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~Katara versus Toph Bei Fong~


Who would win in a duel to the Death? Everything Goes!

  • Katara of the Watertribe

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Toph Bei Fong of the Earth Kingdom

    Votes: 2 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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New member
Jun 27, 2008
As the title claims, who would win in a battle to the death. Think outside the box, and what each heroine is capable of. Don't be fans, try and be logical thinkers. Try not to vote for your favorite character, but the one whom you truly believe is skilled enough to defeat the other. For those of you who don't know the characters spoken of but still want to vote; I've made brief dipictions for.


Katara, a young girl of the Southern Watertribe. Her mother was killed in a Fire Nation raid when she was a child, which places rengece and sometimes rage behind her fighting. Katara learned waterbending faster than any other student in the Nothern Watertribe, including the Avatar himself. She's considered a waterbending prodigy, seeming to master the element in less than a month.
Age: 14
Element: Water/Ice/Blood/Nature Plants.
Pros: Intellectual. Swift in movements. Strong willed. Powers are heigthed at night.
Cons: Soft hearted. Not capable of bending with her feet. Matirially Bounded((Necklase)). Water isn't everywhere. The necklase could be apprehended, and held as a captive in battle.

Toph Bei Fong

Toph, a younger girl from an Earth Kingdom village. The Japanese to English translation of her home town is "Tall Hill." Toph was born blind, and raised by overly protective parents; causing her personality to be blunt and tough. She ran away one day to cry, when she crossed paths with the original earthbenders, "Badgermoles". These large creatures taught her the ways of Earthbending, and she's been a master every since. She sees the world around her by corresponding vibrations with her feet, and can even go as far as telling when someone's lying. Maybe "bluffing" in a battle.
Age: 12
Element: Earth/Metal/Sand/Crystal
Pros: Tougher than the average girl. Can feel/sense where anyone locally is, in their exact location. Down to Earth thinker. Doesn't fear to hurt people.
Cons: Very short statured. Blindness, she can only see if her barefeet are touching "Earth", anywhere else is completly dark to her, especially "ice". Toph also feels guilty that she abandoned her parents. This could be used as a taunt against her in battle.
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