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Fanfiction ► Mutations

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Faith Crest

Worst birthday ever.
Oct 2, 2005
Manchester, UK.

Those with abilities beyond the normal are often known as "supernaturals". Their DNA has mutated over the cycle of evolution. This process has gone on for several thousands of years. Through evolution, good and evil has been born.

Patrick Magus is a supernatural. He has set up a private academy for all supernaturals to feel safe from the world and to also help them control their powers. Many have enrolled at the academy. Some have yet to arrive. One girl particularly has decided to come, but is searching for something ...

An ancient and secret prophecy has fallen into the hands of a supernatural who goes by the name of Felony. Since he lost his body many years ago in the past, Felony now has control of a supernatural. No one knows who it is that he is possessing. Chaos will follow.

But the prime suspect may be nearby.

Chapter One
A New Destiny​

The train that was heading towards New York City was rushing at high speeds hurrying towards to its final destination. A pair of green eyes looked out of the window and glanced down at the "normal" people. They had so many worries in their lives that revolved around money, work, children and so on. Humans were the superior race and no one could even argue against this. However, they were not the only race in the world.

A newly discovered race called "supernaturals" had been discovered about twenty years ago. Supernaturals were considered to have come from another planet or just merely humans with mutated DNA towards the next step of evolution. Some people thought it was exciting. Others saw chaos in the future.

Problems did occur, but they were soon fixed. The new race was somewhat different to humans. Not only did they look like humans, but they had their own "abilities" or "powers". Most supernaturals could not control their own powers. Some still cannot to this day.

The pair of green eyes looking down at the humans then looked at the boy sat opposite herself. The boy was smiling, but he looked nervous. The girl sat on his opposite rose to her feet and started to walk towards the toilets. But then she took another look at the boy. She placed her left hand on his shoulder.

"I promise you we'll be safe," she whispered in his ear. He smiled as she went towards the toilers at the middle of the train. Passengers gave her dirty and curious looks. She ignored them and stepped inside the room. A chance to breathe at last.

Well, I'm glad that went well.

The girl took out an envelope. It was addressed to:

Faith and Fayt Crest
Old Stone Orphanage
Los Angeles
America (U.S.A.)​

This was it. This was the key feature that had formed the journey to New York City. The girl holding th envelope was indeed Faith Crest and the boy who had been sat near her was Fayt Crest, her younger brother. They had a special sibling bond that could never be broken. After all, Faith and Fayt were considered to be "inseparable".

Inside the envelope, was a letter to Faith and Fayt. It had been read several times before - the most being by Faith. Fayt had only read through the letter twice, whilst Faith recalled reading it fourteen times over. Being as curious as ever, she took the letter out of the envelope and unfolded the piece of plain paper. Once more, Faith read:

Dear Faith and Fayt Crest,

It gives me great pleasure to tell you that you have been accepted into the Magus Higher Learning Academy. This is no ordinary academy; it is a home for supernaturals to hone their powers and learn to control them. If one has complete control of their powers, then one can become advanced and evolve to the next stage.

I write to you since you are the future of supernaturals and can learn to take control of your destiny. Our numbers are increasing and supernaturals of the future will need the guidance, help and support they can get. I ask of you to come to the academy and begin this legacy today! The future will be revolutionised! Our work at the academy is the first step towards the future.

The academy is private, so safety of our students is ensured. Protection is our number one priority. If you wish to move to the academy, then come to New York City within the next seven days. The letter has a power of leading you to the academy, so you will not have problems getting there.

Hoping to see you there,
Dr. Patrick Magus

When Faith has read the letter the first time around, she thought she was dreaming. But after reading it many more times, she knew it was reality. Faith put the letter into the envelope again and pocketed it into her jacket. After glancing into the mirror and making sure her hair was presentable, she came back out of the room to return to her seat.

Fayt looked up at his sister with an admiring look on his face. He had always seen Faith as a role model. After all, she had done so much for him over the years they lived in the orphanage. He saw her as hopeful, devoted, kind and caring. But he could not really put it into words of what kind of person she was.

"Everytime you come into the room, I get the impression that you're an angel," smiled Fayt. "Maybe you should be 'super Crest'."

Faith laughed at what he said.

"Angel? 'Super Crest'?" she stared, crossing her arms.

"What? Don't they qualify?" he asked.

She was going to answer to this, but then felt a slight breeze in their air. A smile slowly appeared on Faith's face. Fayt had his turn to stare at her. Meanwhile, Faith found herself thinking to herself once again.

Yeah. Faith always knows when you come first.

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Faith Crest

Worst birthday ever.
Oct 2, 2005
Manchester, UK.
xandman said:
Wow Its Amazing
Is it? Phew! Thank you! Someone finally answered to my fan fic. It's my first original fan fic and it took about 20-30 minutes to type up. Luckily, I already have it written down somewhere. I will also be splitting the chapters into different parts since they're way too much to type up.


Thank You Jonathan Larson
Jun 23, 2005
Recounting my exploits as an Anarchist. =D
Uh... traditionally you don't introduce characters with a profile, dude. That's usually just for rping.

And typing in present tense is pretty uncommon, most people choose to type in past.

And this whole fic comes off as a little too X-men. The idea is a little unoriginal. It's literate enough, but....

You may want to think up a more original story line.

Edit: Actually, you're switching between past and present tense. That's a bad habit. You need to pick one.


I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
Some words of advice.

Don't post a template for your character. This isn't a roleplay. You're supposed to explain everything you put into the template IN your story, along with descriptions of the people and places. Your character doesn't seem to have any flaws, which bugs me, and this seems VERY much like X-Men.

Also, your chapters should be longer. If that's a third, they're not very long, are they? We didn't even get a taste of your character's personality. I see quite a few mistakes in grammar, too, but at least you didn't post it in script style. Still. It's X-men. With changed names and a letter from Hogwarts.

I'm disappointed, but... Good luck, I guess. >_>

Faith Crest

Worst birthday ever.
Oct 2, 2005
Manchester, UK.
I have taken both of your advice. No more templates. But I must disagree with you. This is not like X-Men. This is merely nothing to do with that. If I would like to tell you what it really happens, then I would. This is just a girl's journey to find if her family. But it is too long to type down the whole chapter. I don't have my folder with me right now to do anymore chapters, but I will be soon doing it ... most probably tomorrow.

I will type down the whole chapter and edit my post tomorrow.

Edit: Could you tell me where exactly I am switching in between the past and present tense? To let you know, the writing in blue-purple is the introduction. The green writing is the chapter. An introduction is wrote in the present tense. A chapter is wrote in the past tense. Am I correct?
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