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Kross-over Krazyness: Start rueing

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Oct 20, 2004
Causing playful chaos...
Alright, I don't really care to too much of a story. So, this'll be similar to my other cross-over rps. (Basically it's an excuse to use new and old characters together :rolleyes::p)

Story: In the world of TV-land, there are many sub-worlds referred to as 'channels'. In each Channel, a whole universe exsits, and there is a person (or persons) that the universe focuses on. Now there has been a disturbince in the Channels.

Most have them been destroyed or altered. The villans and antagonists have survived and are raineing havock among all the new channels they discover. Now it's up to the remaining protagonists to stop the baddies from destroying the channels. (Even if they don't want to)

No godmoding, powerplaying, etc.
If you Spam, I will Kill you!!
Romance and swearing should be kept to PG-13
Be literate
If you join, then try to participate
You may choose up to two characters

Sidekick: (if they have one)

I'll add my charaters later.
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Oct 20, 2004
Causing playful chaos...
No one really wants to join?

Well here's my characters, just the same:

Name: Zim
Spieces: Irken
Age: (not sure, but over 50 years old)
Weapon(s): His back-pac (thing) has multiple uses, such as firing lasers and providing a shiled, etc.
Appearence: Zim, Zim in his genius disguise, Gir, Gir in disguise
Channel: Inveader Zim
Bio: Zim a failure at being an invader. But he won't take no for an answer. So, out of desperation, his leaders sent him away. They hopped that they would never see him again, but he managed ti find Earth. And figured his leaders wanted him to take it over. So now he tries day and night to take over the Earth. (Even though he can't even take over a single street block)
Personality: supiriority complex, likes to shout to make himself feel big, over confident, a bit of an idiot, want to get what he wants
Sidekick: Gir

(((I'll get my other character up later (Too tired now))))

The Big Lovin'

Everyone's Favorite Uncle Ji-Chan
Feb 12, 2005
((ill join, just I need to use the bathroom, Ill post it in a seconed))

Sidekick: (if they have one)


Bronze Member
Nov 2, 2004
this sounds fun..........and of course hilariousness during the course of it ^_^

Name: Spike Spiegal
Spieces: human
Age: let's say about 25
Weapons: his own personal custom handgun and anything that's around.........and his fighting skills
Appearence: http://www.thedbarchives.com/cb/spike/spike_009.jpg
Channel: Cowboy Bebop
Bio: Spike is a bounty hunter, or as some people call bounty hunters, a cowboy, he has helped save worlds, but most of the time he's only in it for the money
Personality: carefree, likes to show off, that kind of stuff

Name: Blues light, but also goes by the name protoman [the original one]
Spieces: advanced robot
Age: designed to look 15
Weapons: proto buster [an arm canon that can charge up a shot] abilities he downloaded from robot masters and the proto shield
Appearence: http://www.animezen.net/images/anime/m/e/mega_man/protoman.gif
Channel: megaman [there actually was a cartoon on the original megaman....it was pretty crap, but it gives me an excuse to use protoman ^_^]
Bio: Protoman was the first advanced robot made, he was made by Dr. Thomas Light and Dr. Albert Wily. unlike normal robots, he was more human like
Personality: he is a lone wolf type character and has a severe case of wanderlust
Sidekick: Rush


Oct 20, 2004
Causing playful chaos...
Thanks for joining ppl ^_^

Alright we'll start later on. (Like when you two are online or something ^^; )

Till then, here's my other character:

Name: Venom
Spieces: Human fused symbiote
Age: (dunno. Around 30(ish)(kinda?))
Weapon(s): himself
Appearence: Face


Channel: Spider-man (back in 94' (the best one ;)))
Bio: Was a normal person, Eddie Brook, who used to work for the Daily Bugle. But after getting fired and loosing his apartment, he figured this was all because of Spider-man. If Parker hadn't of taken pictures of the web-head, then he'd still have a job and a home. He then came across the alien symbiote suit, when he was caught in the middle of one of Spider-man's little adventures. Eddie fused with this alien to get his vengence on Spider-man, but he does not wish to harm any inncoent peopl in the process.
Personality: strong sense of justice, vengeful, isn't all that friendly, etc.

Alaude Drenxta

\+The Devil's+/ .{Advocate}.
Apr 9, 2005
My house?
Name: Jak
Spieces: Human
Age: 24
Weapon(s): Mod Gun
Appearence: http://www.sputnik.de/sixcms_upload/media_fast/33/jak3_220x220.jpg
Channel: Jak 3
Bio: He saved Havn on many accounts, and the universe at last. His past is riddled with holes which he seeks to fill. He has recently found out *SPOILER!!* that he is mar, the one who built and created haven city*SPOILER*
Personality: He's the mostly silent tough guy. He has a dark and light side, but I wouldn't advise crossing either of them
Sidekick: Daxter, a loud mouthed ottsel

Kingdom Clasm

Disciple of Truth
Mar 29, 2005
With my head to the stars, waiting for a miracle.
Name: Sly Cooper
Spieces: Raccoon
Age: I'm guessing around 21.
Weapon(s): His hooked cane, suave charm, and sly wit.
Appearence: http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=S...//gpclone.blogs.sapo.pt/arquivo/slycooper.jpg
Channel: Sly 2
Bio: Born into a family of master thieves, he was orphaned at a young age. He is now a master thief, stealing from the greatest criminals in the world. He has completed many successful heists, and is constantly tailed by the beautiful Paris police agent, Carmelita Fox, who wants nothing more than to see Sly to a prison cell.
Personality: Charming, quick-witted, and very sneaky, Sly takes the cake as the ultimate master thief. He knows how to handle women, especially if they're beautiful. He is confident and very suave, a smooth-talker through and through. Not only is he charming and good-looking, but he is very smart and resourceful.
Sidekicks: Bentley the Turtle (the Brains) and Murray the Hippo (the Brawn)

Alaude Drenxta

\+The Devil's+/ .{Advocate}.
Apr 9, 2005
My house?
Name: Uchiha Sasuke
Spieces: Human
Age: 15
Weapon(s): kunai, shuriken, and miscellaneous scrolls.
This pic is sick as hell >}
Channel: Naruto
Bio: His past is riddled with deceit and betrayal. His brother killed off his clan, and he was forced to live off his own ends. He graduated top of his class, and has been revered as one of the leaf's greatest.
Personality: He's quiet, cold, and tough. He doesn't often deter from his training, and isn't very friendly.


Oct 20, 2004
Causing playful chaos...
OCC: Alrighty people. (THanks for bumping chad). And sorry to trigger and the others, but I'm gonna start now. When you get back, just pop in at any time.

PS: Nice pic of Sasuke, inner

IC: Zim was working tirelessly on his latest plan to rid himself of Dib's constant interfering.

"This time, I will say goodbye to Dib. ONCE AND FOR ALL!!! FOR I AM ZIM!!" Zim smiled and laughed. "Just don't touch anything until I'm done, Gir."

"Yes, my master!" Bir saluted. Then he walked off and started to type in the computer. "I'm ordering a pizza!" He smiled.

"Now if I jsut put the TNT monkeys in here..." Zim turned to see what Gir had said, "GIR!! NOOOOOO!!! That's not the phone! It's the dimenion collapser!!!"

"Oh." Gir said and stopped.

Zim sighed with relief and turned back to his plan. Gir waited a second. Then typed away on the DC. "Look! A piggie!!" He smiled as the machine lit up and began ripping the very fabric of reality.

Zim turned in horror, "GIR!!! WHAT DID I TELL YOU!?!?!" He then grabbed Gir quickly and ran into his ship. "Now we have to leave the mission, in order to prevent us from going, all, explody and.............dead." But the pull on the machine was too much and sucked everything in Zim's dimention into it.

Zim and Gir were then whisked away into another dimention...

And all over the various channels, this disturbance was felt. Most channels were destroyed and various survivers were stranded on other channels.

Zim looked backed, then at his Navigation Computer and watched as he saw many worlds get blown up. "Aw, poop." He said.

"He he he, you said 'poop' " Gir snickered.

Alaude Drenxta

\+The Devil's+/ .{Advocate}.
Apr 9, 2005
My house?
Sasuke felt as if something was pulling at his very soul, ripping it to pieces. His friends faded away into darkness, and his eyes drew a blank.
Minutes later it seemed, his vision had begun to return, and he was lying in an unfamiliar forest, Naruto and Sakura nowhere to be found.

"Jak!! Jak!! Wake up Jakey boy!!!!" An excited looking animal was seen bouncing on the chest of a man nearby. The man he was jumped on sat up suddenly, flinging the shouting creature off him.
"Dax, where are we?"


Oct 20, 2004
Causing playful chaos...
Venom had finally caught up with Spider-man, and was about to deal the finishing blow, when an unknown force suddenly caused him to black out.

He finally woke up and looked around. "Where are we?" He asked as he stood. Then he got furious and looked around, "AGH!! Where is Spider-man!?!? He will pay for ruining our lives!!"


"Well that was great. Just great Gir. I told you not to touch that machine. And now, LOOK!!" Zim pointed to the emptyness of space.

Gir stuck his face on the glass and looked around. "OooooOOOoooo." He smiled. "Pretty stars."

"No Gir. This is BAD. Now Earth has been destroyed." Zim said.

"But didn't you want to do that?" Gir asked.

"...................SILENCE!!! How can I deliver Earth to the Tallest if it's GONE?!?" Zim shouted.

"Let's just head for a the nearest world and land." Zim said programming his computer.

"Yay!" Gir clapped his hands.

"Then once we get Earth back, I, ZIM, will waste no time in bringing some much needed DOOM upon the Earthinoids." Zim said with an evil, toothy grin.

Gir shouted happily, "Yay! They're doomed! I'm gonna sing the doom song! Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom,"

"NO GIR!!!" Zim shouted.

Alaude Drenxta

\+The Devil's+/ .{Advocate}.
Apr 9, 2005
My house?
OOC: I just need to say.....GIR RULES!!! Now back to rping :p

IC: "What the hell is going on Dax?"
"I don't know, but that wierdo over there is starin at me." Daxter leaned in and whispered into Jak's ear. "He's making my fur crawl. I'm gettin some serious juju vibes here." The two of them returned Sasuke's glance.

Sasuke continued to look on at the scene before him, able to clearly hear what the creature had whispered. They had names, and seemed to speak a human language.
"Do either of you two have any clue what's going on here?"

Funky Bear

Sexy Chocolate
Nov 21, 2004
Up your butt and around the corner
Can i join please? ToT

Name: Edward Elric
Spieces: Human
Age: 15
Weapon(s): Alchemy,and his fist
Channel: Full metal alchemist
Bio: When Edward and his brother Alphonse were just boys, their mother succumbed to a sudden illness. Seeing no other alternative, the two of them attempted to revive their dead mother using what they knew: the science of alchemy. However, alchemy still obeys the principles of nature. The most basic principle of alchemy is that of Equivalent Exchange: for everything, there is a price. You cannot create something from nothing.

Edward and Alphonse knew of Equivalent Exchange and thought they had everything figured out. What they learned--disastrously--is that some things just can't be measured. Edward gave of his own body in the attempt, losing his left leg up to the thigh. His right arm was lost in a desperate move to prevent the soul of his brother (who lost his whole body in the attempt) from being lost forever.

After the incident, Edward was fitted with an automail arm and leg (automail is a special bio-mechanical prothesis that can move at the wearer's will, enabling virtually full function). Recovering from his failure, Edward pushes forward with his pursuit of alchemy with a new goal: undoing the damage wrought upon himself and his brother. Just about a year after the accident, at the age of 12, Edward became the youngest certified State Alchemist in history. Though Edward is reluctant to join the State Alchemists (which is essentially part of the Army), he becomes one so he can research the Central archives for a possible solution: the Philosopher's Stone. The stone is the holy grail of alchemy. With it, it is said, one's power over alchemy rises to divine levels, allowing one to bypass the limitations of alchemy, including Equivalent Exchange. It's Edward's wish to find the stone and use it to restore his limbs and Alphonse's body.

Obviously, Edward is a top-notch alchemist now at the age of 15. Because he wears automail, he was given the title "Fullmetal Alchemist" by Fuhrer King Bradley when he became a State Alchemist (all State Alchemists are given such titles). Besides his incredible skill for his age and proficiency with weapons, Edward has one other secret that shows his genius. He is able to perform alchemy without the help of a Transmutation Circle or Array: normally a requirement (it was in fact that feat that made him worthy of the State Alchemists). As a result, he has amassed a reputation throughout the land, and this notoriety becomes a potential liability because people start gunning for him: not necessarily because of his identity but also because he's a State Alchemist (or "Military Dog" as some state-haters would call him). Edward answers to Lt. Col. Roy Mustang, and in exchange for answering to him and following his orders, he searches for the Philosopher's Stone in between his assignments and reports on his findings.

Personality: ,Hot-headed,intelligent,stubborn,


Oct 20, 2004
Causing playful chaos...
OCC: Yay! We're DOOMED! :D

IC: Venom walked through the forest. He kocked down a tree if it was in his way. He was a little pissed that Spider-man got away again. "Next time, we will not let him escape..." He said looking for someone to tell him where he was.


7 'Space' Months later...

"Doom, doom, doomy, doom, doom, doom, doom, doomy, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doomy, doom, doom, doom, doom, doomy, doom, doom, doom, doom, doomy, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doomy, doom, doom, doom, doom," Gir sang.

Zim was half dead already, "............Gir............could please stop singing.......?" Then he got mad.

"Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, THE END! Hey looky!!" Gir pointed to an on coming planet.

"Finally! A planet!" Zim shouted, "Hmm, looks similar to Earth." Then he laughed evilly, "AH HAHAHAHAHA!! Perhaps I can take over this world, then make it back to Earth. Oh, the tallest will be pleased. Very pleased in deed. Ha ha ha, why am I such a genius!?" He smiled.

"Hey look. The ground coming to meet us." Gir said.

"Ha ha-huh?" Zim said and saw that his ship was about to crash, "GAAAH!!!!!" But before he could respond he crashed, not to far off from the others.

Alaude Drenxta

\+The Devil's+/ .{Advocate}.
Apr 9, 2005
My house?
"What was that?" Sasuke turned his head suddenly and leapt high up into a tree above. He looked out at the scenery, seeing a heavy smoke coming from the ground, and a large clearing in the center of it.
Jak whipped out his Morph Gun, and tacked on his vulcan fury.
"Bring it on!" Daxter scurried around and clasped onto the back of Jak's leg, frightened.


Oct 20, 2004
Causing playful chaos...
Zim and Gir stumbled out of the ship and looked around. "Uhh......where are we?" Zim asked.

"Where's my piggie?" Gir asked.

Then they saw Jak, Daxter and Sasuke. "Gah!! We've been spotted! Quick Gir! The diguises!!"

Gir then pulled out their diguises from his head and they suited up.

Zim (now in disguise) walked up to Jak, "Uh, greetings.......Earth-like person. I am a typically normal Eath child, and this is my typically normal Earth dog."

"Lookie! A SUIRREL!!" Gir pointed to Daxter.
Venom heard the crash and slowed creapped through the forest until he saw everyone. "What a strange group they are. Perhaps they can be of use to us..."
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Bronze Member
Nov 2, 2004
OOC: gah damn timezones


Spike Spiegal sat up and looked around he was in some forest, and nearby were a group of people meeting.....he sighed and said "great.......i bet Ed screwed up with one of her machines and now i'm stuck here"


Blues opened his eyes and he was hanging n a branch of the tree above the group who were there.......nearby was what looked like a crahsed space ship......he looked around he appeared to be allright, he was wearing his Red T-shirt, and dark blue jeans....not his armour.......he quickly scanned himself, no visible damamge it seemed, he then looked around and nearby was the families robot dog Rush "rush you okay" he asked as he jumped over to him Rush got up and barked happily and then the branch they was on fell making them land near the group.

Kingdom Clasm

Disciple of Truth
Mar 29, 2005
With my head to the stars, waiting for a miracle.
"Sly! Sly! Come in! Do you copy?"
"Yes, Bentley," Sly answered, looking through his binocucom. "Calm down. Everything's going according to plan. I've taken care of security, and the Venus de Whalo is in sight."
Sly was infiltrating the Louvre, which was located in his favorite city, Paris.
Bentley's voice crackled over the binocucom's built-in communication link once more. "Where are you, Sly?"
The thievius racconus squinted through his binocucom, getting a good visual of the area. I'm inside the Louvre, in the Grand Gallery. I can see the Venus de Whalo in the center of the room."
"Good, good. I've taken the liberty to outfit that cane of yours with some new upgrades. Sly. Now listen carefully. Tap your cane against the wall of the Grand Gallery, and it will send out an ultrasonic wave that will disable all defense systems for a limited amount of time. If you run into any trouble, just tap the bottom of your cane on the ground and a thick smokescreen will emmit from your cane, disorienting your enemies and keeping you hidden while you take them out."
"That's great, Bentley, but can we get on with the heist?" Sly was getting impatient.
Bentley sighed. "Yes, Sly, that's all for now."
Murray's voice could be heard over the com link. "And remember, we'll be waiting outside in the getaway van for you."
"Okay, thanks guys," and he shut the com link off, putting the binocucom away.
With two taps to the wall from his cane, all of the lasers circling the perimeter were deactivated, and all of the security cameras produced static on their screens.
With stealthy techinique, Sly Cooper crept up to the Venus de Whalo, the huge and priceless statue of a singing whale. It was the bounty of a lifetime.
Just as Sly was about to grab it, the world shook violently around him, and then everything went black.
Sly switched the com link back on.
"Guys! What's going on!"
"I don't know!" Bentley was frantic. "This wasn't part of the plan!" He was panicking now.
Murray's lumbering voice crackled to life over the com link. "This problem is too tough even for 'The Murray' to take care of!"
Sly's smooth voice was the lone voice of reason in all of this insanity. "Okay, guys, just calm down. What we need to is-"
Suddenly there was a loud boom, and Sly, along with Bentley and Murray, who seemed to come in out of nowhere, were flung into the trees of a forest.
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