Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
hm...that depends if the supplier has it in stock or not. If they do then they should ship it. However here if you pre-order it, it just guarantees you a spot to actually get the game so you pay an extra £2 for nothing really XD off the internet it is different if they have it in stock on the 28th instead of 29th they ship it on the 28th.
so boored of waiting temptation of buying a new rpg instead of kh2 is overwhelming at the mo cos i is bored lol, but i want this one can these days be any more slower
lol I know isn't it? Anyway they said there could be a KH2: FM. I hope that comes here because we have waited too long for this game. Anyway THE DATE IS NEARING, LIKE 18 DAYS TO GO, THAT IS 2 WEEKS AND A HALF (2 1/2 WEEKS!)
The official Kingdom Hearts II European website has been updated again, I think they've finally given it the proper layout and now they have various sections which includes downloads, worlds, character animations etc.
wooooooot.... i pre-ordered it today and i get it after my ipt exam... last exam for the term... woooot... i have to go check out the site be back soon... * foot steps running.... and getting fainter* *i vioce from the distance calls "16 days to go"*
maybe they already made the Fm and it is our version XD lol they should atleast give us an FM since we waited the longest for the game and the agony we have tyo go through. It is the least they owe us!
maybe they already made the Fm and it is our version XD lol they should atleast give us an FM since we waited the longest for the game and the agony we have tyo go through. It is the least they owe us!
Dont you dare expect it. The extras they meant were "no borders" (which is great) and no speed reducing, which happens most of the times when you go from 60 FPS (NTSC) to 50 FPS (PAL).
i think a fm is a brillant idea with a pal exclusive release that would be cool! then we have something to parade over people who spoiled parts of the game for pal players