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Why do Roxas and Namine look differant to Sora and Kairi while...

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New member
Oct 6, 2015
The Organization members look the same? and If Axel is Lea's somebody..where was Lea? was he trapped in Axel's body or was he somewhere else oblivious? why wasn’t he around like Roxas or Namine?


New member
Nov 18, 2015
betwixt & between
"lea" was a heartless, that's how axel was formed, because his heart became a heartless, giving birth to axel. sora and kairi existing as people while their nobodies also existed were special cases. normally, the "somebody" remains in a heartless form.

roxas and naminé look different because of the influence of Ven's heart.
Jun 6, 2014
East of England, Buried in a Void of Non-Existence
You might be a little bit confused here; Lea is Axel's somebody, not the other way around. When people turn into Heartless, if they had strong hearts, their bodies become sentient and that is how the Nobody is made. So it's not like Lea's body was gone, because his body became Axel. When Axel was destroyed near Kingdom Hearts II's climax, his heart and body reunited (somewhere, I guess) and Lea was restored in Radiant Garden, where he lost his heart ten years prior.

Roxas and Naminé are specified to be unique several times throughout Kingdom Hearts. Roxas looks different to Sora because he has Ventus' heart, which was inside of Sora at the time the latter became a Heartless. Because Sora was restored by Kairi very shortly after this, his memories didn't transfer to Roxas. Outside of sharing his appearance and heart, however, Ventus doesn't have much influence on Roxas himself, and he is considered his own person with his own heart, regardless.
Naminé is a considerably different case, however. While she was created from Kairi's heart, she was also made of Sora's body and soul, in the same instance that created Roxas. As a result, she has none of Kairi's memories, and has influence over Sora's memories. Her appearance, in this case and as far as I can imagine, is most likely one based off of Sora's memories of Kairi, but without coming from Kairi's body she only shares a vague resemblance.

I probably didn't explain this very well, and I'm sure someone else can do it much better than I did, but I hope this helps a little bit. :)


Dec 11, 2013
Right behind you
The reason Sora and Roxas and Kairi and Namine don't look alike or anything like that is because they are special cases.

The basic rule in KH for this sort of thing is that when a person gives into the darkness they get split into 2 pieces, a heartless and a nobody. The heartless holds onto the heart and the nobody is the body that's left over. So the original person pretty much ceases to exist while his nobody and heartless are running around doing whatever. So no, Lea is not trapped in Axel or anything like that. Lea came back into existence after his nobody Axel (aka Lea's body) and his heartless were both defeated.

Now for Sora and Roxas. So When Sora became a heartless in KH1 Roxas was the empty shell leftover when Sora lost his heart. He looks different because Sora had another heart residing in him, Ventus's heart. That's why Roxas looks like Ventus which is different than Sora of course. So you're probably still wondering why Sora was able to exist pretty much at the sae time as Roxas. This is because Kairi brought Sora back from being a heartless. Sora doesn't actually have his body back. He's basically a walking heart. I know how that sounds, just accept it.

Now for Kairi and Namine. So Kairi is a princess of light so under normal conditions she can't create a heartless or a nobody. However we don't have normal conditions. Kairi's heart was inside of Sora for most of KH1. When Sora released her heart from him, the process of her heart being released from a normal person caused a nobody to form. So when Sora stabbed himself with Riku's Keyblade in Hollow Bastion he created 2 special nobodies from the same event.


Hell yeah
Jul 5, 2015
It should be noted that other Nobodies aside from Roxas and Namine look different from their original selves, although the differences are much smaller and less obvious. As a matter of fact, Lea's missing those weird markings beneath his eyes, so he actually doesn't
look the same as Axel.

Seems to me like under normal circumstances, when a Nobody and the corresponding Heartless are destroyed, the Nobody's accumulated experiences are integrated into the re-completed Somebody. This is likely what happened to Lea and most of the others. This didn't happen with Roxas or Namine because they both formed distinct identities, didn't really identify as their originals, and weren't destroyed or recombined with a Heartless when they returned to their Somebodies.


New member
Sep 25, 2006
sora is weird, because he's basically everybody. it might be easier to start off talking about axel...

lea was a somebody! you get to meet him in the game BBS, and sometime after that he and his friend isa (saix) became "nobodies."
when you become a nobody, your body retains your memories (a nobody) while your heart becomes a heartless.
there was some rumors going around in the early days that i'm pretty sure was never confirmed as canon, basically saying that in order to become a somebody again, both your heartless and your nobody had to be defeated (by a keyblade most likely?). a friend of mine named kupomog and i use to joke that axel's heartless must have been dark thorn:

that guy! haha. that is also not canon, it's just that the hair is a bit uncanny so the thought was funny.

but roxas and namine aren't really sora's and kairi's nobodies. the hypothesis gets a little convoluted here...
roxas and namine both look like a guy named ventus. you also meet him in BBS. he's a cute little mofo who will break your heart, just like roxas.

at the end of BBS, certain events lead to ventus and sora linking their hearts. this is hella useful as it preserves ventus' unconscious body out there somewhere, AND gives sora his dual wielding keyblade ability!

regardless of ventus' looks.... roxas and namine aren't really ventus' nobody either. they were both created when sora released his heart and kairi's heart at the end of kh1. kairi and sora both, however, returned to being somebodies shortly after this event.

so the two, roxas and namine, now exist entirely outside the same conditions axel did. neither of them have their "originals" memories, neither of them exist in their "originals" body, and neither of them can really return to being one with their original.

this is because they have coinciding existences. when axel and his heartless returned into being lea, lea came into existence again at that point.
but because sora and kairi were existing PRIOR to the final merger of nobody/heart that roxas and namine didn't really do either, their splintered personalities grew into being different people.

i still have doubts that namine had anything to do with kairi at all, but as for roxas - that's where the whole revelation in kh3d comes from. sora relents to roxas that roxas was his own person, melting the hearts of probably only me.

like.. when sora became a heartless and roxas was created, where did sora's body actually go? we saw him floating in the darkness, but i'm pretty sure that was just his image. his body is just spurned into existence again when kairi reaches his heart!

what would have happened if we could have reached leas heart before defeating axel? would lea and axel have become splintered personalities as well?
i would have thought a definite no, citing ventus as the pure reason for roxas and namine, except for the missing body of sora.

mainly what you need to understand about kh:
none of it will ever make any sense. any theories you read on the internet are basically concentrated bullshit. nomura will continue to do whatever sounds best at the time and drive us all insane trying to reason it.


Mar 9, 2008
there was some rumors going around in the early days that i'm pretty sure was never confirmed as canon, basically saying that in order to become a somebody again, both your heartless and your nobody had to be defeated (by a keyblade most likely?)
It wasn't a rumor but a statement from an interview released after KH2FM. However we didn't see the process actually happen until DDD when so many people returned like Lea or Braig.
It doesn't have to be the keyblade specifically the heart just needs to be freed permanently from the heartless form. Usually the keyblade is the only known means to do this but Diz's machine in KH2 seems too have had a similar effect on Riku when it freed him of Xehanort's Heartless.

Also your missing a component to your nobody makeup. It's memories, body and soul. Soul is what gives bodies life in the series. The soul keeps the body animated and the memories give it a will.


Dec 11, 2013
Right behind you
mainly what you need to understand about kh:
none of it will ever make any sense. any theories you read on the internet are basically concentrated bullshit. nomura will continue to do whatever sounds best at the time and drive us all insane trying to reason it.

This is so true. Nomura is just an overpaid troll. Spread the word.
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