Just don't pull an SMH and say that the trouble's passed and you'll easily be around for more. Then disappear for months, leaving us a fairly crappy coded message.
*chuckles* maybe for a few days, but not months.
anyways, i have an announcement. two, actually.
first, i have come to a decission. once Senior Project has finally been finished, i will treat you all to a writing spree and a huge series of updates. i will take an entire weekend where i have nothing to do and write every free moment i have. then, once i have reviewed and edited them, i will post them all over the course of an entire day. my way of saying 'thanks for your patience.' that day is still a ways off, and i've been thinking about doing something like this for some time now, but now it's out in the open and official.
secondly, i have not one but three updates for you guys. all of them are Fragmented Tales. one continues the one already started, two are new ones that should prove to be equally interesting.
so, enough talk. lets get started...
Fragmented Tale
The Path to Darkness
Part 1
This is what it was like to be the wielder of Caput Mortuum, when he first met the Dark One…
Aside from your sister, you had no family. Sure, the Elder raised you, took care of you, but he was too busy running your home to truly be family, though he tried anyway. Your sister was forgiving, willing to accept that the Elder couldn't always be there.
But you knew all too well that both of you were lonely.
Then, one day, when you both were strolling through the city, you met him.
He seemed so alone, so lonely (a feeling you knew all too well). He just sat there, a book sitting before him on the table and no one nearby who would talk to him. When your sister suggested they go talk to him, you eagerly agreed. A conversation was struck, and a friendship was formed.
The boy, who went by the name of Q’thulu, was astoundingly brilliant. He offered to tell you the difference between fusion and fission, which you politely declined since you had no idea what he was talking about, and seemed to be destined to life as a great sage. But at the same time, he wasn't so obsessed with books that he was stuck up or detached from the real world, a quality that, in your opinion, plagued most other sages. He was down to earth, level headed, and quite open. It wasn't long before you felt that you finally had a friend.
But as she did with you, your sister disagreed with Q’thulu on several key points. His philosophy was that, as a scientist, nothing was truly forbidden or off limits, while she believed that there were things in the worlds that no living being was meant to tamper with. While she wanted to give them a chance to live their own lives and fulfill their own destiny, a view most of your kind shared, you agreed with Q’thulu when he said that the inferior race called humans were nothing more than slaves, inferior beings who lived only to serve their superiors.
Indeed, this new friendship was not without its weak points. Even so, the three of you managed to set aside your differences and enjoyed each other’s company. For the first time in your life, you and your sister had a friend. You trusted him to the ends of the universe and beyond. You believed he could do no wrong, that his views were the right ones.
So when he came to you asking if you would help him in one of his experiments, you readily agreed.
…This is what it was like to be the wielder of Caput Mortuum, when he first met the Dark One.
Fragmented Tale
The Ebon Knight
Part 1
The Ebon Knight stood on one of the many balconies layered throughout the giant castle of Cor Hydrae, situated in the heart of the realm of darkness. Here was where his master demanded the ritual take place. Here was where he demanded they make their stand as the so-called ‘heroes of light’ came to ‘save the day.’
Here was where he would have to kill her.
The knight shook his helmed head. He did not want to do it, not now, when he finally remembered everything. But his master’s will was strong, and he could not beat it. He was bound to the Dread Lord’s will, until his dying breath, and his master’s will was to kill any who dared trespass into their castle.
The knight sighed, a sound that was greatly distorted through his ebon colored helmet. This was the power of the Dread Lord Abyssion. Even one such as himself could be forced to serve the darkness.
“But it wasn't always that way, was it?” he thought aloud, his voice distorted behind the visor he never removed. And indeed, it wasn't. “A hero,” he said to himself, “that’s what you once were, Dark One. You who stood so boldly against the darkness, you who purchased hope and another dawn for the worlds; a dawn purchased with your very life and very freedom, it seems.”
Indeed, it was ironic. He, who had once been a champion of the light, a hero, was now the harbinger of death and darkness. He was a being who peopled feared at the very sight of him. He was the one with the terrifying swordskill that robbed men of their lives all too easily. Once he had been a hero.
Now he was just the Black Knight.
His ears picked up the sounds of battle some rooms beyond him. Technically, he could go and assist whatever dark fiend was battling the heroes now, but he did not. He would let them come to him.
The knight turned and, with the scrape of metal as his boots hit the stone floors, he reentered the castle into the room where he was to wait for them. it was large enough, a proper battle could indeed be held between them here.
Grateful his face was hidden behind the black helm, the Black Knight shed a single tear. “So it has come to this,” he mused, “our final dual draws near, boy. But this time, only one of us will walk away with our life. And I pray to Kingdom Hearts it is not me, though I wont hold my breath on that one.”
The Black Knight drew his sword, turned it over in his hands, and thrust it into the ground. He placed his hands calmly on the pommel of the blade, closed his eyes, and waited. It would not be long now. soon, very soon, they would arrive.
As he waited, the Black Knight recalled his memories, remembering how it had all began, how he started down this blasted path.
It had been 10 years ago now…
Fragmented Tale
Shadow’s Rebirth
Part 2
There came the sound. A constant, everlasting sound. One moment it was close, the next distant. It was a soothing sound, a gentle sound. It was the sound of the ocean.
And there, pressing against his face, was something hard and firm. It pressed into his body, and when he placed his hand against it, he could feel the grooves and ridges that made up it. It was the feeling of wood.
He opened his eyes and pushed himself off the floor and to his feet. A quick glance around him told him this was a room inside a boat of some sort. Then he heard the footsteps behind him, and he quickly turned to face them.
The door opened and the figure stepped through. He was a middle aged man, with a large brown beard tied into several braids, almost giving the impression of tentacles. “So, you be awake at last,” the man said to him, “I was wondering if you were ever going to wake up.”
“Who are you?” he replied, “How did I get here?”
The man chuckled. “you don't know who I am, or where you are? Tell me, do you remember your past?”
He thought for a moment. The memories were distant, hazy. But this was probably because of his sleep, for the haze cleared quickly and he could instantly recall his last memories. In a roundabout way, they answered his questions.
“I died,” he said plainly.
A nod was his reply. “This is the Flying Dutchman, and I am her captain. My job is to ferry the souls of the dead from the realm of the living to the realm of the dead. Normally, it's a one way trip for the passengers. But these are not normal circumstances.”
He rose an eyebrow. “how do you mean?”
The captain eyed him. “For one thing, you aren’t exactly… your typical passenger. I trust I don't have to explain that further. For another, this is the first time in the history of the Flying Dutchman that a soul is making the reverse trip. You, my lucky young man, are returning to life, no strings attached.”
“Sounds suspicious,” came the reply, “why are you doing this?”
“Because I was… convinced, as it were, that you deserved another chance, though why is beyond me. If you want more details, you’ll have to get them from him.”
The captain gestured to the man standing behind him. It was obvious that everything about him was strange and abnormal. He wore a blood red tunic and matching pants, even a pair of gloves. Covering the tunic and his entire body from the shoulders down was a matching colored cloak, which seemed to naturally cover him when left to its own affairs. His head was covered with a red hood, with the only opening a slit for the eyes. Even these, however, could not be seen; only blackness lay behind the red hood. When he spoke, his voice seemed both distant and near, as if the being was only partially in reality.
“You were chosen,” said the cloaked figure, “to be given new life. I am the one who arranged for your… parole.”
“Who are you?” he asked, suspicious, “what do you want from me?”
“I have no name,” said the man, “nor do I have an identity, not anymore. All aspects of myself I gave up when I was granted my power. It is a small price to pay in order to serve the worlds as I do now. however, for the sake of convenience, you may refer to me by my title: The Hand of Fate, or Fate for short. As for what I want of you, I don't ‘want’ anything. I am simply giving you the opportunity to complete your destiny.”
“I don't believe in fate,” came the reply, “I have no intention to cooperate with it.”
Fate chuckled. “Once, I did not believe it fate either. Whether or not it truly was fate I still do not know for certain. However, I do know that you, if no one else, have a concrete destiny you cannot escape. However, that is a discussion for another time. Let me ask you: do you want another chance? Do you want another shot at fighting the great evil that looms before the worlds?”
He thought about it for a moment. He had no intention of being in debt to this mysterious Hand of Fate, but neither was he content to sit by in the afterlife, not when he knew what was to come.
“Alright,” he finally answered, “I guess I’ll go with you. Just don't ramble about fate around me, please?”
Fate chuckled. “I’ll see what I can do.”
Fate stretched out his hand, and a portal black as night appeared before them. Fate gestured for him to go first, and he did.
The oceans of many worlds lay before him.