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Top 10 reasons why this game depresses me

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Divine Past

Bronze Member
Jun 11, 2013
Imagine the ass print in that chair bro. I bet when the old Xehanort was sitting in it in DDD he sunk about 12 inches.

That does explain why Xemnas was so ineffective at doing anything damaging because there is only so much meddling you can do sitting in an empty room all day.


Silver Member
Jan 2, 2007
Never have I played the game, and I think I might download an emulator of it. But I agree, it is a bad idea to make it for the DS. The controls would have been better on a Sony platform.

Gameplay isn't really worth it. If you want to play it for the story, just watch the cutscenes on youtube, or on a PS3 with the 1.5 Remix collection. Otherwise just play one of the better games.

I actually barely remember any details about the story of Days.


red gay
Jun 6, 2015
1. Characters such as Marluxia, LARXENE, Zexion, and Lexaeus are even more empty than they ever were. I understand, there was a very short time to see them. But they could've build something more. We could've seen conversations between Marluxia and Larxene while Roxas was around. Or how Zexion and Lexaeus interact. We could have also seen some flashbacks into something relevant about them. i admit i liked Saix a little more, but not enough to say it was amazing.

3. XION! she is an interesting character at best, but i hold absolutely no love for someone who is just there to recycle plot. i guarantee if there was more voice acting, her character would seem even MORE empty just because we can see her get emotional all day, but not really do something unique that tells us what kind of person she is. She really really bothers me because theres this level of gender-issue when in the end she looks like sora at the end. It just throws me off. She should've just had Sora's voice.

Agreed. I wouldn't have been half as pissed about the fact that some of my favorite characters didn't get enough story if it weren't for a COMPLETELY NEW CHARACTER to be thrown in which NO ONE needed. Without Xion, I might even have liked the story, but she turned it into much more of a cliché than I was able to bear. And it was sooooo overly dramatic. What do we know about her (not from the manga but the game) that isn't sobby and sad and emolike? Oh, nothing. Cool.

2. The impression we got from KH2 was drastically different from 358/2 days. Roxas felt a little more serious. He was darker, he had motives already in kh2. A person who wanted to know more about the keyblade, became a zombie like character who just got surprised. Controlling the samurai nobodies was also a let down. but i'll touch on that in a later point. What Roxas was in kh2 and what Roxas was in 358/2 days was completely polar.

I found Roxas to be extremely stupid in Days. When everyone knew what was going on in the Organization - and I mean...everyone! - he was like: "Ha lulz. I has no idae watz goin on hehe". -.-

4. feels like fans wrote this story. and not even the loyal ones who know how to write. i see so much potential of answering or further developing the mysteries of the organization by "REMOVING" Xion.

Kind of true as well. "Ohmigawd we need another dramatic triangle relationship or the story will be boring. And let there be lots, millions of tears! And let's not focus on any character we made the fans interested in but instead a new one x3". Yeah. Sounds like bad fanfiction to me.

5. Gameplay is incredibly repetitive. constantly replaying missions over and over and over. sure some of them are interesting when you want to gain access to areas you couldn't before. But the fact that you can't traverse wherever you want (at least in the world that never was) makes it frustrating. Enemies are annoying. The characters are terribly unbalanced. Their limit breaks are horrible to control. Even with the final limit, they barely make damage. the one that does best is anyone with a keyblade (excluding mickey mouse). Some of their stats made sense, but were still practically unusable.

Eww, the gameplay. I hated the panel-system most, although the controls were a pain as well, especially in Neverland. Repetitive games can even be okay - I liked Crisis Core FF VII, even the missions which repeated themselves later on, because the gameplay itself wasn't as bad as in Days.

6. Most of these points fall in the direction that they chose to make the game for DS rather than ps2 or PSP. Having limitations on the game, and also designing it mostly where we have to read script rather than hearing it. The very few cutscenes we barely understood Xion. Whats worst is that we can't play this game, only "watch" it in the HD ReMIX. i just KNEW this was going to be an issue.

Call me insane, but I was happy about that. I never ever want to play this game again and I would have HATED the trophy hunting in it if I had to play through it. Even with better controls, the panel-system just annoyed me to no ends. /:


Jun 25, 2015
Call me insane, but I was happy about that. I never ever want to play this game again and I would have HATED the trophy hunting in it if I had to play through it. Even with better controls, the panel-system just annoyed me to no ends. /:
if they made it for a better system, we could've seen better story, more cutscenes with our favorite characters. and perhaps better gameplay as well. Trophy hunting is fun. Especially if they took BBS and re:coded route.

Edit: imagine for example if we experienced BBS in DS. i'm pretty sure we would've seen more ridiculous things.


Moist with roistering
Jan 16, 2012
1. Characters such as Marluxia, LARXENE, Zexion, and Lexaeus are even more empty than they ever were. I understand, there was a very short time to see them. But they could've build something more. We could've seen conversations between Marluxia and Larxene while Roxas was around. Or how Zexion and Lexaeus interact. We could have also seen some flashbacks into something relevant about them. i admit i liked Saix a little more, but not enough to say it was amazing.

3. XION! she is an interesting character at best, but i hold absolutely no love for someone who is just there to recycle plot. i guarantee if there was more voice acting, her character would seem even MORE empty just because we can see her get emotional all day, but not really do something unique that tells us what kind of person she is. She really really bothers me because theres this level of gender-issue when in the end she looks like sora at the end. It just throws me off. She should've just had Sora's voice.
Adding to this, Xion basically stole screen time from other characters. Days would have being a good opportunity to flesh out the Org. XIII members but instead we're given a new one whom we're supposed to feel bad for or whatever.
I do like her but my opinion on her is the same as Genesis from Crisis Core, a good character that could have worked great in a completely different game, but is only unnecessary here.

Honestly, tweak her character and I think Xion could've worked better if she was a girl Roxas met during a mission (or on vacation) instead of her being a Replica. Roxas and her would still bond but with her not being in the Organization she wouldn't be constantly involved with the story.

2. The impression we got from KH2 was drastically different from 358/2 days. Roxas felt a little more serious. He was darker, he had motives already in kh2. A person who wanted to know more about the keyblade, became a zombie like character who just got surprised. Controlling the samurai nobodies was also a let down. but i'll touch on that in a later point. What Roxas was in kh2 and what Roxas was in 358/2 days was completely polar.
I feel how Roxas was in 358/2 Days worked for the most part. He was a new Nobody with no memories so him being a zombie at first (and being surprised by things) made sense. He was essentially a new born. And as the story continued he was slowly becoming the Roxas we know in KHII.
But I see your point.

7. Had plenty of room to show off the transition between kh1 and kh2. worlds like Nightmare before christmas and seeing Jack discover christmas town. OR how Hercules and Meg met. Yes, we got to see Beast's castle, but nothing else. would've been nice to see Roxas actually meet Namine before kh2 too since KH2 barely touched on their relationship (but hinted far more).
I agree on all of that.

8. Regardless if this game was relevant or not, could've done far more to hint something. First could've hinted DiZ's research and placing it in Sora. Second, could've hinted Organization's true goal (they sort of did when Saix said that there were only meant to have 13 seats (members)). Really could've build on the relationship with Xemnas and the mysterious armor too. See it speak with it a lot more.
And this, too.

That does explain why Xemnas was so ineffective at doing anything damaging because there is only so much meddling you can do sitting in an empty room all day.
Well, he's attribute is "nothing" after all.
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Mar 9, 2008
Fudgemintguardian said:
Honestly, tweak her character and I think Xion could've worked better if she was a girl Roxas met during a mission (or on vacation) instead of her being a Replica. Roxas and her would still bond but with her not being in the Organization she wouldn't be constantly involved with the story.
This would've been a thousand times more interesting than what we got.

If it's any consolation, I read somewhere that even Nomura ​doesn't like the game. Can't find the exact quote though.

I know he didn't intend to make it but this is the first I've heard that one.
He apparently never planned to make Chain of Memories, Days, Coded or DDD.


Jun 25, 2015
Basically all the ones not on sony . Still.....when he plans for side games, it would be great if he made sure everything was solid


Mar 9, 2008
Basically all the ones not on sony . Still.....when he plans for side games, it would be great if he made sure everything was solid

He may have figured it solid. He makes the ideas but writers make the script after all. I like Coded most of the side titles because it didn't try to make me care (Days), didn't try to force importanc or connections between characters with unnecessary concepts (BBS) nor was it complicated (DDD).
Just a light hearted title. If he was gonna be forced to do side titles that's the approach he should've taken to all of them. Just short fun games to cater to his higher ups pushing titles.


Mar 9, 2008
A game doesn't need some long or deep story to be good. Doesn't even have to expand or be much revelvant. It is a game first and foremost. It needs to be fun.
If story is mostly your focus then your better off sticking to narratives like shows or movies.

Besides given how the stories of the games we did turned out would your rather have that much focus on a handheld story?

To be honest Days would've been done better if it was solely a story. Like some novel or an expanded manga.
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Jun 25, 2015
And coded was somewhat fun......but you misunderstand for a story driven. It hurts the overall entertainmemt . You just can't separate it. It's exactly why kh3D isn't loved as much as it couldve. Coded and days could still be story driven, but coded should've not been so relevant to future plot.

Precursor Mar

New member
Dec 17, 2014
On the Hydra's back
Days' core gameplay isn't bad, it was just hindered by the DS's limitations. I'm sure if they remade it on console or even modern handhelds (and made some changes to the panel system) it would be on par with the numbered titles.


Jun 25, 2015
i can't take your word for it when "this" just happened. (over nothing really). To this day, he claims he didn't misunderstand...but he continues to. He is focusing on the aspect of Gameplay is first priority, story second. That point is irrelevant in my book. My main point of what the problem is that the stories are not "isolated". Similar to VCAST. Or in better terms that the stories try to be involved and add something new to the equation (of the story).

For example: Re:Coded is a game where its all about figuring out the torment. ONly to find out its amessage that they need to come back. It could've easily had a self-contained ending. Such as the journal suffering its own torment, and then needing to fix it. No other secret message, not the main reason why Mickey sent out a message. WHich is why i hate coded almost as much as days.

But days i hate for the same reasons with the additional that it could've still be relevant just by staying what was already introduced and keeping what will hint towards kh3.


Bronze Member
May 28, 2015
You could've asked nicer than that. Now sticking to the topic, like you said.

Days' core gameplay isn't bad, it was just hindered by the DS's limitations. I'm sure if they remade it on console or even modern handhelds (and made some changes to the panel system) it would be on par with the numbered titles.
The DS's limitations wasn't very well..... limited. But I can see your point. If only Square would make all their games for both Nintendo and Sony platforms, then it would be a brilliant idea. Too bad, it may never happen.


Jun 25, 2015
The DS's limitations wasn't very well..... limited. But I can see your point. If only Square would make all their games for both Nintendo and Sony platforms, then it would be a brilliant idea. Too bad, it may never happen.

I don't think its square's fault. but i do believe if SE pushed to make a game for a more higher quality system, they would've pushed for a less intrusive yet highly relevant game.


Bronze Member
May 28, 2015
I don't think its square's fault. but i do believe if SE pushed to make a game for a more higher quality system, they would've pushed for a less intrusive yet highly relevant game.
I don't really like Square jumping from console to console, but if it isn't their fault, I can't blame them. They could still find another way.


Jun 25, 2015
Well I do blame them from jumping consoles to consoles. I just don't blame them for not being able to be multiplatform for each game up until kh3


Bronze Member
May 28, 2015
Well I do blame them from jumping consoles to consoles. I just don't blame them for not being able to be multiplatform for each game up until kh3
KH3 is a good start. Let's hope they keep it that way.
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