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Dragon Slayers

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Roxas Other Side

New member
Aug 16, 2006
Twilight Town
A long time ago, there was a great empire, there was peace throughout the lands, battles were rarely seen, and wars were never seen. Everyone shared what they had with each other, The empire was powerful yet noble, but that all changed when a terrible darkness took over the world, dragons from everywhere came, destroying the town and villages, the army unprepared was easily supirsed and most detsroyed, these dark cruel dragons destroyed the peace and brought chaos too the world, Soon the humans knew they had too fight back, they started too re-build the army they re-named themselves dragon slayers, they came far and wide too destroy these creatures, what they do not know is that dragons as a race are usually not harmful like those dark dragons, it is actually just a certain army under the power of a strong vicous drgaon called Wrixten. The Dragon Slayers soon found out that there was a sword, and only that sword that was created by Wrixtens god, god of darkness could destroy Wrixten and his men, they search desperetly for the sword and its weilder as they say there is only one person who can weild the weapon, what they dont know is that the weilder is thirtenn year old Skye. A child who lives the quite life outside the empire with his older brother, Wrixten taking over the empire and making it full of darkness orders the weilder of the weapon too be found and catured and brought alive too him, Skye is now caught up in his destiny and a giant war that will determine the very existense and survival of many races.

Dragon Slayer-

If you choose too be a dragon slayer you must give me this information

Element Power:
Ranking: (dragonscale is a regular soldier, then there is dragston and then there is ravenchest and then leader is dragons eye)

The same goes if you wish too be a dragon if its an evil or a good dragon.

Age: (dragons lives for hundreds of thousands of years)
Looks like:
Side( Evil/Good)

Other characters are exceptable just give me a profile.

(this is not a tiny one liner roleplay!)

Age: 35,000
Build: Powerulf
Element: Darkness
Personality: dark and cruel and cold too all humans, except however the chosen weilder of the blade of darkness, he is intrested on what makes him or her different from other humans, he excepts a powerful warrior but little does he know its just a little boy.
Looks: black sclaes with beadly dark yellow eyes, his hors red and his large wings hand red stripes very large and tall for a dragon.
Ranking: Head Of All Dragons

( I am not using Wrixten he is up for grabs)
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New member
Apr 1, 2006
With your mother, eating chicken on the couch.
Name: Onyx Blackstone
Age: 34
Element Power: Earth
Personality: Serious and too the point, Onyx is not one to beat around the bush when it comes to getting what he want's done, done.
Ranking: Dragon's eye. And if you find someone more qualified than I, Ravenchest.
Past: Onyx was raised within a small village, raised along with 3 brothers, one older and 2 younger, as well as a single sister, who was expected too wed soon. Though that expectation changed when the first, great shadow cast over the village, and the loud, pounding beat's of the fiercome and cruel beats wings came into hearing. THUMP, THUMP, THUMP.

Onyx's father, upon hearing the sound, left the home, armed with the shoddy old longsword left by his father's father, from times when Orc's were rampant in the countryside, attacking villlages without discretion, killing everything they could. Thus armed, Oland (Onyx''s father) entered the village square with the other men and they tried to assemble a defense...

....Only to find that there is no defense possible against a hoard of dragons intent on your demise....

Leaving the underground cellar his father had sent the children too, Onyx gazed in horror at the chaos that had become his village, his father now dead, along with almost alll the villagers. After the attack, the dragons left, dissapearing as quickly as they had come. A large procession of men and women in black and silver armor came riding into the village. If Onyx's brother had not hurled a rock at the lead horsemen, thinking the men servants of the foul creatures, they would have gone un-noticed. As it was though, the rock smacked across the mans helmet, almost knocking the man from his place upon the horse. Almost immediately, the children were surrounded by grim and sincere looking soldiers, though they looked as though they would kill if told too.

The man, having regained his seat, came to the children and told them not to fear, these men and women had gathered to try and fight the dragons which had invaded their home. Upon hearing this, Onyx broke from his brother's hold and stepped to the man on the horse, getting on his knees, he looked to the warrior. "S-sir...we have no place to go...If you would allow it...I would join you in this quest to rid our lands of this...evil". After several silent minutes and many startled glances, the man nodded and motioned for him to climb aboard a wagon, within the middle of the procession. "You may all join as well, if that is what you wish. Though I cannot promise your safety". 2 more agreed to join Onyx, though his eldest brother stay with his sister and the other surviving children.

Now, Onyx was an adopted son of a ruling family, and had worked his way up to become the Dragons eye, now leading the large army which had gathered to rid their lands of the foul-ness which presently plagued it.

Doctor Manhattan

Right Click, Save As
Dec 5, 2005
San Diego, California
meh,sure i'll be the evil dragon dude
Age: 35,000
Build: Powerful
Personality: dark and cruel and cold to all humans, except however the chosen weilder of the blade of darkness, he is intrested on what makes him or her different from other humans, he excepts a powerful warrior but little does he know its just a little boy.
Appearence:A long two-hundred foot black scaled behemoth,He has a long spiked tail,red horns,piercing yellow eyes,and over a 400 ft wingspan,this dragon king is not to be reckoned with.
Ranking: Head Of All Dragons

Roxas Other Side

New member
Aug 16, 2006
Twilight Town
Awesome! We just need a few more members and we can start, we need a few dragon slayers and jsut too let you know you can be a max of three charactres, thanks again guys for joining!

Doctor Manhattan

Right Click, Save As
Dec 5, 2005
San Diego, California
Looks like:


Name:Arox Hikaru
Element Power:water
Personality:Arox is laid back,cocky,and lazy,but he has his serious moments.
Ranking:Dragons eye and saphira's rider(you mind if we can ride dragons?)
Past:His memories were magicly erased,and he searches for answers

Roxas Other Side

New member
Aug 16, 2006
Twilight Town
We might as well start!

Skye slowly opened his eyes, he groaned as he felt the early morning sunrays shine down on him, only one eye open he slowly rubs the other with one hand using the other too rub through his messy hair, slowly stretching and giving a loud sigh, he waited a minute before slowly getting off the bed and rubbing the back of his neck and making his way too the other side of the room, he slowly pulled on a t-shrit and trousers, slowly putting his dark brown worn out shoes, sighing again he slowly walked downstairs, his brother still asleep he grabbed an apple from the basket and went out for an early morning walk.
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