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Fanfiction ► The New Angel

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Nelo Angelo

Enigma of Extreme
Dec 13, 2006
Heey. I gotta say, honestly that was very good. I really like it, i didnt find anything wrong with it, great descriptions and grammer was great, Brilliant stuff Jen.
Don't worry it will pick up in time, dont let it discourage you, keep at it.

Nelo Angelo

Enigma of Extreme
Dec 13, 2006
Hmm it maybe popular but if the story is to the liking of someone then they will read it.
Dont worry Jen, you keep going, cuz honestly you do have talent, I really like it so far.

Darkness of White

Wow it's been a long time
Aug 26, 2007
IMVU and all over Wyoming
Thanks for the support you guys, here is Chapter 2. I still would love to know what you think of it!

Chapter 2

First Day of School​

Fish, fish, fish, and MORE FISH!!! The meals for the next few days were mostly fish, a food that I had never found appealing. I asked if we could have something else, but my family said in a few days.

“Anne, are you ready? It’s almost time to go! Hurry and get in the car, I’m driving,” Alex called out. It was Monday, September first already, and time for me to start school.

“Coming!” I ran out of the door, and right into the car. “Oww…I guess I forgot to stop. I think I dented my head.” I was really dizzy after that. So dizzy in fact, that I stumbled out of the car like I was drunk.

“Are you ok Anne? Here, I’ll take you to your class.” I gratefully accepted his offer and we walked inside. “103, 104, 105, ah, 106.” Alex opened the door for me. “Looks like the teacher is running a little late. Go ahead and sit down.” The class room was in an uproar, and Derek was causing it. “Good luck little sis, you’ll need it.” Alex then took off to his own class.

As I went to sit down, I heard part of the story Derek was not only telling, rather yelling, but acting out. “So anyways, The Phantom Thief flew over the museum with his huge black wings,” he said, jumping from desk to desk, “and when he found the skylight, he broke through and landed right next to his target, the Agate Statue of Serenity. He broke the security beams and set off the alarms, but by the time the police showed up, he had flown off with his prize.” Derek finished with a triumphant look on his face.

“Um…isn’t the Agate Statue of Serenity a Hikari creation?” I asked, unsure.

“Yes it is, Miss…?” The teacher walked into the room. “Derek, how many times do I have to tell you to stay off the desks? That makes seven already this year.”

“Sorry sir, I just got caught up in my story again.” Derek was obviously lying, but the teacher bought it. I was stunned at how gullible he was.

“Don’t let it happen again Derek,” he scolded. “Now miss, your name please, I don’t recognize you.”

“Anne Hikari, sir, I just came from America Wednesday to live with my father and half brother. I’m actually very surprised that so many here speak English,” I told him.

“Yeah, she’s cool sir, but she lost her family in a car crash about a week ago. I just…” then I cut Derek off.

“How did you know that’s what happened?! I haven’t told anyone here yet. Please don’t talk about it, it still hurts ok?” I asked him.

“Oh, I’m sorry Anne, Satoshi told me, so I thought it was ok,” he said. “Let me make it up to you, I also heard that you hate fish, how about I take you somewhere to get some real food? Say…tonight at 8:00?”

I don’t know how red I was, but judging by the look on the other students’ faces, id say about blood red. “Umm…I…”

“DEREK!!! What did I tell you the other night?!” It was Alex, he had been walking past the open door. “So much for no ideas about my sister…”

“Calm down Alex, it’s no big deal, I wont do anything wrong, I’m only gonna take her out to get some food.” Derek said, winking at me. Again, I felt my face turn red.

“I’ll ask my dad ok?” I didn’t know what to do about this at the time, but I didn’t want to hurt him either.

“But Anne, Derek is…” Alex started.

“Alex, get to class before I call the Headmaster!” The teacher hollered. “As for the rest of you, take out your text books and turn to page 736.”

After school was over, Derek ran up to me and Alex. He was closely followed by Elizabeth and Ashley, and some blonde girl that I hadn’t seen before.

“I’m mad at you Derek, why don’t you take Lynn and the twins and go home?” I smacked him. “Oww, what did you do that for Anne?” Alex demanded.

“Why do you have to be so mean to him? From what I’ve seen, he hasn’t done anything wrong.” Was Derek hiding something?

“Anne, listen to me. Derek is only going to break your heart, he has done that to every one of his girlfriends. Plus he flirts with everyone, you are the only one he hasn’t kissed yet. He’s disgusting!”

“Dude, Alex, take it easy. I kiss girls as a way to greet them, that’s all. I’ve been doing that for forever, I don’t even know why, it just seems natural for me.” Derek was so cute when was defending himself. “I don’t do it because I’m flirting, but under NO circumstances will I kiss a guy, I don’t roll that way.”

“Ok, I’m going home now,” I told them, but I was being ignored, so I wrote my cell phone number on a piece of paper and stuck it in Derek’s leather jacket pocket and went home. When I got there, my dad started chewing me out for being late. I explained what had happened and about the argument between Alex and Derek, and he told me to go upstairs to my room when Alex came home so they could talk privately, but until then I could do what I wanted. That lasted about two hours, the Alex drove up to the house. I informed my dad and promptly left the room. After about 20 minutes of yelling from downstairs and 50 minutes of singing and loud music blocking them out, my brother came into my room.

“Anne, its almost 7:00, shouldn’t you be getting ready to go? Derek will be here in about an hour,” Alex told me. “I told Dad about his request and he said it would be a great chance for you to see some more of the town.” Alex then turned to leave, but I stopped him.

“Alex, what took you so long to get home?” I asked him.

“I took everyone home, that’s all,” he said, turning to leave again, then he stopped. “Derek might still be mad, so be prepared for that.” He left and went to his room across the hall.

I closed my door and changed out of my school uniform and into my jean skirt and red blouse. I also straightened my hair, and before I knew it, my dad was calling me downstairs to go over the rules of dating with me and Derek. Surprisingly, they were few in number.

“Ok you guys, I trust you, so basically don’t stay out after 10:00, you should know the rest. Drive safely Derek and you guys have fun ok?”

“It’s not a date Satoshi, I’m just taking her out for real food.” Derek told him. After a few more minutes of talking, we left. While we were walking to his black and purple sports car, I noticed that he was limping.

“Derek, are you hurt? You’re limping.”

“Yeah, Alex and I got into a fist fight and yeah…” Derek winced in pain as he climbed into the car. “I’m ok though.”

“You’d better let me look at that,” I said, going to his side of the car. “God you ear tight pants, roll the leg up so I can see.” I looked up at his face and laughed at his expression. “It’s not like I’m asking you to do anything dirty, just pull up the leg. I’d do it myself, but I don’t want to hurt you more.”

“It looks kinda gross, you might get sick,” he said, then he saw the look I gave him. “Ok ok, fine, you win,” he sighed as he rolled up the leg of his pants to show me the wound.

“Holy geeze! I thought you said a fist fight, not a fire fight, how the heck did you get a burn?! Is he magic or something? Oh well,” I said, taking my lotion out of my purse. “Hold still, this should help some, it has aloe in it, so it should heal faster.” I gently put it on his leg and put his pants straight. “Feel better?”

“Yeah, thanks, why don’t you get in now?”

I did as I was told and we left. A few minutes later, something made a noise like “Kyuu” in the back seat.

“What was that?” I asked. Then something that looked like a cross between a rabbit and a dog jumped on Derek’s lap and made the sound again. Derek slammed on the breaks, sending the animal flying into the windshield.

“WITH!!! How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone when I’m driving?!”

“Kyuu…” it said, as if it were both apologizing and in pain.

“What IS that thing Derek? I’ve never seen anything like it,” I said confused.

“This…” he said, picking it up by the scruff of the neck, “ is With, my stupid pet rabbit. He likes to cause problems, but I love him all the same, except I don’t like him very much right now.”

“KYYYYYYUUUUUUUUU!!!!” With cried as Derek threw him into the back seat again.

“Now stay there!” he yelled as with shook his body to rid it of the pain caused by the collisions. Derek then continued on and drove up to a fast food restaurant that I had not been to since I was about five. “Satoshi told me that you liked this place, I’m glad too, because it’s one of my favorites.”

“I didn’t know there were any McDonalds’ in Japan…I haven’t been to one in years! You didn’t have to do this Derek.”

“I know, but I wanted to properly welcome you to the country. Now, we can either go in, or we can go to the drive thru and go somewhere else. What do you think?”

“You’re the driver, I think it’s your choice.” I was curious as to what he had in mind.

“How bout we go to the park near my house? It’s really pretty at night.” Derek smiled sweetly.

“That sounds good actually, I haven’t seen any of the parks here yet.” Was it just me or was he intentionally being romantic? I wasn’t sure whether I liked him or not yet. When we got to the speaker, Derek ordered in Japanese and we got our food, his treat, and he drove us to a beautiful park filled with trees, flowers, ivies, and fountains.

“Here’s the park, but we still have a ways to go before we eat,” he said, getting out of the car and grabbing the food. “just follow me ok?”

“Um, ok, do you want me to help with that?” I asked.

“Nah, I got it, thanks though. I think you’ll like this,” he said, pushing through some tall bushes.

“Oh wow! This is absolutely amazing! How did you find this place?” It was like a hidden sanctuary. It was almost a room, with bushes and trees as the walls, tree tops as the roof, and soft green grass as the floor. It was small, but not crowded with just the two of us. It had flowers right up against the tree trunks, an old stone fountain covered in ivy, and a hand made picnic table with chairs.

“I don’t know actually… I just wanted somewhere to hide when I was in trouble one day when I was a kid, and my instinct told me to come here, so I did. I often brought food here, for when I was out here a long time, so I built that table. Do you like it.?”

“I absolutely adore it Derek!” as I said this, his eyes grew brighter than the stars and moon in the night sky. We walked to the table, sat, and ate quietly for about ten minutes.

“Dang it!” Derek’s voice startled me after the long silence.

“What is it? Something wrong?” I asked.

“I didn’t think to look to see if we had the right order, there is only one shake, not the two that I ordered, but they put two straws in the bag. I feel so stupid.”

“Don’t worry about it, it’s no big deal, we could just share it if you want. I’m not afraid of germs or anything.” Actually I kinda was, but I didn’t want to make him feel bad or anything. Besides, I knew it was a ridiculous fear and I would have to get over it eventually.

“That works I guess. You sure though, ‘cause I don’t mind,” Derek offered.

“Absolutely, and you did buy it after all,” I said, taking off the lid and putting both straws in it. While we were sipping, I got to thinking about the two of us, and how cozy it was in the sanctuary in the park we were at. I thought about what kind of relationship we might have if we were interested in each other. He was kind and generous, but also strong and maybe a little crazy at times, and I did like him, but I didn’t know if it was like a boyfriend and girlfriend kind of like or not. Then Derek’s watch went off.

“9:30 already? Well, I guess I should take you home then,” he sighed.

“Yeah, I guess that would be best…” We cleared up the area and headed toward the car. With was fast asleep in the front seat in the middle. We got in and drove off. “With is so cute, can I pet him?” I asked.

“Sure, he’s just not aloud on my lap when I’m driving, that’s what got me mad earlier. He’s a good rabbit, especially with pretty girls around, that’s probably why he wanted in the front earlier.” At his comment, I felt my face burn.

“Well, you’re not too ugly yourself Derek,” I told him, petting the sleeping rabbit. “I’m surprised that you’re not going out with someone.”

“Actually, I do have my eyes on a girl in school. She’s really pretty and nice, but I don’t know how to tell her how I feel just yet. I also think it might ruin any chance we have together right now. Plus, I don’t think she likes me like that anyway.” Derek looked as if he were about to cry.

“I’m sure that if she is a good friend that she will understand and maybe she will give it a shot with you. I see no reason that she would reject you, turn you down maybe, but not totally reject you.” I really hoped that I didn’t say something wrong, then I saw him smile.

“You’re right, but I’ll still give it more time. We are here Anne.” We got out of the car and walked up to the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow at school. ‘Night Anne,” he said.

“’Night Derek, sleep well ok?”
“You too!” He went back to his car and drove home. It was a night I would never forget.

Darkness of White

Wow it's been a long time
Aug 26, 2007
IMVU and all over Wyoming
Ok, this is chapter 3, where Dark and Anne meet up for the first time. This is a crucial part of the story, so pay attention to it if you are intrested in it at all. Enjoy!

Chapter 3

Dark Mousy​

“Did you hear about Dark last night?” It was all over school, the thief had struck again.

“Dark is SO HOT!” the girl named Lynn exclaimed. She was blonde, but she now had purple streaks in her hair, and judging by the way that she accessorized, she was extremely rich and she wanted everyone to know it. “I, as you all know, own many of Dark’s possible targets, the Hikari family’s artwork, and I am always looking for more, too bad I don’t know any of them in person.”

“All right class, settle down,” the teacher said, closing the door behind him. “Miss Hikari, the headmaster would like to see you please.” He looked into my eyes and saw that I was worried. “It’s ok, you aren’t in trouble, he just hasn’t met you yet, that is all.”

“Oh, ok, I’ll go see him.” I gathered my things and left the room. I went to the office and asked for him. A hand touched my shoulder and I turned around to be greeted with a warm smile.

“You must be Anne, I’m Headmaster Hiwatari,” he said. Hiwatari, where had I heard that name before? “Your father is my adopted nephew, sadly, there is no blood relation between us, he was such a good student here, along with that Niwa boy.” I had completely forgotten that my father lost his parents when he was a little kid, he never told me how, but he was adopted into the Hiwatari family.

“It is a pleasure sir. So you’ve been here a long time then?” I asked him.

“Of course, since Satoshi and Daisuke were your and Derek’s age. But Derek isn’t much like his father, he was strange, but Derek takes that to a whole new level.” Then he smiled. “I see you’re not in art, yet your book covers are already filled with drawings.”

“Oh, um, yeah, it’s just a habit, I can’t stand my things being plain, so I cover everything I can with drawings, is that ok?”

“It’s fine, just unusual, but that should be expected from a family of artists, your brother does it too.”

“What? Are we like famous or something?” I asked.

“You didn’t know? The Phantom Thief makes it even more so with just about every item he steals being one of the Hikari pieces.”

“No, I didn’t, they kinda left that part of our history out.” Why would they keep this a secret from me?

“They must have just forgotten that’s all.” He looked at his watch. “ You should probably go back to class now Anne, it was very nice to meet you.” The Headmaster turned and went back into his office. I went back to class to find it without a teacher, and most were yelling and laughing.

“Elizabeth, Ashley, what’s going on?” I asked over the crowd.

“Lynn got all worked up about her having more competition for Dark’s affections. Eli likes Dark too, and now Lynn thinks that, since you are a Hikari, that he will gravitate toward you.” Ashley told me.

“This is just stupid, I don’t even know what Dark is exactly, all I know is he steals art made by my family, and I have no interest in a thief anyways.” This was starting to tick me off.

“Here,” Elizabeth held out a picture of a man with purple hair and eyes, tight black clothing, and black wings. “this is Dark Mousy, he is so hot!”

“He looks familiar, but I’ve never seen a man with wings before. Are you sure that that isn’t just Derek in a Halloween costume?” That is what the picture looked like to me. “How old is he anyway? 19?”

“Actually, no one knows. He looked the same as he does now the last time he was around, that was 20 years ago, and the same with the time before that, which was 60 years ago,” Ashley explained. “He’s always reminded me of Derek too, but why would my sister like our cousin?”

“Anne! Do you do any art of any kind?!” Lynn hollered, “If so, I’ll buy it all from you!”

“I draw and sing a little, but I don’t think those count as art…”

“How does 50,000 yen sound to you for everything you’ve got?” She took out her wallet and started counting the amount offered into her hand.

“Umm, I can’t give you my textbooks, besides, why would Dark want to steal my junk? It’s not worth anything.”

“You’re a Hikari, same with your father and brother, and he’s already stolen things from them.”

“Why is he so obsessed with my family’s art? Aren’t they just nice things to look at?” I didn’t expect Derek to answer my question.

“It’s because the Hikari family’s art contains powerful, and sometimes dangerous magic. Dark steals it to seal the power it contains with magic of his own. Then there is also Krad, Dark’s exact opposite in most every way, who’s goal is to destroy him.”

“Wow, you know a lot about him don’t you? Can you tell us how old he is?” I asked.

“I’d say about 300, he has been around a long time.”

“You are really passionate about him aren’t you Derek? I do agree with Eli, he is kinda hot,” I said, looking at the picture Elizabeth had given me.

“Well, Dark is really important to my family, my mom even named me after him…”

“Who cares Derek?!” Lynn yelled. “So what do you say Anne? You gonna sell me your art?”

“No, I like what I do, but it’s not worth anything.” This was getting on my nerves.

“Anne! Come with me, we gotta go!” Alex came into the classroom.

“Huh, what’s wrong?” I asked him, startled.

“You know how Dad’s the chief of police right? Well, there’s been another warning letter from Dark, and he wants us to go with him. This time, the target is at the Hishatori mansion.”

“I knew e would come to my house one day! What’s he after?!” Lynn was obviously over excited.

“I don’t know yet, but we need to get ready to help out.”

“Ok, geeze. bossy. I’m coming!” I got my stuff and was about to walk out the door when Derek stopped me.

“Here, I want you to have this,” he put his arms around my neck, and when he pulled away, there was a pearl chocker with a silver locket imbedded with a heart shaped sapphire in the center. “It’s Aphrodite’s Collar, it is said to offer protection against harmful magic, and it also has your birthstone in it. It might come in handy when you face Dark tonight, especially if Krad decides to show up.”

“Wow, are you sure you want to give me this? I haven’t even been here a week yet…”

“I’m positive, besides, my great grandpa bought it from your family along time ago, but he never gave it to the one he loved, so it was passed down and given to me, and I think it should be given back to your family, and since you are the only surviving female, it is yours anyway.”

“Thanks Derek, you are so sweet,” I said, turning toward my yelling brother, then as if I was possessed, I turned back and kissed him on the cheek.

“ANNE HIKARI!!” When Alex yelled, I realized what I had done and I was so embarrassed that my hands turned red, even cool and calm Derek Niwa was blushing. Alex on the other hand, was furious enough to grab me by the hair and drag me out.

“OWW! Let go Alex!” It hurt bad enough that I was on the verge of tears. “What was that for?!”

“What did Derek do to you? And why were you both blood red?!”

“He didn’t do anything except give me this necklace. I don’t even know why I kissed him, it just happened…”

“I find it hard to believe that you kissed him, and not the other way around.” Alex folded his arms across his chest.

“Just drop it and get in the car Alex, I thought that Dad wanted us somewhere.”

“Ok, fine,” he sighed as he got into the car. “I hope you have a set of black clothes so he can’t see you.”

“I have a black skirt, that is it. I don’t really have that many occasions to wear it.”

“Looks like we will have to get you a set then. You’re not planning on wearing that are you?” He said, eyeing my necklace.

“Of course, Derek wants me to for protection, I don’t know if I believe in magic, but it couldn’t hurt could it? Besides, if I didn’t, it might hurt his feelings.” It was also absolutely gorgeous, but Alex would refuse t let me wear it if I told him that. “Now why don’t you go already? You’re wasting time.” Alex finally drove out of the parking lot. Before we went home, we went to a clothing store and got a set of well fitting black clothes and a pair of onyx boots. When we got home, we changed into our “mission” clothes as Alex called them and we went to talk to Dad about what we were to do.

“Anne, you are to stay near your brother and do as he tells you ok? Alex has done this many times, but since this is your first, consider it training.”

“Training for what? I don’t plan on becoming a cop or anything. Besides, if Dark only steals stuff to seal its power, then what is the harm of it?” My head was spinning from all the new things that were going on.

“It’s the fact that he is stealing Anne. It’s just wrong,” Alex said.

“Ok, whatever, but why do I have to help?”

“You’re my daughter, and a Hikari, I had to do it when I was your age, and every Hikari since Dark first appeared. It’s tradition, besides, I say you have to.” He wasn’t giving me a choice, so I went along with them to the Hishatori Mansion without complaint. Dad went to the south side, and we went to the east, Alex shushing me all the way. Then, a black figure appeared in the sky. It looked like the silhouette of an angel.

“That’s him! That’s Dark, don’t let him get inside the house, I’m going to the north, you stay here.” Alex ran off. About five minutes later, there was yelling from above my head.

“You leave her alone!”

“Ah, so you care about her. You are a fool for showing weakness.”

“I care about the innocent, I don’t even know her, but she has no part in this fight between the two of us Krad, it started 300 years ago, and it will end tonight, without more human sacrifices.” That’s when I decided that it would be a good time to leave, but a tall, blonde man in white robes with silvery white wings was blocking my path.

“Going somewhere?” he asked with a grin that sent chills down my spine. “I sure hope not.”

“What are you going to do if I leave?” I asked.

“Try and you will find out, no mortal is to ever see me and survive the encounter.” He reached inside his clothing and took out…

“A feather?? What are you going to do, tickle me to death? That’s pathetic!” I almost fell over laughing.

“Ignorant child! Perish!” He held it out and light emitted from it. Then it exploded and a blinding white light flashed for an instant, but instead of being hurt, the necklace that Derek had given me was glowing with a brilliant blue light. “Ok, I am officially NEVER taking this thing off!” I knew then that the story about art that Derek told was true.

“Krad! I told you to leave her alone! Your battle is with me!”

“Lucky girl, Aphrodite’s Collar, the necklace of protection and love, I wonder how she could have gotten it Dark.”

“KRAD?!” Apparently my dad had seen the light or heard the yelling.

“Satoshi, how nice to see you again my old friend. How are you this beautiful night?” The winged man asked. What I was wondering was where the black winged man had gone.

“You had better get out of here Anne,” my dad said under his breath. I was behind Krad, so I backed out of the area slowly and quietly, then a hand covered my mouth and I was lifted up into the air.

“It’s ok, I won’t hurt you. I’m going to let go of your mouth, don’t scream ok?” I nodded and quit squirming.

“Oh my God! We’re flying!” I gasped as I threw my arms around the man’s neck. “You’re Dark Mousy aren’t you?”

“Heh, guilty as charged Miss Hikari. I hope I didn’t scare you too bad, are you afraid of heights?”

“If I’ve got something supporting me then I’m ok. How did you know who I was?”

“Well, you were with Satoshi, someone who has hunted me since he was a kid, and I heard that he had a beautiful American daughter with black hair.” He smiled, “You think you could loosen your grip please?”

“Oh, sorry! You know, your eyes remind me of someone in school.” Actualy I could see Derek quite well in his eyes, but no human could have wings, could he?

“Really? Do you like this guy? Maybe he likes you, you seem nice.” Was he flirting?

“I don’t know, he’s very sweet and he seems to care a lot about me, and I kissed him on the cheek earlier as a thank you for my necklace.” Then I felt wet on my leg, which was up against his. “Dark, you’re bleeding.”

“Huh, what? Oh that, I guess I reopened an old wound, it’s no big deal.”

“You’d better let me down to take a look at that.”

“I don’t think that is such a good idea, I haven’t been tested for any blood diseases, I don’t know if I have something or not.”

“Just do it. I’m not afraid of blood, and my mom was a nurse. Think of it this way, if you don’t, I have some options. One is to report you to my dad for kidnapping, the other is for me to kick and scream and possibly hit something that you don’t want to be hit.”

Dark cringed “Oh ok, you win, I’ll let you look.” This sounded very familiar. “You know, I bet that boy who gave you Aphrodite’s Collar is interested in you, it’s the necklace of protection and love because if someone gives it out of love, then it will protect that person from harm.”

“Derek Niwa, the hottest guy in school, yeah right. I’ll believe that when and if he tells me that he does. Go sit down and I’ll check it.” Dark did as he was told, blood still seeping through his clothes. He started to pull away when I went to pull up his pant leg to look. “Hold still or it will only hurt worse.”

“I’ll do it, I know where it is at, I won’t hurt it as much.” I let him pull it up, and I was stunned at what I saw; a burn in the same exact place that Derek’s had been , but this had been opened and was bleeding.

“How did you get a cut on your burn Derek?” I asked experimentally, I wanted to see if he would answer to “Derek.”

“Krad’s feather exploded and hardened, a piece of that hit me,” he said, wincing in pain.

“I’ll try again,” I thought. “ How did you get the burn in the first place?” I asked.

“Me and Alex were arguing and he got his lighter and caught my pants on fire.” At this point, I was sure that Dark was Derek. “He was calling me something that I am not, and that is something that I can’t stand. Ouch!”

“Sorry Derek. You’re probably going to have a scar from this.”

“Hey, wait, how did you figure that out Anne?” He started pulling his leg away again.

“A wound like that usually leaves a scar, I’ve got several form even small burns.”

“No, my identity, am I that obvious?” He looked really upset by this.

“Well, to me you are, but I saw this same burn on you that day remember? Plus you were reluctant to show me then too.” I took the black ribbon that was holding my hair back off and used it as a bandage for his leg.

“Ouch! Could you do me a favor and not let word get out that I’m Dark please?” By this time, I was looking at the 16 year old’s face, not the winged thief’s.

“No problem, as long as you tell me something.”

“Anything, just ask.”

“Are you absolutely sure that my guy friend at school likes me?” He stood up and pulled me with him, covered my eyes with his hand, then kissed my lips for what seemed like forever, then he pulled away.

“Positive Anne, I know he does. Now, does my female friend like me back?”

“No, she doesn’t.” Derek’s eyes dimmed. “She is in love with you, that happened the day she first saw you, she just didn’t know it until just now.”

Note: I have one more chapter finished at this time, it just isn't typed up yet, so it will come soon. Thanks for reading my story, it means alot to me!

Nelo Angelo

Enigma of Extreme
Dec 13, 2006
I loved that chapter, Derek and Anne are in loove. lol.
Excellent Jen, really good stuff.

Darkness of White

Wow it's been a long time
Aug 26, 2007
IMVU and all over Wyoming
Thanks you guys, I just wish that I really WAS Anne. I kinda am, concitering that Anne is my middle name and she is based off of me, but she has a much better life than I do. Actualy, all of the made up characters are based off of real people. Lynn is my sister, Ashley and Elizabeth are friends of mine, Alex is someone off of here, dexter906, Derek Nicolas Niwa's middle name is based off of someone very close to my heart, and some others are in it. I put characters in it that I see fit and have similarities to the characters in my mind. I hope that that clears up some character issues that may have occured. Sadly, that is where the similarities from my life and The New Angel stop.
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