I need help on kingdom hearts re chain of memories. my parents got me it for christmas and i have a ps3. so i am playing on my ps3 and i am on the first level where you get the traverse town card and you go there and it tells you that the left analog stick is to move, the right analog stick is to look around, and the r3 button is to put the camera back straight in front of you. i did those and it wont go to the next step. i tried to press x and attack the guy in the black cloak but it wouldnt hit him and i cant select any cards, and all i can do is run around and jump. it just wont go tot he next step, so can someone help me, do i need a dualshock 2 controller, i have a dualshock 3 controller but do i need a dualshock 2 controller. or do i just need to do something else. I posted this in the kh com section, and all i got was that i need to get a memory stick from the ps2 with data saved on it where you are past that part and then transfer it over to my ps3. is there any other way of playing it on my ps3 without transfering data from a ps2 memory stick. please help me.