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A traveler
Jul 3, 2008
it could be that being apart of the replica project grants dark power seeing how they are made by Vexen, a nobody. or it most likely runs deeper than that. Vexen coping Riku down to the letter plus giving him a fake heart, gave him the properties of a heart, and since he embraced the darkness he could use dark power. That or he's just a serious copy of Riku and could use a copy of Riku's dark power, which makes sense since he wears the dark suit.


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
Repliku embracing the Darkness on his own does make a lot of sense, seeing the dissonance between Riku at the end of KH1 and Repliku. And since Riku was struggling still and Vexen pulled a bit of it out of him, it was enough to give Repliku the needed basis, and he went the rest of the way on his own.


Sep 23, 2009
New England
Riku belongs in the Realm of Light, though. And they were talking about the place their Hearts would go to 'at the end of the road', not where they've been to in their lifetimes.

Question: In the ending, Riku and the King are on the other side of the door. Why is that?

Nomura: As far as the King is concerned, he was on the other side from the beginning. He disappeared because he went to the world on the other side in order to find one of the two keys. There, he has his own adventure in the same way as Sora. As for Riku: his body stolen by Ansem, his heart did not remain in this world. The other side of the door is, just as it appears, darkness. So Riku's heart went to the world on the other side, that is to say just as Ansem was saying at the end, the world of darkness. Thus, when Ansem disappears and Riku returns to his original body, he is in the world of darkness.

In KH1, when Ansem SoD took Riku's body, his heart went to the realm of darkness. In CoM, Riku says to Repliku that his heart would probably go to the same place as his.

I was saying that since Riku's heart went to the RoD in KH1, that that would be the same for Repliku. That's my assumption, but that was special in the way that Ansem SoD kicked Riku's heart out of his body. So for Repliku it can be different.


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
I was saying that since Riku's heart went to the RoD in KH1, that that would be the same for Repliku. That's my assumption, but that was special in the way that Ansem SoD kicked Riku's heart out of his body. So for Repliku it can be different.

Yeah, that's where I really don't go down with your assumption. Riku's Heart went to the RoD because XH kicked him out, yes. But I seriously doubt that's what they were talking about when Riku and Repliku talked about where their Hearts will go to at the end. Riku in CoM was a lot more future oriented, as grim as he perceived his future to be. Repliku was dissing himself for being a clone, and Riku was dissing himself for being, well... himself. It really wasn't a plot reference.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
Yeah, that's where I really don't go down with your assumption. Riku's Heart went to the RoD because XH kicked him out, yes. But I seriously doubt that's what they were talking about when Riku and Repliku talked about where their Hearts will go to at the end. Riku in CoM was a lot more future oriented, as grim as he perceived his future to be. Repliku was dissing himself for being a clone, and Riku was dissing himself for being, well... himself. It really wasn't a plot reference.

I took it under the positive assumption that Repliku is "real" enough such that his heart will also go to the same place Riku's will go when his time comes to an end, instead of just disappearing into nothingness like a truly non-existent being.


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
I took it under the positive assumption that Repliku is "real" enough such that his heart will also go to the same place Riku's will go when his time comes to an end, instead of just disappearing into nothingness like a truly non-existent being.

While that's a possibility, Riku's the last person to be positive about himself. So rather than saying that Riku's real so Repliku's lucky to go where Riku'll go, Riku was guilt-tripping, saying he'll go where the fake Hearts go. What'll come out of it - well, can be seen or ignored forever.
I guess in a way Repliku not getting no torment reduced (as far as we know) is semi-indication they'll be going to different places.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
While that's a possibility, Riku's the last person to be positive about himself. So rather than saying that Riku's real so Repliku's lucky to go where Riku'll go, Riku was guilt-tripping, saying he'll go where the fake Hearts go. What'll come out of it - well, can be seen or ignored forever.

Riku is a real heart, so he can't really say that he'll go where fake hearts go and be speaking truthfully. We don't even know where "fake" hearts go yet, in fact Coded indicated that a fake heart, through bonds of friendship and through experiences, can become a real being, and the opposite can't happen(DiZ attempting to encode hearts as data). I think the two examples of this are Xion and Data Sora(data sora was the only one that seemed to be told that verbatim, Xion seems obvious.)

I guess in a way Repliku not getting no torment reduced (as far as we know) is semi-indication they'll be going to different places.
The other way to see that is that Riku indicated that the isn't in torment at all like the others, he actually found peace in his death.

The reason why the other replica, Xion, is in "torment" is not because she is "dead" but because those closest to her have forgotten her.


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
Riku is a real heart, so he can't really say that he'll go where fake hearts go and be speaking truthfully. We don't even know where "fake" hearts go yet, in fact Coded indicated that a fake heart, through bonds of friendship and through experiences, can become a real being, and the opposite can't happen(DiZ attempting to encode hearts as data). I think the two examples of this are Xion and Data Sora(data sora was the only one that seemed to be told that verbatim, Xion seems obvious.)

This is a whole new issue you brought into play, where you need to deal with the Hearts the Replicas have and the Hearts the Digitalized beings seem to have, which might hardly be one and the same. So D-Sora having a Heart might not reflect in the least about
Xion and vice-versa.
As for becoming a real being, at least as far as Xion's torment is concerned, I doubt it matters at least until what her torment is is confirmed. Regardless of what she is, she was absorbed into Sora, something she doesn't seem to share with Repliku.

The other way to see that is that Riku indicated that the isn't in torment at all like the others, he actually found peace in his death.

That is yet another possibility, yes, but one I find doesn't sit well enough with his death scene and story. Also, Roxas seemed to come to terms with being absorbed into Sora ("you make a good Other-") but he's still tormented, so.

The reason why the other replica, Xion, is in "torment" is not because she is "dead" but because those closest to her have forgotten her.

I have to wonder about that. I'd sooner say that because she's gone, she can't stop them from being hurt and that her existence to begin with hurt them.
Alternatively, not quite being forgotten but more having promises that were never fulfilled. Adds up with her being shown next to Namine who despite what happened in the datascape, still needs to be thanked to by Sora.
Then there IS the option that she can even be in torment because she didn't fade. Regardless of whether or not Repliku was tormented - he had nowhere to go to 'keep' that torment at.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
I have to wonder about that. I'd sooner say that because she's gone, she can't stop them from being hurt and that her existence to begin with hurt them.
Alternatively, not quite being forgotten but more having promises that were never fulfilled. Adds up with her being shown next to Namine who despite what happened in the datascape, still needs to be thanked to by Sora.
Then there IS the option that she can even be in torment because she didn't fade. Regardless of whether or not Repliku was tormented - he had nowhere to go to 'keep' that torment at.

Well the reason I didn't consider the option Repliku ceasing to exist entirely is because Nomura did say later on that there is no concept of death in the KH universe.

Some people were like "what?" but I knew what he meant(as Eraqus clearly "dies"), the eastern concept of death is that the soul is a generic life force that gets cycled into a new being each time that being dies, and that if one dies, he ceases to exist as himself, but his life force may reincarnate someday.

The western concept is that the soul is specific to each individual and death does not cause the ceasing of existence, nor the "cycling" of that soul.

KH combined the two, you can see the pyreflies(that is the soul, that's essentially the exact same thing as the lifestream you are seeing) and at the same time you can see the heart, which is specific to the individual.

So repliku ceasing to exist entirely is contradictory to what Nomura said, whether he said it after CoM or not.

The worst fate that can happen to the heart in the KH universe so far, as we've seen, is that the darkness in it causes the heart to collapse entirely, and it is imprisoned in "sleep" in the RoD likely.

The reason I can't see Xion's torment as being her sleep is due to her last words when Roxas fainted, she thought of her death as a return, not a "death".

The torment of anyone outside TAV is rather confusing in itself imo, and hasn't been made that clear. Roxas and Namine smiled through each others somebodies in the KH2 ending. I get the feeling that this torment in itself has nothing to do with just the "death" of these individuals.

I would pin it at.

Terra-Possessed by Xehanort, worried about what he might do to Aqua and Ven
-and depending on what the lingering sentiment is, this guy's been torn apart in more ways than a block of cheese through a grater.
Aqua- Trapped in the RoD, worried about Ven, if he will ever wake up.
Ven-Comatose, worried if his friends survived/are okay.

Roxas- Unable to remember someone important to him
Axe-Unable to remember someone important to him
Xion-Her friends don't remember her.

Namine-Unthanked for what she did, and her experiences in CoM unremembered by Sora.

Namine is the only one that doesn't fit with the six others(her existence itself is one hell of an anomaly), the six others I guessed at being specifically about their friends, not themselves.


Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
Roxas- Unable to remember someone important to him

Actually, it's been pretty straightforward since Coded that Roxas' torment has to do with his desire to be an independent existence. He's accepted it, but just because someone accepts their fate, it doesn't mean they're happy with it.

Axe-Unable to remember someone important to him

Axel's torment has been said to be different than everybody's by Nomura, hence, the lack of him muttering Sora's name. Whatever that means, I don't know. I just know that he's going to be shoved down my throat more. Great.


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
Axel's torment has been said to be different than everybody's by Nomura, hence, the lack of him muttering Sora's name. Whatever that means, I don't know. I just know that he's going to be shoved down my throat more. Great.

I have to wonder. Xion and Namine were shown together which adds up a bit, seeing how the both of them have unfinished business (well, at least seeing Xion's 'dying' words if nothing else). This makes me wonder if Axel's torment doesn't have something that has to do with Roxas's torment, even if remotely. Though to be nitpicky, if it's different from not being able to remember Xion is part of his torment.
Hell, it'll tie in nicely with everything Coded sent our way about Sora - forgetting someone you cared for = torment.
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