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Jun 23, 2005
Outside, since the AP exams are over :D
Please read my first post before posting. I know it's kinda long but it'd help you understand more. Also dont give me any crap or other stuff like that please, I trust KHI that's why I'm asking YOU for help.

I've been stuggling so much lately with life, and I really dont know what to do. I'm tired/stressed/confused/sad and much more. Let me start with my biggest problem.

1. My mom:
Ever since I was little my mom been the greatest pain towards me. She would use to hit me for no reason, like looking in a shopping bag just because it is counted as being nosey. Though ever since then I've been trying to please her, so that maybe just maybe she'll start to like me. Now though she doesnt really hit me, but teases me and yells at me for no reason. She'll yell at me for the simplest of things, like if I drop a piece of paper on the floor, she'll say(here's something currently she's done): WHY THE HELL DID YOU JUST THROW THAT DAMN PIECE OF PAPER ON THE FLOOR!!!??? PICK IT THE HELL OFF THE FLOOR!!!
I really dont get it. Why does she treat me and my siblings this way. She'll be nice to other children. She'll say "Good Job, high five!!" or " That's really good!!-and simile-" to other children.
About a month ago, we met a new family. My mom kept going on telling me about how there daughter was so sweet, and so kind she is, and that she's had it so hard and I should be nice to her.
..............................I admit, I'm jealous and pissed off at that. She's only known that child like what 2 days and she's saying nice things about her and supporting her. She known me for 13 years. She didnt support me when my friend died or when I suffered depression. All she did was say "Suck it up."

So my question for help is, what can I do to please her? What am I doing wrong? and any other info would be good.

My second problem:

2. Stress and School:
I've been so stressed out with school lately. I havnt been able to sleep good at all. I'm trying to keep up with my grades and I've been failing lately. I use to get all A's and maybe a B but now I keep getting A's and B's and a C or 2. I dont know how to work it all out, and how to have fun anymore or just say "take a break." My friends have suggested "cutting myself" or "taking extra pills so that I get a quick high feeling and I'll be relieved of all my problems for that moment" or something new that I've heard about from school, is where you hang yourself( well not completely hang yourself where you die) but after a few seconds you let go and you feel a high feeling that will comfort you. I'm trying to really not go that way and try to find something else to help me.

So my question for help is: How can I relax more, how can I get better grades, what's a better way to get rid of the stress? Any other help would be nice.

and last problem:

3. Depression:

About 3 years ago, I started to really feel depressed. I'd think about running away or suicide. I'm starting to feel that feeling again, and I dont want it to get outta control. My parents didnt help me at that time, but my friends kept helping me tell I felt...happy again, and trust me they stayed on me constantly. ( I was in Germany though at that time and I'm in America now) I dont want to take theropy(sp?), or take depression pills. My mom tells me it's a waste of time and money so she wouldnt help me anyway.

So my question for help is: What can I do to help my depression? What can I do to feel happy again? Any other info would be nice.

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Apr 19, 2006
With Hannibal Lector, of course. The Good Doctor a
1: Maybe if you honestly just sat down and talk with her, and told her how much it was bothering you, she'd realize?

2: Don't make any type of irrational move, like cutting. That wont solve anything at all. You need to find outlets of stress (Such as writing, drawing, even playing nintendo and killing something). Anything that will help you take your mind off of school and chill out. And don't stress over the grades. EVERYONE has a bad spurt. Just don't worry, and continue to study, and it will be fine.

3: Thearpy and pills are NOT a waste of money if that is the only soultion. You can try talking to your friends, or even someone on the fourms (Feel free to PM me or if you have MSN IM me at any time, and I'll try to help). Talking is very important, because keeping everything inside will only make it worse. This is coming from someone who did exactly that, and ended up more screwed up than she cares to admit.

Just overall, try to relax (writing, reading, something you enjoy), talk to your mom, and find someone to talk to!

I hope this helped!

Saixs' WRATH

New member
Apr 22, 2006
In Hell
Okay the depression thing I know. I needed a break from everything so I chilled with my brother for a while. As for your mother I would say talk to her but seeing is how you described her that wouldn't work. The only thing I can think of for her is to do everything PERFECT or as possible. And it will never be perfect but you can atleast say you are trying. School do not resort to cutting or cheap ways of feeling happy for short periods. All it does is come back twice as hard. Try to tough it out or talk to somone. Tell them everything it will help trust me.


Δdrug gangΔ
Dec 13, 2005
1. You aren't doing anything wrong. Your MOM is being COMPLETELY immature and being a plain asshole. You need to confront her about this; tell her how you feel, and get mad. Very mad. Scream at her, as loud as you can. I've done this; it can propel the situation into showing your mom that your really hurt.

2. I'm in the same boat as you. I haven't been doing to well in school, but I plan to work at it, and try my hardest. Try the same (maybe we can be study buddies over MSN or something. Lol.), and just keep trying. Also, your friends are idiots; tell 'em to shut up, and give you some real advice.

3. Same boat. I'm currently quite depressed (though right now, I'm trying to hide it. It seems to come on and off, like a switch. Right now, it's off, but I know it'll turn back "on" before I go to sleep). I'm also thinking about suicide, though I don't really want to, I feel it as an ever-close possibility.

Hopefully you read my advice, and think 'bout what I said.


Jun 23, 2005
Outside, since the AP exams are over :D
1: Maybe if you honestly just sat down and talk with her, and told her how much it was bothering you, she'd realize?

I've tried doing that before and she usually just tells me: "I'm your mother, you have to live with we deal with it."

3: Thearpy and pills are NOT a waste of money if that is the only soultion. You can try talking to your friends, or even someone on the fourms (Feel free to PM me or if you have MSN IM me at any time, and I'll try to help). Talking is very important, because keeping everything inside will only make it worse. This is coming from someone who did exactly that, and ended up more screwed up than she cares to admit.[/quote]

I usually do talk with people on here about my problems, but at times I just dont feel better.

1. You aren't doing anything wrong. Your MOM is being COMPLETELY immature and being a plain asshole. You need to confront her about this; tell her how you feel, and get mad. Very mad. Scream at her, as loud as you can. I've done this; it can propel the situation into showing your mom that your really hurt.

Yeah I tried that, and all she did was throw me on the couch and hit me.

2. I'm in the same boat as you. I haven't been doing to well in school, but I plan to work at it, and try my hardest. Try the same (maybe we can be study buddies over MSN or something. Lol.), and just keep trying. Also, your friends are idiots; tell 'em to shut up, and give you some real advice.[/quote]

Well, my friends do the things they suggest to me. There not trying to make me feel bad 'cause that's what they do to relieve(sp?) pain.


New member
Nov 6, 2006
United States of America
Buy a tape recorder and get as many instances of your mother verbally or physically abusing her on tape. Don't tell her about this. Then, when you think you've had enough, wait for her to start hitting you again, then stand up and break the bitch's jaw. You won't have broken any law, as you have the right to defend yourself and any jury would be on your side.

This is great advice. Forget all the passive crap that everyone else has given you. Your mom is ****ing nuts. Break her jaw. It will feel great.

Saixs' WRATH

New member
Apr 22, 2006
In Hell
Your mother seems to be the main problem once you solve that you should get better. I say talk to her and keep trying and if she won't listen make her listen and is that does not work record her and then sit down with her and show her the tape. If that doesn't work you'll have to repert her or tell somone else to talk to her for you.

~{Mindless Insanity}~

When all else fails!
May 29, 2006
In a nameless city deluged by continuous rain...wh
Buy a tape recorder and get as many instances of your mother verbally or physically abusing her on tape. Don't tell her about this. Then, when you think you've had enough, wait for her to start hitting you again, then stand up and break the bitch's jaw. You won't have broken any law, as you have the right to defend yourself and any jury would be on your side.

This is great advice. Forget all the passive crap that everyone else has given you. Your mom is ****ing nuts. Break her jaw. It will feel great.

Don't listen to this shit, believe me, it is complete crap and you will propley never get the chance to do it.

On the mom subject, This is what I would say. Why do you hit me, does it make you feel in control, does it make you feel good, are you just letting your anger out, or is it that you just have short patience.

The school thing, don't worry about it, today, in American society, they worry about school so much to the point that it is the most impotant thing to them, believe me, there are many more impotant things in life rather then just not doing well in school, and the trouble sleeping, I have that too, it happenes to many people.


Apr 19, 2006
With Hannibal Lector, of course. The Good Doctor a
Buy a tape recorder and get as many instances of your mother verbally or physically abusing her on tape. Don't tell her about this. Then, when you think you've had enough, wait for her to start hitting you again, then stand up and break the bitch's jaw. You won't have broken any law, as you have the right to defend yourself and any jury would be on your side.

This is great advice. Forget all the passive crap that everyone else has given you. Your mom is ****ing nuts. Break her jaw. It will feel great.

I agree with the taping... but that's about it. The rest of this is pure crap that you need to ignore. -_-

If she refuses to stop once you've talked to her, tape the tape to authorities, and let THEM handle it.

Don't break her jaw -_-

Saixs' WRATH

New member
Apr 22, 2006
In Hell
.............................I'm a girl............;_;

I cant tell anyone or tape her or hit her, I'm to afraid. She has said that if I hurt her or tell anyone she's going to kill me.

If she threatened you you have to tell somone. If you get proof taek it right away to the police. If it's this serious you have to for you and your siblings.
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