Well, I've always regretted never finishing the entire KingDumb Hearts series, so I decided to do a crazy Pokemon fic, one that has you as the members of KHI, in it as well! But what exactly you all will be doing? You'll see...
And Muffinman? No hard feelings...
Chapter One: In Which The Plot Practically Gets Explained In Under 20 Minutes And In One Chapter Which Makes You Wonder How You Can Make An Entire Fanfic Out Of It And If This Story And This Title Will Ever End
The Orre region. It used to be the fourth most popular region, until it got bumped down by Sinnoh because 4kids wasn't sure if they really could make an enitre anime saga based on this desolate region. After all, there aren't any perky female characters starting out for Ash to join up with, isn't there?
But this story isn't about him. Like most fanfictions are anyway.
Some of you must be wondering, "Now why haven't I ever heard of this region before?". Well, the reason is because this region actually couldn't support Pokemon life. About 3/4 of the region is covered by desert, but even desert Pokemon couldn't survive because of the harsh desert winds and conditions, which really makes you wonder if Pokemon can't live in the desert, then how can people?
Well, in the place now known as Phenac City, they found an oasis and now the entire town lives because of the water. And pretty soon, more towns sprung up around oasis' and yet, there was still no Pokemon. So people from other regions started bringing their own Pokemon, so some got lost or did the hokey pokey as you turn yourself around, and pretty soon, people had Pokemon. Eventually, the mayor of Pyrite Town found three places in the Orre that could support Pokemon life-the cave spot, the oasis not inhabited by humans and hobos, and the rock spot.
About 7 years ago, a criminal syndicate, excuse me, two syndicates sprung up. One was called Cipher and the other was the generic "Team" Snagem. Why there were two, no one really knows nor cares. But they sort of co-operated with each other. Snagem would steal, Cipher would use the stolen Pokemon to make shadow Pokemon, which are the heartless versions of Pokemon who lost their hearts that now lay beyond the door-pardon me, I'm thinking of Kingdom Hearts here. What I meant was Pokemon whose hearts had been artificially closed and were now bloodthirsty little buggers that attacked people. Which still sounds like the same thing, but I digress...
So 7 years ago, an ex-member of Team Snagem, who will call Seth Wess, fought against the organizations and brought them down. But then 2 years ago, the bad guys apparently didn't learn their lesson the first time around and was brought back again, even powerfuller than before because they had Uber-I mean, Shadow Lugia, who apparently couldn't be turned back to normal. And another kid, a kid who was less hot than Seth, took them down, but who cares about this kid, I'm starting to lose myself with all these long paragraphs...
So let us now turn to the story at hand, which will probably be 'nill seeing as how most of the plot just got explained a few minutes ago...
*St. Libra. Still a boat in the middle of the desert that happens to be a great home for hobos.*
Two construction workers looked the giant boat up and down. "I can't believe this old rust bucket is still here. It's a miracle that it hasn't fallen apart and killed all the hobos inside."
"Well that's what we're here for Frank." said the other. "Now help me attach these explosives to it.
"But Ted, isn't it kind of dangerous to blow this thing up in the exact center of Orre? Who knows what kind of irreverable mind blowing, worthy of an epic adventure, catostrophy this may cause?"
"I don't pay you to think that way Frank. Now help me so that we could blow the crap out of this thing! I'm tired of neighboring regions always pointing and laughing at us for having a boat in the middle of the desert." Ted muttered.
"Those Hoenn pricks. You're right Ted, sorry for making you worried."
The two were about to put the explosives on to send the ship to kingdom come when...
"Hey Ted, do you even remember how this boat got out here?"
"I don't pay you to remember the plot either Frank."
"I'm serious, how did this boat get out here?"
"How should I know? We were too busy back in Kanto building that one building with the Machoke in Vermillion that we never finished."
"You mean the one that everyone thought Mew would appear in after the building finished? Yeah, I remember now. But that's as ridiculous as that one rumor that Mew was behind that truck in the middle of the ocean."
As the two talked about past Mew rumors, they didn't notice the dark shadow that loomed over them...
(And you people thought I was going to blow it up...)
*About 40 miles away*
"How old are you?"
"No you're not."
"Fine, I'm 17, happy now?"
"How old are you?"
"Didn't you just ask that?"
"I'm 21."
"Oh alright. What would you like to drink?"
"Your strongest drink that won't kill me."
"An alcoholic MooMoo milk?"
Blair automatically smacked herself in the face, but ended up doing nothing but giving herself a red mark across the face. "Fine."
The bartendernodded as he turned to pour her drink. Blair turned to the tv just in time for it to speak about a plot point-
"In other news, two construction workers from Gateon Port went missing two days ago. They're names were Tank and Fred...I'm sorry, I meant Frank and Ted-"
"Kate, this is the tenth time you've screwed up! Why did we think to have a seven year old anchorwoman?" someone yelled offscreen, causing Kate to look flustered.
"-Uh, anyway, they were last seen by the old cruise ship St. Libra. This makes it twenty-nine people total that have gone missing so far in the string of disapperences. The police of Pyrite are asking anyone that has any information to please come forward. I'm Kate, and this is the News Where It's At!"
Blair turned back as the drink was placed in front of her. Taking a sip, she looked up as the bartender sighed. "It's a shame. This region never settles down. Lived and worked here 15 years and there's always something going on. Now people are disappering left and right!"
"Yeah well, that's really none of my concern." Blair muttered as she lowered her head to the table, her long black and white hair falling in her face.
Blair Diamond was a seventeen year old trainer just coming back from the Sinnoh region. She had long black and white hair similar to that of a skunk, and wore tan clothes such as her short-sleeved shirt and pants with grey shoes. She wore grey gloves with a white symbol on the back and had grey eyes that made you think that she will end up as a dark-brooding angsty character, which she's not.
"Why did I come back here anyway?" she wondered aloud. "I hate this region so much..."
This statement, if it had been overheard by others, would of been met with the longest silences. Especially since she herself had been born and raised in the Orre region.
Unfortunately for her, someone did overhear her. Someone who would turn her life into a living nightmare...
"What! How can you hate the Orre region?"
Blair looked boredly over at the person next to her. He was a guy who was taller than her by about half an inch, which spiky brown hair that was inches away from poking her forehead, no doubt he sharpens that mullet every morning...not like that. He had his hands on his hips and wore blue jeans and a glaringly orange jacket that covered his black t-shirt. And he currently had his face inches from hers as he glared at her with bright blue eyes.
"Easy, I hate it." she muttered.
He frowned. "Well, listen here Skunk, we don't take haters in the Orre region."
Blair stood up so fast that she had knocked over and smashed her drink. "Don't call me Skunk you loser."
"I call them as I see them. What's with the hair then?"
"Do you want to take this outside punk?"
"Oh I'm really scared of a girl..."
"I can kick your ass."
"In a Pokemon battle?" he asked, a mischievous gleam in his eye.
"No, literally." she said, and she looked mere inches away from doing it too.
"Hey, no fighting in here!" the bartender said, hoping that they really weren't going to fight in his diner. Hell, they probably would of destroyed the place and he probably lives here.
Blair started walking away. "Well, I'm not sticking around anyway. Getting out of this rat-infested dump."
"There aren't that many rats!" she heard the bartender call as she stepped outside into the glaring sunlight. She marched over to her motorcycle, angry as hell that some punk was making her day turn sour. Motorcycles and powered scooters were the only means of transportation in the Orre region, as walking around in a desert is impossible and motorcycles are cooler anyway.
"Hey, wait!"
Blair turned to see the annoying weirdo from inside the diner, followed by another wierdo with pink hair.
"What do you want?" she asked.
"Look, sorry about earlier. I'm Kazuki Pearl."
Blair snorted. "Pearl? That's an interesting name for a guy."
Pearl frowned. "It's K-"
"Whatever Pearl. Now if you don't-who the hell are you?" Blair broke off as the pink haired guy from earlier stepped forward.
"I didn't recognize you at first until I got a glimpse of your black and white hair. You're Blair Diamond! Of the Diamond theives of Pyrite, aren't you?" he asked. Pearl gaped at her.
"Former Diamond thieves, our group doesn't steal anymore, baka. What do you want?"
"I'm Willie. Some guy told me to give this to you." he said as he handed over a piece of paper. Blair took it from him and read the following-
Dear Blair Diamond-
I know that you'll be swinging through Orre sometime today. I know because I'm psychic, so there. Anyway, please come to the abandoned laboratory near Phenac City. We have something you may want.
P.S. We are NOT a criminal syndicate out to steal your Pokemon.
"This is the stupidest thing I've ever read." Blair muttered before Pearl interupted her.
"Whose it from?"
"Don't know. But there's a letterhead here." she pointed out as Willie walked off.
From the desk of TheMuffinMan of KHI
"Whose that?"
"Beats me." Blair couldn't help but say as she climbed on to her motorcycle, only for Pearl to hop on as well.
"What the hell-"
"I'm coming with you." Pearl said.
"Like hell you are!"
"Don't you get it? I'm your annoying but loveable sidekick in this fanfic!" Pearl practically cheered. Blair cursed.
"I was hoping it would be someone more competent. But anyway, I'm not going to this laboratory right away. I have things to do." she said as she started her motorcycle. Pearl noticed she was holding something black in her hand.
"Is that a wallet?"
"Willie's wallet to be more precise."
"I thought you said you didn't steal anymore."
"I said my group doesn't steal anymore. Doesn't mean I don't." she muttered before pushing Pearl into the desert sand just as the motorcycle sped off. Pearl shook his hair full of sand, watching as she took off to who knew where.
That's right! You as members of KHI will be the evil criminal syndicate! But will you turn from bad to good? Thwart our heroes? Who knows! (and at the moment, Muffin appears to be the leader...)
If you would like to be a part of this fanfic, please private message me a short template with a little info about your character and they will be included in the fic!
I hope you liked it!
And Muffinman? No hard feelings...
Chapter One: In Which The Plot Practically Gets Explained In Under 20 Minutes And In One Chapter Which Makes You Wonder How You Can Make An Entire Fanfic Out Of It And If This Story And This Title Will Ever End
The Orre region. It used to be the fourth most popular region, until it got bumped down by Sinnoh because 4kids wasn't sure if they really could make an enitre anime saga based on this desolate region. After all, there aren't any perky female characters starting out for Ash to join up with, isn't there?
But this story isn't about him. Like most fanfictions are anyway.
Some of you must be wondering, "Now why haven't I ever heard of this region before?". Well, the reason is because this region actually couldn't support Pokemon life. About 3/4 of the region is covered by desert, but even desert Pokemon couldn't survive because of the harsh desert winds and conditions, which really makes you wonder if Pokemon can't live in the desert, then how can people?
Well, in the place now known as Phenac City, they found an oasis and now the entire town lives because of the water. And pretty soon, more towns sprung up around oasis' and yet, there was still no Pokemon. So people from other regions started bringing their own Pokemon, so some got lost or did the hokey pokey as you turn yourself around, and pretty soon, people had Pokemon. Eventually, the mayor of Pyrite Town found three places in the Orre that could support Pokemon life-the cave spot, the oasis not inhabited by humans and hobos, and the rock spot.
About 7 years ago, a criminal syndicate, excuse me, two syndicates sprung up. One was called Cipher and the other was the generic "Team" Snagem. Why there were two, no one really knows nor cares. But they sort of co-operated with each other. Snagem would steal, Cipher would use the stolen Pokemon to make shadow Pokemon, which are the heartless versions of Pokemon who lost their hearts that now lay beyond the door-pardon me, I'm thinking of Kingdom Hearts here. What I meant was Pokemon whose hearts had been artificially closed and were now bloodthirsty little buggers that attacked people. Which still sounds like the same thing, but I digress...
So 7 years ago, an ex-member of Team Snagem, who will call Seth Wess, fought against the organizations and brought them down. But then 2 years ago, the bad guys apparently didn't learn their lesson the first time around and was brought back again, even powerfuller than before because they had Uber-I mean, Shadow Lugia, who apparently couldn't be turned back to normal. And another kid, a kid who was less hot than Seth, took them down, but who cares about this kid, I'm starting to lose myself with all these long paragraphs...
So let us now turn to the story at hand, which will probably be 'nill seeing as how most of the plot just got explained a few minutes ago...
*St. Libra. Still a boat in the middle of the desert that happens to be a great home for hobos.*
Two construction workers looked the giant boat up and down. "I can't believe this old rust bucket is still here. It's a miracle that it hasn't fallen apart and killed all the hobos inside."
"Well that's what we're here for Frank." said the other. "Now help me attach these explosives to it.
"But Ted, isn't it kind of dangerous to blow this thing up in the exact center of Orre? Who knows what kind of irreverable mind blowing, worthy of an epic adventure, catostrophy this may cause?"
"I don't pay you to think that way Frank. Now help me so that we could blow the crap out of this thing! I'm tired of neighboring regions always pointing and laughing at us for having a boat in the middle of the desert." Ted muttered.
"Those Hoenn pricks. You're right Ted, sorry for making you worried."
The two were about to put the explosives on to send the ship to kingdom come when...
"Hey Ted, do you even remember how this boat got out here?"
"I don't pay you to remember the plot either Frank."
"I'm serious, how did this boat get out here?"
"How should I know? We were too busy back in Kanto building that one building with the Machoke in Vermillion that we never finished."
"You mean the one that everyone thought Mew would appear in after the building finished? Yeah, I remember now. But that's as ridiculous as that one rumor that Mew was behind that truck in the middle of the ocean."
As the two talked about past Mew rumors, they didn't notice the dark shadow that loomed over them...
(And you people thought I was going to blow it up...)
*About 40 miles away*
"How old are you?"
"No you're not."
"Fine, I'm 17, happy now?"
"How old are you?"
"Didn't you just ask that?"
"I'm 21."
"Oh alright. What would you like to drink?"
"Your strongest drink that won't kill me."
"An alcoholic MooMoo milk?"
Blair automatically smacked herself in the face, but ended up doing nothing but giving herself a red mark across the face. "Fine."
The bartendernodded as he turned to pour her drink. Blair turned to the tv just in time for it to speak about a plot point-
"In other news, two construction workers from Gateon Port went missing two days ago. They're names were Tank and Fred...I'm sorry, I meant Frank and Ted-"
"Kate, this is the tenth time you've screwed up! Why did we think to have a seven year old anchorwoman?" someone yelled offscreen, causing Kate to look flustered.
"-Uh, anyway, they were last seen by the old cruise ship St. Libra. This makes it twenty-nine people total that have gone missing so far in the string of disapperences. The police of Pyrite are asking anyone that has any information to please come forward. I'm Kate, and this is the News Where It's At!"
Blair turned back as the drink was placed in front of her. Taking a sip, she looked up as the bartender sighed. "It's a shame. This region never settles down. Lived and worked here 15 years and there's always something going on. Now people are disappering left and right!"
"Yeah well, that's really none of my concern." Blair muttered as she lowered her head to the table, her long black and white hair falling in her face.
Blair Diamond was a seventeen year old trainer just coming back from the Sinnoh region. She had long black and white hair similar to that of a skunk, and wore tan clothes such as her short-sleeved shirt and pants with grey shoes. She wore grey gloves with a white symbol on the back and had grey eyes that made you think that she will end up as a dark-brooding angsty character, which she's not.
"Why did I come back here anyway?" she wondered aloud. "I hate this region so much..."
This statement, if it had been overheard by others, would of been met with the longest silences. Especially since she herself had been born and raised in the Orre region.
Unfortunately for her, someone did overhear her. Someone who would turn her life into a living nightmare...
"What! How can you hate the Orre region?"
Blair looked boredly over at the person next to her. He was a guy who was taller than her by about half an inch, which spiky brown hair that was inches away from poking her forehead, no doubt he sharpens that mullet every morning...not like that. He had his hands on his hips and wore blue jeans and a glaringly orange jacket that covered his black t-shirt. And he currently had his face inches from hers as he glared at her with bright blue eyes.
"Easy, I hate it." she muttered.
He frowned. "Well, listen here Skunk, we don't take haters in the Orre region."
Blair stood up so fast that she had knocked over and smashed her drink. "Don't call me Skunk you loser."
"I call them as I see them. What's with the hair then?"
"Do you want to take this outside punk?"
"Oh I'm really scared of a girl..."
"I can kick your ass."
"In a Pokemon battle?" he asked, a mischievous gleam in his eye.
"No, literally." she said, and she looked mere inches away from doing it too.
"Hey, no fighting in here!" the bartender said, hoping that they really weren't going to fight in his diner. Hell, they probably would of destroyed the place and he probably lives here.
Blair started walking away. "Well, I'm not sticking around anyway. Getting out of this rat-infested dump."
"There aren't that many rats!" she heard the bartender call as she stepped outside into the glaring sunlight. She marched over to her motorcycle, angry as hell that some punk was making her day turn sour. Motorcycles and powered scooters were the only means of transportation in the Orre region, as walking around in a desert is impossible and motorcycles are cooler anyway.
"Hey, wait!"
Blair turned to see the annoying weirdo from inside the diner, followed by another wierdo with pink hair.
"What do you want?" she asked.
"Look, sorry about earlier. I'm Kazuki Pearl."
Blair snorted. "Pearl? That's an interesting name for a guy."
Pearl frowned. "It's K-"
"Whatever Pearl. Now if you don't-who the hell are you?" Blair broke off as the pink haired guy from earlier stepped forward.
"I didn't recognize you at first until I got a glimpse of your black and white hair. You're Blair Diamond! Of the Diamond theives of Pyrite, aren't you?" he asked. Pearl gaped at her.
"Former Diamond thieves, our group doesn't steal anymore, baka. What do you want?"
"I'm Willie. Some guy told me to give this to you." he said as he handed over a piece of paper. Blair took it from him and read the following-
Dear Blair Diamond-
I know that you'll be swinging through Orre sometime today. I know because I'm psychic, so there. Anyway, please come to the abandoned laboratory near Phenac City. We have something you may want.
P.S. We are NOT a criminal syndicate out to steal your Pokemon.
"This is the stupidest thing I've ever read." Blair muttered before Pearl interupted her.
"Whose it from?"
"Don't know. But there's a letterhead here." she pointed out as Willie walked off.
From the desk of TheMuffinMan of KHI
"Whose that?"
"Beats me." Blair couldn't help but say as she climbed on to her motorcycle, only for Pearl to hop on as well.
"What the hell-"
"I'm coming with you." Pearl said.
"Like hell you are!"
"Don't you get it? I'm your annoying but loveable sidekick in this fanfic!" Pearl practically cheered. Blair cursed.
"I was hoping it would be someone more competent. But anyway, I'm not going to this laboratory right away. I have things to do." she said as she started her motorcycle. Pearl noticed she was holding something black in her hand.
"Is that a wallet?"
"Willie's wallet to be more precise."
"I thought you said you didn't steal anymore."
"I said my group doesn't steal anymore. Doesn't mean I don't." she muttered before pushing Pearl into the desert sand just as the motorcycle sped off. Pearl shook his hair full of sand, watching as she took off to who knew where.
That's right! You as members of KHI will be the evil criminal syndicate! But will you turn from bad to good? Thwart our heroes? Who knows! (and at the moment, Muffin appears to be the leader...)
If you would like to be a part of this fanfic, please private message me a short template with a little info about your character and they will be included in the fic!
I hope you liked it!