That's what I assumed, yea. It's my mission of course also to collect all the Organization medals
Meanwhile I'll probably have to wait it out (an unfortunate circumstance due to there being 0 ap but what can you do) and focus on figuring out how to guilt medals, that's one concept I'm still trying to understand.
It's hard to be casual in Unchained
On Medals 3 Star and above there are Dots in the bar with the Special Attack. If you "fuse" two medals of the same exact type and rank via Level Up (Like say, using a 3 Star Paine when leveling up another 3 Star Paine), it fills in one of the Dots. 6 Star Medals have 5 and, after clearing Mission 100, a square with a symbol inside. The NA version calls it Special Attack Bonus, but the same mechanic was called Guilt in PC Chi, so it stuck with the fanbase. SAB is carried when evolving Medals, so adding in the dots while they're 3-5 Star is easier than getting 7 of the same Medal to 6 Star and then fusing them. It's easier to do with the free medals that randomly drop from Story missions, so something like one of the Gullwings or Wakka will most likely be the first medal you Guilt.
Guilting also has 4 Tiers that 6 Stars fall under, based on the symbol in the square. Since I don't have pics, I'll just call them "Blades", since they look like curved blades. Each tier's symbol is a mixture of Blades in a single symbol, 1 for Tier 1, 2 for Tier 2, a triangular one for Tier 3, and a 4 point shuriken-like object for Tier 4. The bonuses are as follow. Sadly I don't exactly remember the minimum for Tiers 2 and 3, but I'm fairly certain of the numbers.
Tier 1: 10-25% Bonus Damage
Tier 2: 30-50%
Tier 3: 70-100%
Tier 4: 100-130% (Basically guaranteed 2x damage or higher for the Special Attack)
The amount you can get is random, but always within those numbers for the Guilt Tier. If you don't get max off the bat, you can Fuse another of the medal to it to "reroll" the Guilt and try to get it higher. Best part is it cannot go lower, but it can also not go up if the RNG is stubborn. In that case, using a Magic Mirror Medal will force the Guilt to go up by 1%.
As an additional note, there's a Medal in the Japanese version called Mickey and Brooms that adds in a Dot and thus makes it much easier to obtain Guilt and even reroll it, and is borderline required to Guilt Epic Medals, especially the Super Rares, unless you have an obscenely large bank account. It hasn't released in the International version yet (The only possible reason I can think of is greed at this point), but hopefully we'll get it soon. The Brooms Medals first appeared in the Colesium in JP, so we should see it poo up next month. Hopefully. It had better.