I made this board game for my Game Design class, and now I want to publish it with Square Enix.

These stat cards in the above image are for easy reference to how many spaces your units can move, how much damage they inflict, and the area of effect within which they attack other units. The colored die track your HP, and correspond to the color of the card stand your unit piece is on.
Gameplay tutorials are here. Also follow the Facebook link for more in-depth explanation on the rules and gameplay elements. I look forward to your suggestions on which characters to put in an officially published version, but the ones I'm already considering adding are:
Kain, Golbez (FF4)
Gilgamesh (FF5)
Terra, Kefka (FF6)
Reno, Sephiroth (FF7)
Seifer, Ultimecia (FF8)
Vivi (FF9)
Jecht, Seymour (FF10)
Vaan, Vayne (FF12)
Lightning (FF13)
Noctis (FF15)
Ramza, Delita (FFT)
Sora, Riku (KH)

These stat cards in the above image are for easy reference to how many spaces your units can move, how much damage they inflict, and the area of effect within which they attack other units. The colored die track your HP, and correspond to the color of the card stand your unit piece is on.
Gameplay tutorials are here. Also follow the Facebook link for more in-depth explanation on the rules and gameplay elements. I look forward to your suggestions on which characters to put in an officially published version, but the ones I'm already considering adding are:
Kain, Golbez (FF4)
Gilgamesh (FF5)
Terra, Kefka (FF6)
Reno, Sephiroth (FF7)
Seifer, Ultimecia (FF8)
Vivi (FF9)
Jecht, Seymour (FF10)
Vaan, Vayne (FF12)
Lightning (FF13)
Noctis (FF15)
Ramza, Delita (FFT)
Sora, Riku (KH)