jan 20, 2004
Aurora, IL
Killing yourself is never the right answer.

You could try being more spontaneous and join a new club, try new things, etc.

So what if a girl didn't want to go out with you. There are more girls! You can keep tryin'!
And if you're told to go die, you should out live them all to piss them off. :D


New member
Oct 12, 2007

Use it.
How bloody arrogant !:cursing:

Danica Syer

Trivia: Love ღ
Apr 7, 2005
Ok first off, advice for you: DON'T KILL YOURSELF. I mean what's the point? You'll only go one place and I mean one place and that place is not where you should end, just because depressed and want to kill yourself. You should keep your spirits up, because there is hope for you... and you shouldn't give up on your life just because you don't have a hobby and or girl doesn't want a girl doesn't want you, look I'm a girl and I've been rejected but does that make me wanna kill myself? I don't think so. That part is a silly way when your talking about kill yourself. You should really join a club or find something your really interested in and stuff and get on with it, even if your not good at it! At least you'll have something to occupy your time with. (Ironic coming from me in a way). SPEAK UP FOR YOURSELF! If you have to, your mom's not always going to be your boss when you turn 20 or older, now is she? I mean she's your mother but at the same time, tell her how you feel and all. Try talking it out with people around you and try to tell them how you feel instead of just bottling up your feelings inside, or whatever. And I agree what everybody else is trying to tell you except for V.A.'s (what kind advice is that!?!, have you lost your mind?)

Destiny's End

The Best in the World at What I Do
Sep 29, 2007
The Roody Poo Bridge
Whoa, hold up the girl isn't the issue. That was in the 8th Grade. Over 4 Years Ago. I learned that wasn't worth killing yourself over, fast forward to 2007, it's like I feel that way all that time. Everyday, I take a long hard look at my life, and wonder why I still have one seeing as how I found no meaning of what, or who I am, or what I'm supposed to do. with my life. Everything feels so useless.


New member
Oct 12, 2007
You do not have to know yet, when you do it will be your responsibility to know, and then you will begin to know. You are young , live life happy and care free then grow up . College will help you reach your goals, do not worry.
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New member
Jun 26, 2007
College is one way of realising and pursuing your dreams and goals. You're in a bit of a rut, and this is where you need to reflect and evaluate all the things that have happened to you this year and also in your life. And don't fret, there will be people to listen and talk to. But yes, you have begun another thinking process/human interaction with the world which is important and natural. Everyone has at least thought about their lives and existence in the world once when they reach young adulthood, it's a natural common phase.

Without human reason, a life not reflected is a life not worth living.


New member
Oct 12, 2007
Brilliant last sentence ! Yes! I can not wait to see you in a intelligent convo worth your time.

Referring to the intel covo threads in the intel convo section of these forums , of course.

Destiny's End

The Best in the World at What I Do
Sep 29, 2007
The Roody Poo Bridge
There won't be people to talk to, or listen to for that matter. the self-consiousness within me is beginning to fade away with great speed. I don't tell anybody about this knowing how they'll react. On that note, I don't even tell people my feelings. They're better kept bottled inside. When people see me, they think I have it all worked out on the outside and loving life, but on the inside I'm crying. So hard that I wish I hadn't been born. Yeah, it sounds a bit extreme, but it's how I've been feeling since that mess in the 8th Grade.

I remember my first day of High School, and I was eating Lunch when this gorgeous looking young sophomore eyed me from the table in front of me. I knew she had a thing for me, but the problem was, I was too shy and I never went for it. I could tell she liked me. She even found a guy to pose as her boyfriend to see what I'd say. I saw her after school so many times, but I was too shy and afraid to talk to her, and I'm balck. Normally, they don't have problems talking to other girls. After 3 Years, she graduated, and I still hate myself for being so afraid that I couldn't talk to her. I still think about her to this day. I had help from my friends and even some of her friends, but I couldn't get the job done.

I'm destined to spend my life without. Soemtimes, I have thoughts of running away from home, but without money, it's a lost cause. No girl, no job, I'm not even all that smart, and I'm not a Sports Technician. I'm good, but not good enough. I'll never know because my mom kept holding me back from experiencing life.

My head is riddled with thoughts that cloud my earthwhile judgment. People say to give it time. Time is of the essence, and I'm running low on it. I'm not saying I'll do it, but as of right now, it seems to be a pretty good option.


New member
Oct 12, 2007
There won't be people to talk to, or listen to for that matter. the self-consiousness within me is beginning to fade away with great speed. I don't tell anybody about this knowing how they'll react. On that note, I don't even tell people my feelings. They're better kept bottled inside. When people see me, they think I have it all worked out on the outside and loving life, but on the inside I'm crying. So hard that I wish I hadn't been born. Yeah, it sounds a bit extreme, but it's how I've been feeling since that mess in the 8th Grade.

I remember my first day of High School, and I was eating Lunch when this gorgeous looking young sophomore eyed me from the table in front of me. I knew she had a thing for me, but the problem was, I was too shy and I never went for it. I could tell she liked me. She even found a guy to pose as her boyfriend to see what I'd say. I saw her after school so many times, but I was too shy and afraid to talk to her, and I'm balck. Normally, they don't have problems talking to other girls. After 3 Years, she graduated, and I still hate myself for being so afraid that I couldn't talk to her. I still think about her to this day. I had help from my friends and even some of her friends, but I couldn't get the job done.

I'm destined to spend my life without. Soemtimes, I have thoughts of running away from home, but without money, it's a lost cause. No girl, no job, I'm not even all that smart, and I'm not a Sports Technician. I'm good, but not good enough. I'll never know because my mom kept holding me back from experiencing life.

My head is riddled with thoughts that cloud my earthwhile judgment. People say to give it time. Time is of the essence, and I'm running low on it. I'm not saying I'll do it, but as of right now, it seems to be a pretty good option.

You have plenty of time damn it ! Snap out it damn it!


Do you really think it is that bad, FFS boy imagine what you been through, seeing your mother near beat dead by your father in a garage at age 6, spirits haunting your room and being so afraid that you faint ! No one to talk to .

Or imagine someone I knew, my best friend in this world, an accident, amputated , sliced off at the legs Hooked up to tubes! Being feed sludge through a damn straW ! his mind still there but debatively slipping, is your mind that bad !? Do you have switches popping out, blooding squirting on your bed sheets that you can not move off of for the rest of your life !? Are you crippled and can no longer speak, which a face that only half works anymore ! Damn boy snap out of it ! You are not experiencing anything out of the ordinary !
Do you have bed sores 3 inches wide !? The only word your insane mind can say anymore "mother !" "mother!"


I spent years looking at this ! seeing this and some times with the addition of your problems I thought I just might go insane , knowing that person , my best friend, the only person who ever undrstood me in this entire world was lying there , like some kind of prisoner of hell !
Worse!!! HE was like a father to me ! He was family ! He staved to death, I watched him thin out more and more , we could lift him with one arm .

AWay with this dispiar , snap the hell out of it !

You need someone to talk to , then talk to me but you have no where near anything you can not handle stop being weak and looking for ways out and realize how strong you have become . The strength is there it is your choice.

I can not stand this emo-ness anymore. I try to be nice but you need to snap the hell out of this BS!

You have no idea what a hard and shitty life is ! I DO!! And there is much much worse than what I have experienced!
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Destiny's End

The Best in the World at What I Do
Sep 29, 2007
The Roody Poo Bridge
Ok, sorry. Didn't mean to get you all pissed off and whatnot. I'll figure something out. You are right about the things you say. If anybody has the time, close this thread. I'm done with this topic.


New member
Oct 12, 2007
I had to do it to help you there is a beast in all of us. You can do this trust me, if you ever want to talk to someone I am here for you. I care so I had to get nasty, you are not so bad off.

Pm me if you like, but do not forget the things I have told you. Someone always has it much worse than you and the other guy. I care ok , that is all.

Do not feel un-appreciated , you just needed a good text slap . You are a man and now you should act like one. I respect you, pm me anytime.

Story Keeper

Anxious Writer
Sep 14, 2006
Sending out my soul to worlds more beautiful
Hey, don't do that buddy. Trust me, I use to bottle up my feelings. Still do sometimes, anyway. I'm just as shy as you are Destiny. Ever thought about writing Poetry? I do it and I find it helps me when I get down, but there is one poem I'm not going to let anyone read. It's dark, extremely dark and freaky in mine and my mom's opinion. She asked if I was alright after she read it, I'm freaked out that I could even write something like that. You can also PM me, I don't mind talking to people and trying to help them out. (on the net anyway, you'll be lucky to even see me in real life) *sighs*
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