Project: Untitled
Most legends of our time account the tales of brave heroes who had saved their people from treacherous villains, or the world’s many evils being vanquished by the wholesome good, but what of those evils? Yes, this tale recalls the adventures of two quite sneaky villains – Of course it wasn’t they enjoyed being the scoundrels they were, but destiny foresaw it – And so they were. But before we can get to that tale, I must introduce you to a good friend of mine. It’s been so many years I appear to have forgotten his name, now what was it? Ah yes, Dorvin.
Dorvin was quite unlike most Dwarves of his generation. Nearly all of them grew up to be wizards, or monks, or other forms of magic practitioners. A few even learned the might of combat and joined a Dwarven resistance movement against human settlement in their holy grounds. The most knowledgeable of the bunch grew up to be popular sages, known all over the region, for their vast amounts of information on all aspects of life. But, Dorvin grew up to be…well, a nobody.
Dorvin lived in a magically produced home at the approximate center of the Prussian Forest, a beautiful land filled with magnificent, mystical creatures beyond anyone’s imagination. Wildlife of all kind existed there. It was absolutely the closest thing to heaven the world had ever seen, and the center was even more to behold, being located parallel to the Sinic River, it blossomed with plants of all shapes and colors, in a lush environment with a yearly cool temperature, (But never too cold, the Dwarves hated the cold!) and nestled within it’s beauty was but one tiny dwelling.
The house itself was far from the average home. Composed of entirely magic, it never changed, it always remained perfect. It showcased a stunning garden to its front side, leading up a couple stair steps into the home. Decorated with the elegance of the forest, the interior would feel king-like to some. Small, comfortable, and nestled over the river, there was no need to go far for recourses.
But even with a perfect home, Dorvin remained unhappy. He felt alone, although he wasn’t completely, he always had the animals, but yet he knew he was missing something important in his life. Every morning he would wake up, and just blankly stare through all his old photos of when he attended the Alucardian Institute for Dwarves, reminding him that he was never meant to live a life of failure, a life without anyone.
Woe, what a sad tale indeed, for Dorvin was outstandingly successful in those days, exceedingly popular among all the others, and charming to boot; everyone wanted a piece of him. Not only that, but he was voted most likely to succeed, and look now what had become of him.
Decades after college, Dorvin never received any messages from his old buddies, almost as if they had forgotten of him completely. Not one letter from his many dates, not one invitation to a reunion. Had he been forgotten? “Nah, it couldn’t have been”, he thought to himself back then, he was “The Great Dorvin”, after all. But well over a hundred years had passed, and never had he gained a new friend, nor had he reacquainted with an old one. He had lost everything, almost to the point where he went insane.
His ego was too big to even score him a job. He was turned downed, not only by the Alucard Dwarf Foundation, but also the Dwarf Society of Advanced Magical Arts. He had no where to go, nor nothing to do. And he was dirt poor as well!
At about the age of three hundred and forty eight, Dorvin decided he would leave his old life completely, a life in which all his accomplishments were thrown away, where all hope was lost, where he was never to smile again. He packed the little he had, and left his home forever. He wanted to be somewhere where no one would find him, a place where he would be with only himself, and his existence, and only that, no more. And he took a quite liking to the forest; he felt it was the only place he could go to be away. And never again did he speak to anyone again, and no one ever sought to find him either.
This morning was going to be different for Dorvin, but he didn’t know it at the time. He just blankly stared out the window, wondering where he went wrong in his life, just as he did everyday in this forest. He examined the forest outside his windowsill this morning, and noticed the usual chirping birds, and the rabbits sniffing through his garden for morsels. Dorvin stepped out of his house and began to water the plants surrounding his adobe, an activity he greatly enjoyed.
The only problem with stepping outside would be the simple problem, that he would always be reminded of his old life. But this was something he couldn’t remove. This might sound odd to you boy, but in those times, cities and towns didn’t just exist on the earth, they also floated in the sky. And unfortunately to Dorvin, the City of Alucard was floating above the PrussianForest this year, (Yes, the cities tend to move around every year, and it gets quite confusing when trying to travel!) And this continued to haunt Dorvin every morning.
Dorvin continued pulling out weeds, well, not manually, but with his magic. Some wouldn’t call it natural, but magic’s involvement in just about everything had been accustomed to society in that day and age. And it was still technically work, especially when you were casting difficult spells, or overcastting. Dorvin did this many a times, seeing as he forgot most of his studies, and simple garden magic made him sweat sometimes.
Dorvin went inside the house for some rest. He laid down on his canopy bed for a bit, but felt uneasy, for his usual forest friends seemed upset. Most of these animals that were usually huddled near the river weren’t there this morning, as if something was upsetting them. He hurried outside to investigate this dilemma himself.
Just as he thought, the river wasn’t bustling with the wildlife as it usually did. He noticed the animals heading west, in an upset manner. He saw a deer skip by with the rest, and decided to speak to it for a more thorough briefing on what had happened. He cast a simple spell, in which he could communicate with just about anything. (Although it wasn’t a very good spell, for he could hear everything, even the plants, and it became horribly loud!)
He confronted the deer, in the most polite manner possible, “Excuse meh lasseh, but wat’n buggin yee on this fine dey?” he questioned the woeful deer.
The Deer jolted to a halt and turned its head to Dorvin. “Oh, it’s but you Dorvin. I was startled it might’ve been a foolish human.” The deer cried.
“But what would aye human be doin here, this land be of no use to dem!” The Dwarf questioned.
“Do we animals lie? But west of here we saw those despicable humans, I can’t stand them, nor can I forgive them for there greed, wherever we seem to go, they appear to follow,” the deer frustratingly explained.
“Now lasse, settle down will yee, not all of dem humans be horrible, some even care about theh land, and theh environment, Yee can count on it!” The Dwarf tried to explain.
“It’s just too hard to believe Dorvin, I apologize”, and the Doe rushed off with the rest of the lot. The appearance of humans in the forest really triggered something in Dorvin’s head, but he couldn’t tell what. He knew he had to see them with his own eyes though, and decided to head west in search of these folk.
And this is where the story suddenly changes, for you see my friend, the moment our friend Dorvin rushed west, he noticed something in the distance. It appeared to be a caravan, but he couldn’t make it out completely. And yet it bewildered him. It wasn’t a big caravan or anything, just a group of two human life forms, but he couldn’t make out any features of them from the distance. Even odder, was he could make out the load of wealth these two humans had, quite a lot, the entire caravan was filled with gold, and even odder was they only had one pack mule with them. So much gold and only one pack mule?
Amid all of his thoughts, Dorvin didn’t realize that the humans were heading towards his home; it would be the first time he spoke to humans in well over 200 years.
The Above Is A Visual Plushie Of Dorvin
COPYRIGHT Monkeybutt Inc. 2005/2006
Alrighty guys, Just post your feedback, and tell me if you'd like me to continue this *very* long tale or not.
Want More?
Chapter 1A:
Chapter 1B:
Chapter 2A *new*:
Chapter 2B *new*:
Chapter 2C *new*:
I will add ALL chapters to this first post, so you won't have to hunt for them throughout the thread. ^^
Most legends of our time account the tales of brave heroes who had saved their people from treacherous villains, or the world’s many evils being vanquished by the wholesome good, but what of those evils? Yes, this tale recalls the adventures of two quite sneaky villains – Of course it wasn’t they enjoyed being the scoundrels they were, but destiny foresaw it – And so they were. But before we can get to that tale, I must introduce you to a good friend of mine. It’s been so many years I appear to have forgotten his name, now what was it? Ah yes, Dorvin.
Dorvin was quite unlike most Dwarves of his generation. Nearly all of them grew up to be wizards, or monks, or other forms of magic practitioners. A few even learned the might of combat and joined a Dwarven resistance movement against human settlement in their holy grounds. The most knowledgeable of the bunch grew up to be popular sages, known all over the region, for their vast amounts of information on all aspects of life. But, Dorvin grew up to be…well, a nobody.
Dorvin lived in a magically produced home at the approximate center of the Prussian Forest, a beautiful land filled with magnificent, mystical creatures beyond anyone’s imagination. Wildlife of all kind existed there. It was absolutely the closest thing to heaven the world had ever seen, and the center was even more to behold, being located parallel to the Sinic River, it blossomed with plants of all shapes and colors, in a lush environment with a yearly cool temperature, (But never too cold, the Dwarves hated the cold!) and nestled within it’s beauty was but one tiny dwelling.
The house itself was far from the average home. Composed of entirely magic, it never changed, it always remained perfect. It showcased a stunning garden to its front side, leading up a couple stair steps into the home. Decorated with the elegance of the forest, the interior would feel king-like to some. Small, comfortable, and nestled over the river, there was no need to go far for recourses.
But even with a perfect home, Dorvin remained unhappy. He felt alone, although he wasn’t completely, he always had the animals, but yet he knew he was missing something important in his life. Every morning he would wake up, and just blankly stare through all his old photos of when he attended the Alucardian Institute for Dwarves, reminding him that he was never meant to live a life of failure, a life without anyone.
Woe, what a sad tale indeed, for Dorvin was outstandingly successful in those days, exceedingly popular among all the others, and charming to boot; everyone wanted a piece of him. Not only that, but he was voted most likely to succeed, and look now what had become of him.
Decades after college, Dorvin never received any messages from his old buddies, almost as if they had forgotten of him completely. Not one letter from his many dates, not one invitation to a reunion. Had he been forgotten? “Nah, it couldn’t have been”, he thought to himself back then, he was “The Great Dorvin”, after all. But well over a hundred years had passed, and never had he gained a new friend, nor had he reacquainted with an old one. He had lost everything, almost to the point where he went insane.
His ego was too big to even score him a job. He was turned downed, not only by the Alucard Dwarf Foundation, but also the Dwarf Society of Advanced Magical Arts. He had no where to go, nor nothing to do. And he was dirt poor as well!
At about the age of three hundred and forty eight, Dorvin decided he would leave his old life completely, a life in which all his accomplishments were thrown away, where all hope was lost, where he was never to smile again. He packed the little he had, and left his home forever. He wanted to be somewhere where no one would find him, a place where he would be with only himself, and his existence, and only that, no more. And he took a quite liking to the forest; he felt it was the only place he could go to be away. And never again did he speak to anyone again, and no one ever sought to find him either.
This morning was going to be different for Dorvin, but he didn’t know it at the time. He just blankly stared out the window, wondering where he went wrong in his life, just as he did everyday in this forest. He examined the forest outside his windowsill this morning, and noticed the usual chirping birds, and the rabbits sniffing through his garden for morsels. Dorvin stepped out of his house and began to water the plants surrounding his adobe, an activity he greatly enjoyed.
The only problem with stepping outside would be the simple problem, that he would always be reminded of his old life. But this was something he couldn’t remove. This might sound odd to you boy, but in those times, cities and towns didn’t just exist on the earth, they also floated in the sky. And unfortunately to Dorvin, the City of Alucard was floating above the PrussianForest this year, (Yes, the cities tend to move around every year, and it gets quite confusing when trying to travel!) And this continued to haunt Dorvin every morning.
Dorvin continued pulling out weeds, well, not manually, but with his magic. Some wouldn’t call it natural, but magic’s involvement in just about everything had been accustomed to society in that day and age. And it was still technically work, especially when you were casting difficult spells, or overcastting. Dorvin did this many a times, seeing as he forgot most of his studies, and simple garden magic made him sweat sometimes.
Dorvin went inside the house for some rest. He laid down on his canopy bed for a bit, but felt uneasy, for his usual forest friends seemed upset. Most of these animals that were usually huddled near the river weren’t there this morning, as if something was upsetting them. He hurried outside to investigate this dilemma himself.
Just as he thought, the river wasn’t bustling with the wildlife as it usually did. He noticed the animals heading west, in an upset manner. He saw a deer skip by with the rest, and decided to speak to it for a more thorough briefing on what had happened. He cast a simple spell, in which he could communicate with just about anything. (Although it wasn’t a very good spell, for he could hear everything, even the plants, and it became horribly loud!)
He confronted the deer, in the most polite manner possible, “Excuse meh lasseh, but wat’n buggin yee on this fine dey?” he questioned the woeful deer.
The Deer jolted to a halt and turned its head to Dorvin. “Oh, it’s but you Dorvin. I was startled it might’ve been a foolish human.” The deer cried.
“But what would aye human be doin here, this land be of no use to dem!” The Dwarf questioned.
“Do we animals lie? But west of here we saw those despicable humans, I can’t stand them, nor can I forgive them for there greed, wherever we seem to go, they appear to follow,” the deer frustratingly explained.
“Now lasse, settle down will yee, not all of dem humans be horrible, some even care about theh land, and theh environment, Yee can count on it!” The Dwarf tried to explain.
“It’s just too hard to believe Dorvin, I apologize”, and the Doe rushed off with the rest of the lot. The appearance of humans in the forest really triggered something in Dorvin’s head, but he couldn’t tell what. He knew he had to see them with his own eyes though, and decided to head west in search of these folk.
And this is where the story suddenly changes, for you see my friend, the moment our friend Dorvin rushed west, he noticed something in the distance. It appeared to be a caravan, but he couldn’t make it out completely. And yet it bewildered him. It wasn’t a big caravan or anything, just a group of two human life forms, but he couldn’t make out any features of them from the distance. Even odder, was he could make out the load of wealth these two humans had, quite a lot, the entire caravan was filled with gold, and even odder was they only had one pack mule with them. So much gold and only one pack mule?
Amid all of his thoughts, Dorvin didn’t realize that the humans were heading towards his home; it would be the first time he spoke to humans in well over 200 years.

COPYRIGHT Monkeybutt Inc. 2005/2006
Alrighty guys, Just post your feedback, and tell me if you'd like me to continue this *very* long tale or not.
Want More?
Chapter 1A:
Chapter 1B:
Chapter 2A *new*:
Chapter 2B *new*:
Chapter 2C *new*:
I will add ALL chapters to this first post, so you won't have to hunt for them throughout the thread. ^^
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