I found them! the lyrics are from someone from PRIMAGAMES I believe:
In FFX, many people didn't know what this said. I hope this can help know what it is.
this is what you hear in the game, It is sung in Japanese:
Ieyui E eh you e
Nobomenu Noo meh ahh
Renmiri Reh en me re
Yojuyogo Yo jew yo go
Hasatekanae Hah stah tay kah nah a
Kutamae Ku tah mah ay
In english, they are saying this:
Pray, saviour
Dream, Child of Prayer
Forever and ever
Bring us peace
But the Japanese top one diffenent. By reversing the Japanese lyrics since they are different symbols but together, it's this:
Hatenaku Ebonju.
Sekae tamae
Yume miyo, Inorigo
In english it's this:
Pray now, for Yu Yevon,
who will not go away.
For the sake of prosperity,
Dream now, the Fayths of Yevon.
In other words, the top one was the one tidus knew about since he was a dream, and the other is the full complete version of Spira. It is still sung the same way, but it's the words that you look at.