bah, this is gonna be a short updart -_- my creative part of the brain has died....unreliable mushy peice of life support.
Kairi blinked slowly, "Huh?" Sora shook his head with a small sad smile, "Never mind, forget it." Kairi then turned to her friend and asked, "So are you going to have to stay here?" as she motioned around his sister's room.
Sora shrugged, "I can go wherever I want, but I dont think it would be safe if I stayed family is already traumatized as it is, seeing me as a ghost might drive them over the edge."
Sora then looked at a photo on the wall tryingto tear his attention away from his perdicament. Kairi bit her lip before saying, "You could always say at my house. Mom and Dad arent usually home."
Sora nodded, 'Thats a good idea, Kai..."
Downstairs everyone was sitting at the couch still. Kairi came downstairs causing some of her friends to look at her, "You okay Kairi, you look like you've seen a ghost!" Megan asked.
.." Kairi thought and shook her head with a reply of, "I'm fine." She sat down next to Riku and glanced at the stairaway, knowing Sora was up there all alone. It must be so hard for him to have to watch and hear his friends, but not be able to be with them.
"You guys do know, we've only got one more month of school before graduation..." Kaze murmured. They all nodded unsure of the future. They were seniors now, and the prom was approaching. Kaze would of course be going with Megan, Riku would go with Noelle, Yuna with Tidus, Wakka and Lulu.
But...who was Kairi to go with...?
She was going to ask Sora to go with her couldnt could she?
Her spirits fell drastically as she realized she would never be able to hug Sora or touch him ever cant bring back the dead after all....
Major short updart, but Im so creativeless right now -_-