Hey KHinsider,
I am doing some stuff for some REALLY REALLY good friends of mine, and providing video and translations of the video. I am preforoming tests beofire I actually record the KH2 footage. and there is one litle thing... I have been able to mkae the Playstation 2 video appear on the digital screen...BUT HOW DO I RECORD?!?!?!?!? I WOULD VERY VERT MYCH APPRECIATE ANYONE WHO CAN HELP ME WITH THIS!!!
I am doing some stuff for some REALLY REALLY good friends of mine, and providing video and translations of the video. I am preforoming tests beofire I actually record the KH2 footage. and there is one litle thing... I have been able to mkae the Playstation 2 video appear on the digital screen...BUT HOW DO I RECORD?!?!?!?!? I WOULD VERY VERT MYCH APPRECIATE ANYONE WHO CAN HELP ME WITH THIS!!!