Dang, seriously?!?!? Wow.....glad ta see ya!!
Wow, my old crew back......I'm soo happy!! *sniffsniff*
Okay, update now...
Sephiroth:"Alright, I challange 'Fluffy' here to a game of swords..."
Sesshomaru:*raises eyebrow*
Sephiroth:"Oh yes. we shall see which of us possesses better swordsmanship..."

*sweatdrop*"Ahahaha....Um, Sesshomaru, would you like to go fir-"
Cloud:"SEPHIROTH!!!! YOU WILL PAY!!!"*comes charging in*
*Security officers taking away a kicking and screaming Cloud*
Aerith:"Sesshomaru, you go first...."
Sesshomaru:"Very well, I-"
*Sephiroth jumps in the air and kills Aerith........again*
Aerith:"..............not again......"
Tifa:"....not again....."
Yuffie:"...oh gee, not again!"
Cloud:*hopping around in a strait-jacket*"NOOO! NOT AGAIN!!"
Namine:*in a corner*"Hmmmmm...........I like pie...."
Sesshomaru:*Slight eye-twitch*
Sephiroth:"How do you like that? I'm way faster, and I tell ya, that's the best way to get rid of a gir-"
Sesshomaru:"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT????"
Sephiroth:"Just showing off my skills-"
Sesshomaru:"YOU CRAZY!! THAT WAS MY TURN!!!!!"
Sephiroth:"................."*slight eye-twitch as well*
Sesshomaru:*sighs and walks over to Aerith. Brings out Tenseiga and heals her....*
Aerith:"......no, I
don't wan't fries with that............oh! I'm alive! I'm alive!!"*starts dancing to 'Stayin' Alive*
Sesshomaru:"How do you like
them apples????"
Sephiroth:"Well, that's an interesting sword your carrying...."
Jaken:"It's the Tenseiga!!!"
Sesshomaru:"Jaken! What did I say about going out in public?????"
Jaken:"Huh? Oh, sorry, Mi'lord..."
Sephiroth:"I see, so that is Tenseiga......And I suppose you are it's chosen wielder."
Sesshomaru:"...So what if I am???"
Sephiroth:"I wonder if it will change it's mind.....After I have defeated you...-"
Sesshomaru:"What, what? You are going to challange me? To take my sword away? Me? Sesshomaru? No, no, I think you are mistaken...You see,
I am the one whose supposed to take the sword of desire from my opponents. Observe...."
Inuyasha:"What the Hell are you going on about???"
Sessomaru:"Hey look Half-Breed, it's Kikyo!!!"
Sesshomaru:"Argh.....Hey look!!! There's a fan over there that likes you!!"
Inuyasha:"You mean there really
are others??? Oh boy!!"
Sesshomaru:"Sucker!! When will you learn???"*steals Tetsuiga*
Sesshomaru:*grabs wrist and poisons it*
Inuyasha:*not even feeling it*
Sesshomaru:"Why won't your wrist fall off????"
Inuyasha:"Simple.....you've done this soo many times, I'm inmmune to it by now...."
Sesshomaru:"Well, in that case..."*Runs through him*
Sesshomaru:"Do not hate me because I am beautiful...In any case, take my contant beating on you as a lesson from your loving brother. I am teaching you valuable life lessions...."
Inuyasha:"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!!"
Sesshomaru:"Now now, that's no way to talk to you beloved brother...."
Sora:"Man, I feel for you.....That guy over there tried to take my keyblade too. Although I do have my fans....not just one or two....."
Inuyasha:"I HAVE FANS!!!......they're just not talking.....to....me....."
Sora:"Right............So, what's Pocky??"
Inuyasha:"What? You can't tell me you don't know!!!"
Sora:"Uh...........I don't know! Gee! Why do you think I'm asking!!!"
Inuyasha:"It's a-"
Sesshomaru:"Hey Kikyo, wanna come over to
my place after??"
Inuyasha:"WHAT THE-?!? First my sword, then my girl?!?! I'M LOOSING EVERYTHING I EVER CARED ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!"
Sora:"This is just getting wierder and wierder..."
To Be Continued At A Later Time!!!
Brought to you by the Fluffkins Diet!!